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This is an early draft: Please send any feedback you might have to Jeremy Orlow <[email protected]> or [email protected].


The IndexedDB API implements a persistent (across browser/machine restarts) database that is quite stripped down. It is built upon "Object Stores" (btrees of key->value pairs) and Indexes (btrees of key->object store record). It includes an async API for use in pages and both an async and a sync API for workers.

The latest editors draft of the spec can be found here: And there's a lot of discussion currently happening on [email protected].

At the time of this writing the following are major changes that will probably happen to the spec in the near term:

  1. The async API will probably be changed to a callback based one.
  2. The async API should be available from workers.
  3. Composite indexes will probably be added.
  4. External indexes will probably be removed (indexes not attached to a object store).
  5. Inverted indexes will hopefully be added so it's possible to efficiently implement full text search.

Q: Why this over LocalStorage?

A: LocalStorage is inherently racy or a parallelism disaster, depending on whether or not you're willing to implement the "storage mutex" described in the spec. Chromium has decided not to implement it. WebKit itself is single thread/process (i.e. no parallelism period).

Q: Why this over WebSQLDatabase?

A: Microsoft and Mozilla have made it very clear they will not implement SQL in the browser. If you want to argue this is silly, talk to them, not me.

Note: Most of this design doc is talking about work inside WebKit/WebCore since most of the implementation will exist there. At the bottom, there is discussion of Chromium specific plumbing.

Threading model:

All database processing will happen on a background thread. The reasons are as follows: Both workers and pages will be able to access IndexedDB and thus it's possible that two different WebKit threads may have the same database open at the same time. Database access will result in file IO and we need to ensure that we never block the main thread. There's no way to re-use worker threads (even if we wanted to) because their lifetimes may be shorter than that of the opened database. In addition, sharing things across threads is particularly difficult and dangerous in WebKit. So, the easiest way to mitigate this is to do all database work on its own thread.

Up for debate is whether we should have one IndexedDB thread, one per origin, or one per database. Originally I was leaning towards one per database since threads are cheap and we should let the OS do its thing in terms of IO scheduling, but this may be excessive. Either way, I'd like to design so that we can split things up thread wise if we choose to in the future.

A side effect of having all work take place on a background thread is that we can share almost all of the code between the sync and async versions of the API. To make this simpler, I'm planning on creating a class like what follows to link code running on a background thread to either the sync or async messages happening on the main/worker threads.

// This is a class that abstracts away the idea of having another thread offer a

// "promise" to give a particular return value, go off and do the processes, and then

// send a message which either triggers asynchronous callbacks or unblocks the thread

// and returns a result. This class is not threadsafe, so be sure to only call it from

// the thread it's created on.

template <typename ResultType>

class AsyncReturn<ResultType> : RefCounted<ResultType> {


// Provide async callbacks to be used in the event of a success or error.

// You should only call this or syncWaitForResult, and you should only call

// either one once.

void setAsyncCallbacks(PassOwnPtr<ScriptExecutionContext::Task> successCallback,

PassOwnPtr<ScriptExecutionContext::Task> errorCallback);

// Block execution until a result or an exception is returned. This will run

// a WorkerRunLoop (sync is only available on workers) with the mode set to only

// process tasks from our background thread. You should only call this or

// setAsyncCallbacks, and you should only call either one once. If an exception

// is set, the returned pointer will be 0.

PassOwnPtr<ResultType> syncWaitForResult(OwnPtr<IDBDatabaseException>*);

// Called on success. If there's anything in the queue, starts a one shot timer

// on m_timer.

void setResult(PassOwnPtr<Type>);

// Called on error. If there's anything in the queue, starts a one shot timer on

// m_timer.

void setError(PassOwnPtr<IDBError>);


// Function called by our timer. Calls the proper callback.

void onTimer(Timer*);

// Only one of the following should ever be set. These are necessary even in

// sync mode because it's possible for syncWaitForResult to be called after

// the response has reached us. These are zeroed out again when passed to the

// callback or returned via syncWaitForResult.

OwnPtr<Foo> m_result;

OwnPtr<IDBDatabaseError> m_error;

// When this fires, we'll call the proper callback. Only for async usage.

Timer m_timer;

// Only one of these is ever used and only during async usage.

OwnPtr<ScriptExecutionContext::Task> m_successCallback;

OwnPtr<ScriptExecutionContext::Task> m_errorCallback;

// Used so we can assert this class is only used in one way or another.

bool m_asyncUsage;

bool m_syncUsage;


Class structure:

In the spec, each interface has an async and a sync counterpart. In most cases, they share a common base class. The sync version has a "Sync" suffix and the async version has a "Request" suffix. Thus the following is fairly common:

interface Foo

Interface FooRequest : Foo

interface FooSync : Foo

In most cases, FooRequest and FooSync are almost identical except in terms of the return types. For sync, the methods usually return values. For the other, they call callbacks which pass the values in as a parameter. (The current event based API has you set event handlers that are shared by all requests and make a call. So it is like the callback interface except only one call can be inflight at a time. Plus the syntax is ugly.)

In WebKit, my plan is to call the base class FooBase, but otherwise implement the IDLs exactly as specced. So, I'll implement things as if the structure was as follows:

interface FooBase

interface FooRequest : FooBase

interface FooSync : FooBase

FooRequest and FooSync are very similar. The only difference is in their return values and whether they block. Since we're doing all real work on the background thread anyway, it makes sense for our sync and async APIs to run the same code and simply use the above AsyncReturn class to signal completion in both cases.

Both FooRequest and FooSync will have a pointer to a Foo class. This Foo class will have all the same methods as FooRequest and FooSync except it'll return an AsyncReturn<Type> instance. FooSync will then call syncWaitForResult() which will run the WorkerRunLoop with the mode set to only accept messages from a background thread (much like WebSockets and sync XHR) while waiting for the response. FooRequest will call setAsyncCallbacks and use those to call the proper javascript callback when the result is ready.

For browsers that use multiple processes (like Chromium) there needs to be some way to detach the central backend from various frontends (in Chromium terms, the browser process and the various renderer processes). We'll do this by making all the Foo classes abstract interfaces and having the actual implementations be FooImpl classes.

Each Foo class will have a .cpp file with a single static method in it: a constructor. For normal WebKit, that will call FooImpl::create. For multi-process implementations, they can omit this file from their build and instead have Foo::create return a proxy object which implements the Foo interface but which actually sends messages across processes.

So, to recap, for each type of interface in the IDLs (for example, IDBObjectStore____) we'll have the following classes:

Because all objects either are tied 100% to the thread they're created on (FooSync/FooRequest/FooBase) or exist completely on the background thread (Foo), object lifetimes and how they're destroyed should be fairly easy. This is even true in the face of the page cache. When a page is suspended, we should pause all of it's callbacks. Ideally, we'd cancel all currently running operations and restart if/when the page comes back, but it's not necessary for correctness. All in all, the threading model should make page cache integration fairly straightforward. During early development, however, we'll probably just have canSuspend return false to keep things simple.

When we open an indexed database, we'll need to call the chrome client to see if it's allowed.

Disk based tree implementation possibilities:

I often say "btree" but really a B+Tree, B*Tree, B-Tree, etc, etc could all work, and I'm not married to any particular one.

I haven't done much research into which would be best here or (more importantly) which library to use but seems like a major possibility. If all else fails, we can probably use the implementation in some existing product (that's license compatible) like SQLite.

If you have thoughts on this, please send me suggestions!

I'm not exactly sure how we'll integrate such a library with WebKit. If it's small, we might be able to simply check it in. If it's large.....ideas?

Chromium side of the implementation:

The communication from WebCore in the renderer to WebCore in the browser is all fairly straightforward (and will look much like how we implemented LocalStorage/SessionStorage), but the reverse needs to happen completely via async callbacks/tasks. To handle this cleanly/efficiently, we'll need to add some notion of "tasks" to the Chromium WebKit API (like WebCore::GenericWorkerTask and Chromium's Task/RunnableMethod classes). We'll also have FooProxy classes in WebCore that implement the Foo interface and which proxy all calls through to the WebKit layer, much like in LocalStorage/SessionStorage.

Here are the various layers of calls (from renderer to browser):

WebCore::FooProxy (implements WebCore::Foo)

WebKit::RendererWebFooImpl (implements WebKit::WebFoo)

<-- IPC -->


WebKit::WebFooImpl (implements WebKit::WebFoo)

WebCore::FooImpl (implements WebCore::Foo)

Note the symmetry and how we're essentially just trying to connect WebCore (in the renderer) to WebCore (in the browser process).

In addition to the standard set of classes, we'll need a couple special ones.

delete mesages

Lets take IDBDatabaseRequest::openObjectStore() as an example:

So now there's an async message in flight to the browser process and a chain of callbacks/tasks set up to fire a callback or allow execution to continue inside the browser process.

So now a reply message is en route to the renderer.

This same process happens for each object type--except for IndexedDatabase since it's a singleton and the entrypoint to the whole API. It'd be created as follows: