
Multi-Asset and System Assessment (MASA)

The Multi-Asset and System Assessment (MASA) is an interactive decision analysis tool intended for systems or campuses with a single owner to assess the enterprise as a whole and its individual assets.
Task type
Increase your resilience
Readiness Level


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) conducts a MASA in collaboration with the infrastructure owner of the enterprise and various assets. The Protective Security Advisor leads the coordination and includes support staff from multiple organizations as needed to complete all phases of the MASA. The assessment is conducted through a series of webinars, or onsite visits, or some combination of both.


The final product is a navigable output report that contains the key findings with interactive maps, charts and graphs.  These show the enterprise and asset data summary, vulnerabilities and options for consideration and how the assets are ranked based on criticality to enterprise operations.

Contact Information

To learn more about MASA assessments, please contact [email protected].