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What happens if you lose your NEXUS membership

If you fail to comply with all terms and conditions of the NEXUS program, your membership may be cancelled. Find out how long you may need to wait before reapplying.

How you could lose your membership

Any time you enter Canada or the U.S., you may be subject to an inspection. You could lose your membership in the program if an inspection shows that you have violated NEXUS terms and conditions. If you have contravened NEXUS program legislation, your eligibility will be reassessed. If you have violated NEXUS terms and conditions, the CBSA will determine whether you retain your membership.

Negligence, carelessness or lack of knowledge are not acceptable reasons for violating your agreement. That is why it is important that you understand and abide by all NEXUS conditions, including:

You may lose your NEXUS membership if you have been convicted of a criminal offence for which a pardon was not granted, such as impaired driving. You may also lose your membership if you have pending criminal charges without a judicial decision available (or available in the near term).

The reason for the cancellation of your membership will determine how long you will need to wait before reapplying for NEXUS.

Terms and conditions of NEXUS membership

As a NEXUS member, you agree to:

  • comply with all customs and immigrations laws and regulations
  • comply with any other laws and regulations enforced by the CBSA and U.S. Customs Border Protection (CBP)
  • keep your personal information current, including your address, immigration status, passport information and any information that may affect your eligibility
  • recognize your NEXUS card belongs to the Government of Canada and the U.S.
  • report if your NEXUS card is lost or stolen
  • destroy your old NEXUS card when issued a new card

When you travel using your NEXUS privileges, you must:

  • carry your NEXUS membership card
  • possess the appropriate immigration documents (visa, work permit or electronic Travel Authorization)
  • ensure each person in your vehicle or boat has a valid NEXUS membership

When you travel using your NEXUS privileges, you must not:

  • facilitate non-members’ passage through self-serve kiosks, regardless of their age
  • transfer your card to other people
  • have any commercial goods in your possession, including promotional samples
  • possess CAN$10,000 or more of currency and/or monetary instruments

Program legislation

Your NEXUS membership will be cancelled if you fail to comply with all conditions of the NEXUS program, including any of the following laws or regulations:

How long you will need to wait before you reapply

If your membership is cancelled, you will be ineligible to reapply for NEXUS membership for a period of time that is based on the reason for the cancellation. Ineligibility periods for contraventions of program legislation begin on the date the related enforcement action is recorded. If you have been convicted of a criminal offence, the ineligibility period begins once the imposed sentence has been completed. If you have violated the NEXUS terms and conditions, the ineligibility period begins on the day of the violation.

The following table shows each violation of the NEXUS agreement and how many years you will need to wait before you may reapply to the program, if applicable.

Violation of the NEXUS agreement
Violation Years before you may be eligible to reapply

Contravention of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act recorded in the Global Case Management System

10 years

Human smuggling or trafficking as described in Contravention of Part 3 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

Ineligible to reapply

Contravention of the Customs Act resulting in a seizure or ascertained forfeiture recorded in the Integrated Customs Enforcement System

1 to 7 years

Bringing currency equal to or greater than $10,000 CAN into or out of Canada, unless exempt

1 to 7 years

Possession of or importing controlled, restricted or prohibited animals, plants or goods

1 to 7 years

Possession of or importing restricted or prohibited weapons or firearms

1 to 7 years

Summary offence under the Criminal Code of Canada or the equivalent under the Criminal Code of another country Footnote 1

10 years after the sentence has ended

Conviction of an offence involving illegal narcotics

Ineligible to reapply

Conviction of an offence involving controlled drugs or substances

Ineligible to reapply

Conviction of an offence involving weapons

Ineligible to reapply

Conviction of an offence involving child pornography

Ineligible to reapply

Currency offences under the Criminal Code of Canada or the equivalent under the Criminal Code of another country

Ineligible to reapply

Attempting to facilitate or facilitating the entry of a non-member

2 years

Transferring your card to another person

2 years

Failing to declare goods that exceed your personal exemptions or allowances

1 year

Possession of commercial goods, including promotional samples

1 year

Failure to carry appropriate documentation

1 year

Failure to update your immigration status or information that may affect your NEXUS eligibility

1 year

Note Return to footnote 1 referrer: You must provide proof that the conviction was prosecuted summarily (Canada) or as a misdemeanor (U.S.). If you were only charged with an offence, you must provide proof that the charge did not result in a conviction.

Reapplying for NEXUS

If your membership is cancelled because of multiple contraventions of program legislation or violations of the NEXUS terms and conditions, you will be ineligible for the longest period of time, 10 years.

If you reapply for NEXUS membership after having your membership cancelled and violate the program terms and conditions or legislation again, you may be:

  • ineligible for a longer period of time
  • asked to provide fingerprints and undergo a criminal record check

Contact us

For more information, please contact us.

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