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Chromium Specification Mentors

Quick link: mentor request form


Introducing a new feature to the web platform requires writing a specification, which is a separate skill set from writing code. It involves API design, cross-company collaboration, and balancing the needs of the web's various stakeholders.

Specification mentors apply their experience in this area to ensure that explainers and specifications put out by the Chromium project are of high quality and ready to present to the world. For folks new to the standardization process, mentors can provide guidance and review. And for those who are already experienced, mentors provide the equivalent of code review: a second perspective to help raise questions early or spot things you might have missed.

This process aims to improve the quality of explainers and specifications, and thus uphold the Chromium project's commitment to an open, interoperable, and well-designed web platform. It should also make the process of launching a new feature more predictable and less painful for Chromium engineers.

For feature owners

Pairing up with your mentor

Before sending an Intent to Prototype, you are encouraged to find a spec mentor to work with. They can review your explainer, as well as the Intent to Prototype itself, to make sure your feature is presenting a good face to the world.

For Googlers, a specification mentor is required at this stage. For other Chromium contributors, you're welcome to reach out if you find one helpful.

To find a specification mentor, you can draw upon your existing contacts (e.g., your team lead or coworkers), or you can fill out our form with the relevant information. In the latter case, we will get back to you with a proposed mentor within 2 business days; we want to make sure your Intent to Prototype proceeds as quickly as possible.

What to expect

Your mentor will be available for you to ask questions or ask for reviews throughout the lifetime of your feature. In particular, if you would like someone to review your explainer or specification work, you can collaborate with them directly, e.g. using video calls, GitHub pull request reviews, or Google Docs.

There are three specific points at which you'll want to request detailed specification review from your mentor, so that they can help ensure that your public artifacts are high-quality:

You can also call on your mentor to review the Intents themselves, before you send them off to blink-dev and the scrutiny of the API owners and the wider world.

Your mentor can optionally reply to the Intent to Prototype/Experiment/Ship threads with a summary of how the review went. This can help bolster the API owners' confidence in the explainer or specification. For example:

"The use cases for this feature make a lot of sense. I raised an issue to consider some alternate approaches, and noted a potential privacy risk that should be at least discussed, and ideally mitigated. We agreed to keep these in mind as the prototyping progresses."


"This feature and the proposed API both look good to ship from my perspective. I filed a series of small issues on potential API improvements, which have been incorporated. And we tightened up the specification language around the X algorithm, which now has extensive web platform tests for the previously-ambiguous edge cases."

If all goes well, then by the time you reach the Intent to Ship stage, your explainer and spec will have been refined through mentorship and review to be the best they can be. This will put you in a strong position with regard to some of the most-often-problematic parts of the Intent to Ship, such as the the Interoperability & Compatibility risks section, and thus smooth the path toward API OWNER approval.

For spec mentors

Can I join?

Yes, please do! Becoming proficient in design reviews is a core engineering skill, and one of the best ways to do that is to help other Chromium project members with their explainers and specifications. And it's important for the health of the Chromium community to have as many engineers as possible who understand and can work successfully within the standards process.

If you've ever written an explainer or specification before, you've probably gotten a good amount of feedback from various audiences, both internal and external. That means you're qualified to help others through the same process, to pass on what you have learned. You won't be alone: the other mentors are around to help with anything you're not sure of.

The time commitment for being a specification mentor should be similar to a commensurate amount of Chromium code reviews, i.e., not that bad.

To join the program and start getting assigned features to help mentor, subscribe to our mailing list, at [email protected]. When new features come in, feel free to reply that you'd be willing to help; otherwise, [email protected] will assign features to mentors according to his best judgment.

How do I mentor?

Your job as a spec mentor is to teach a new person how to get through the process of writing a specification for a feature being developed in Chromium, or to improve their knowledge if they've already done it a couple times. You shouldn't write their specification for them. You don't need to help them navigate the parts of the launch process that don't intersect with the standards process. You should try to be aware of their schedule and point out things they're doing too late.

If you ever don't know the answer to a question, mail the other spec mentors at [email protected].

Here's what to do at some key phases of the spec development process:

Starting out

Make sure your feature owner has created a Chrome Status entry and assigned you as their mentor. Being listed as their mentor will allow you to edit their entry.

Reviewing the explainer

Check that the feature's explainer follows the W3C TAG's guidance for writing good explainers, especially by focusing on what problems the feature will solve for end users. Especially in the initial stages, the feature team should be open to adopting alternative solutions, and the explainer should make that clear, e.g., by documenting alternatives considered or calling out areas where better ideas are appreciated. If the feature team seems too attached to their initial design, you should help coach them to be more flexible.

Picking an incubation venue

Migrating to an incubation venue gives potential external contributors assurance about how their suggestions will be treated and what protection they have for using the intellectual property (IP) in the feature's definition. To pick an incubation venue, think about which standards body the feature is eventually likely to migrate to. You don't have to be certain at this stage; things can move around. Each standards body has their own way of doing incubation:

Reviewing the specification

You should do a complete review of the specification between the "dev trials" stage and when the team plans to send their Intent to Ship email, help the team fix any problems you find, and be ready to summarize the specification's quality in the I2S thread or privately to the API owners. The API owners will use your summary in order to inform their decisions about any tradeoffs between schedule pressure and spec quality, but you aren't responsible for making those decisions.

If you're unsure about any of this review, email for help on the [email protected] list, and another mentor will be happy to help you.

Look for the following things, in addition to using your general good judgement and experience with writing specifications:

You're not expected to discover ergonomic issues or aspects of the proposed feature that could make it "bad for the Web", but if you do notice such problems, you should discuss them with the feature team and consider escalating to the API owners. It's also not your responsibility to decide whether a feature should ship despite spec quality issues; just to ensure the decision-makers are aware of any problems.