CISA YouTube Privacy Policy and Notice

Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA or Agency) will use this YouTube feed for external relations (communications/outreach/public dialogue), to make information and services widely available to the general public, and promote transparency and accountability. CISA External Affairs serves as the executive agent for the CISA YouTube feed and controls who at the Agency has access to make changes to the page. The CISA YouTube feed is not intended to be a means by which CISA and the general public will communicate about individual matters.

YouTube is a third-party social networking tool and its privacy policy can be found at The DHS privacy policy and Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) govern the website's use of YouTube from a privacy perspective. The DHS privacy policy can be found at The DHS PIA “Use of Social Networking Interactions and Applications,” September 16, 2010, can be found at

CISA will not use this YouTube feed to: 1) actively seek personally identifiable information (PII); 2) search YouTube for or by PII; and 3) “follow” public users proactively. CISA will use this YouTube feed to: 1) establish user names and passwords to form profiles and 2) interact on YouTube on official Agency business. YouTube users can choose to view videos on the CISA YouTube page, which will provide them with the information DHS delivers on CISA YouTube.

Only CISA provides content through CISA YouTube. The information posted on this YouTube page is available to the individual posting and to any and all users on the CISA YouTube page.

This section was last reviewed / modified on July 16, 2021.