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Data Products Catalog

Do not forget about the free data available directly from our website including detail by Advanced Technology Products, End-use code, NAICS (North American Classification System) code, SITC (Standard International Trade Classification) code, Country, and State Exports.

Merchandise Trade

  • Exports - U.S. Exports of Domestic and Foreign Merchandise. Presents Harmonized Schedule B commodity code, country of destination, customs district of exportation, method of transportation (air, vessel and containerized vessel), quantity, value, and shipping weight. Record Layout
  • Imports - U.S. Imports for Consumption and General Imports. Presents HTSUSA commodity code, country of origin, customs district of entry and unlading, rate provision, quantity, shipping weight, method of transportation (air, vessel and containerized vessel), and separate value data (customs, c.i.f., import charges, dutiable value, and calculated duty). Record Layout
  • Exports - Annual History - U.S. Exports of Domestic and Foreign Merchandise. Presents Harmonized Schedule B commodity code, country of destination, customs district of exportation, method of transportation, quantity, value, and shipping weight. Record Layout
  • Imports - Annual History - U.S. Imports for Consumption and General Imports. Presents HTSUSA commodity code, country of origin, customs district of entry and unlading, rate provision, quantity, shipping weight, method of transportation, and separate value data (customs, c.i.f., import charges, dutiable value, and calculated duty). Record Layout

State Data

  • State Exports HS6 Database - U.S. exports of domestic and foreign merchandise by origin of movement. Presents state of exportation by origin of movement, six-digit Schedule B commodity code, country of destination, total value, separate value and shipping weight for air, vessel and containerized vessel shipments. Record Layout
  • State Exports NAICS Database - U.S. exports of domestic and foreign merchandise by state of origin of movement. Presents state of exportation by origin of movement, four-digit NAICS commodity code, country of destination, total value, separate value and shipping weight for air, vessel and containerized vessel shipments. Record Layout
  • State Imports HS6 Database - U.S. imports of merchandise by state of ultimate destination. Presents state of ultimate destination, by six-digit HTSUSA commodity code, country of origin, total value, separate value and shipping weight for air, vessel and containerized vessel shipments. Record Layout
  • State Imports NAICS Database - U.S. imports of merchandise by state of ultimate destination. Presents state of ultimate destination, by four-digit NAICS commodity code, country of origin, total value, separate value and shipping weight for air, vessel and containerized vessel shipments. Record Layout

Port Data

  • Port HS6 Database (Exports) - U.S. Exports of Domestic and Foreign Merchandise. Presents district and port of exportation, 6-digit Harmonized Schedule B commodity code, country of destination, method of transportation (air, vessel and containerized vessel), value, and shipping weight. Record Layout
  • Port HS6 Database (Imports) - U.S. Imports of Merchandise. Presents district and port of unlading, 6-digit HTSUSA commodity code, country of origin, method of transportation (air, vessel and containerized vessel), value, and shipping weight. Record Layout

Special Products

  • Textile Summary - Three-Year Summary--Contains quantity and value data of the 3 most current years for U.S. General Imports and U.S. Imports assembled abroad from components produced in the United States (9802) with all corrections applied. Record Layout
  • Special Programs (SPI) Databank - U.S. Imports for Consumption and General Imports for all imports entered under secondary or Census Special Program Indicators. Presents HTSUSA commodity code, country of origin, Primary Indicator, Secondary Indicator, Census Indicator, district of entry, district of unlading, rate provision, quantity, customs value, and U.S. goods value grouped by individual Secondary or Census Program Indicator Code. Record Layout
  • Trade With U.S. Possessions - Shipments of Merchandise From the United States to Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands and Shipments From Puerto Rico to the United States. Presents Harmonized Schedule B commodity code, country, customs district, quantity, value, shipping weight, and method of transportation. Record Layout

Concordance Masters

  • Commodity - Presents the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System for the Tariff Schedules of the United States Annotated (HTSUSA) and Schedule B "Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities Exported From the United States." Correlations are shown for the NAICS, End-use, SITC Revision 3, and Agricultural and Nonagricultural commodity codes. Alphabetic descriptions are provided for commodity codes and units of quantity. Record Layout
  • Geographic - Presents alphabetic descriptions for states, customs districts, ports, and countries. Record Layout
  • Textile - Contains HTS numbers for which there are category codes. Includes fields and factors which are used to convert the reported units-of-quantity to an equivalent square meter. Record Layout

Customized Requests

  • Customized reports are available by special request. The cost will vary depending on the number of months/years and level of detail. We can provide data on any of the classification systems in use by the Foreign Trade division (Harmonized System, NAICS, SITC, End-use, Advanced Technology Products). Reports can show quantity (where available), merchandise value, air and vessel shipping weights and values, by country and customs district. Please note, no information is available by company or individual since congressional law prohibits such disclosure.
  • You may send the details of your request to [email protected] . A member of our staff will then contact you by email or phone. You may also contact us by phone at 1-800-549-0595, option 4, or at 301-763-2239.
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