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Managed Storage API

Proposal Date

June 27 2012

Who is the primary contact for this API? [email protected] Who will be responsible for this API?

Chrome Enterprise team: [email protected], [email protected]

Overview This is a proposal to extend the storage API (proposal, API) to add support for managed values that can be set by an administrator, allowing the administrator to configure extensions for their domains.

Extensions will have a new 'managed' namespace under '' that is read-only and provides the values of the settings configured by the administrator for that extension.

Use cases

Many features of Chrome can be configured using policies. We'd like to give administrators the capability to further customize Chrome for their deployments by allowing them to not only force extensions to be installed, but also to configure them. Some examples:

Many of these scenarios can be achieved by creating a custom extension with the desired features; we'd like to simplify that by allowing generic extensions to be configured via the policy mechanisms.

Do you know anyone else, internal or external, that is also interested in this API? Administrators often post feature requests on the bug tracker, and some of them could be served by extensions. There are also management scenarios on ChromeOS that would benefit from this feature. Could this API be part of the web platform?

That's not planned at this stage. In the future we might consider another proposal to also manage preferences for a website, possibly through the localStorage API. Do you expect this API to be fairly stable? How might it be extended or changed in the future? We expect these modified APIs to be stable and don't foresee any further changes. They are also designed with compatibility with existing extensions in mind.

If multiple extensions used this API at the same time, could they conflict with each others? If so, how do you propose to mitigate this problem? Each extension can only read its own stored settings, so we don't expect this to introduce conflicts. List every UI surface belonging to or potentially affected by your API: This proposal does not introduce new UI. Actions taken with extension APIs should be obviously attributable to an extension. Will users be able to tell when this new API is being used? How?

The modified APIs don't results in any browser-side actions, as they are purely informational to the extension. The only user-visible aspect of this API is the local storage view in the resources inspector. However, managed settings will not be shown there, since they come from the policy system and are not persisted in local storage.

How could this API be abused? This is a read-only API that is only meant to allow extensions to read managed settings that have been set explicitly for the requesting extension.

Imagine you’re Dr. Evil Extension Writer, list the three worst evil deeds you could commit with your API (if you’ve got good ones, feel free to add more): No idea how this can be abused, really. What security UI or other mitigations do you propose to limit evilness made possible by this new API? No need for this is foreseen. Alright Doctor, one last challenge: Could a consumer of your API cause any permanent change to the user’s system using your API that would not be reversed when that consumer is removed from the system?


How would you implement your desired features if this API didn't exist? Administrators could roll their own extension and push an extension update when they want to modify the extension's behavior. This isn't as flexible as the existing policy mechanisms, and would require the developer of the extension to roll their own policy delivery mechanism. Many administrators also don't have the technical skills or resources to create their own extensions or to maintain a fork of a pre-made extension.

Another possibility would be to implement a "native" Chrome policy that supports the administrator's use case, but it is not reasonable to introduce a new policy for every corner case. Allowing policy to override the storage settings of some extensions greatly broadens the customizability of Chrome for administrators.

Draft API spec This proposal involves a backend modification and an extension to the existing storage API.

On the backend, a new storage API implementation will be added that pulls values from the policy service for the particular extension, when available. These values are exposed in the 'managed' namespace. The 'managed' namespace is similar to 'local' and 'sync', but is a read-only namespace.

The callback of storage.get currently gets an object mapping a setting key to its value. It will be extended to receive a second object that maps a setting key to an object with metadata about that setting (existing code can still work with the first argument only). For now, the only well-known metadata key will be "policyLevel", which takes the value "mandatory" or "recommended". This indicates whether the administrator would like the value to be enforced, or if it is just a suggested default that the user can override. The metadata object can be extended in the future to include other details (for example, the sync version).

Other remarks: