Music & Math: NumbersComposer Shruthi Rajasekar was inspired to write a piece of music that helps us explore and think about all the ways numbers influence our lives.
Music & Geography: Polar RegionsLearn a little about the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Listen to some musical pieces inspired by these places!
Music & Literacy: Create a Musical StoryLiteracy meets music in this creative, hands-on lesson. Use favorite books and vocal and instrument exploration to create a musical soundtrack.
Music & Geography: Around the WorldMusic is a cultural expression. Visit different regions around the world to learn about unique genres of music and their core characteristics.
Music & Science: PendulumsLearn the science behind pendulums and how composer Steve Reich used pendulums to create a unique piece of music.
Music & Geography: Maps! (Part One)Understand different types of maps and consider what it means to map out a piece of music.
Music & Geography: Maps! (Part Two)Build on your understanding of musical mapping to create an instrument map for Bach's Brandenburg Concerto #2. This is part two of a two-lesson series.
Music & Math: CryptogramsCryptograms are puzzles and can also be used as a way to structure a musical composition. For elementary and middle school students.
Music & Art: "Pictures at an Exhibition"Experience Modest Mussorgsky’s art-influenced musical masterpiece, “Pictures at an Exhibition.”
Music & Art: Compose Your Own MusicCompose your own music inspired by a piece of art! Suitable, with modifications, for all ages.
Music & Literacy: PoetryPoetry and music have so much in common! Connect to poetry while listening to some poetry-inspired pieces of music. For grades K-6.
Music & Art: A Trip to the Museum!Compare and contrast elements in both visual art and music in this virtual field trip to an art museum.