Public VOICE

The Public Comment Process

Many governments provide opportunities for the public to express its views on AI related polices. This page summarizes opportunities for public comment, statements that the CAIDP has provided, and the outcomes that resulted. Opportunities for public comment on AI Policy not listed? Please complete form below. 


Note (Spring 2023) - The United States has launched several new request for public comment on AI policy. CAIDP has prepared several webpages to promote public participation in the comment process. The topics and agencies include:

Our new webpages include:

  • Background on the Requests for Commments
  • The formal notice (and deadlines)
  • General advice to commentators
  • Specific recommendations from CAIDP
  • CAIDP reference materials

We strongly encourage public participation in the comments process. But we also expect the agencies to take the comments received seriously. Asking the public to submit comments should not be taken lightly. Agencies do not need to agree with the recommendations they received. But they should provide a "reasoned response" for their decisions.

The OECD and the Public Voice

The Protection and Promotion of Civic Space Strengthening Alignment with International Standards and Guidance
The Protection and Promotion of Civic Space Strengthening Alignment with International Standards and Guidance

The OECD has played a leading role promoting the Pubic Voice in policymaking. As the OECD explains, "The past decade has seen increasing international recognition of civic space as a cornerstone of functioning democracies, alongside efforts to promote and protect it. Countries that foster civic space are better placed to reap the many benefits of higher levels of citizen engagement, strengthened transparency and accountability, and empowered citizens and civil society."


CAIDP strongly supports the recommendations of the OECD to promote public deliberation.



AI Act: Participate in the drawing-up of the first General-Purpose AI Code of Practice (JULY 30, 2024)

AI Act: Have Your Say on Trustworthy GENERAL-PURPOSE AI (July 30, 2024)


THE European AI Office is launching a multi-stakeholder consultation on trustworthy general-purpose AI models under the AI Act. 


Exciting news! As we gear up for the High-level Advisory Body on AI, we're inviting thought leaders, researchers, and enthusiasts to contribute short papers (~2000 words) on pivotal themes:


1️⃣ Key Issues on Global AI Governance: Dive into studies and recommendations that the High-Level Advisory Body on AI should prioritize, especially those needing global governance attention.


2️⃣ Current Efforts in Global AI Governance: Share analyses on bilateral, multilateral, and inter-regional initiatives. We're keen on understanding varying philosophical approaches, critiques, and suggestions.


3️⃣ Models in Global AI Governance: Whether you're analyzing existing models or proposing fresh perspectives, we're all ears. Surveys and analyses of other proposals are also encouraged.


We champion diversity! 🌈 We're eager to hear from a myriad of groups, regions, and methodologies. Your insights will serve as foundational material (with due credit) for the High-Level Advisory Body on AI.


📅 Deadline: 30 September


📧 Submission: Send your paper (hyperlink or PDF) to [email protected]. Ensure your title page has the author(s) details, affiliation, and contact info. If it's an Executive Summary of a more extensive piece, kindly attach the main paper's link.

For its third edition, the CNIL proposes a new “sandbox” to support three projects using artificial intelligence (AI) for the benefit of public services. The call for projects is open until 30 September 2023.




China Seeks Comment on Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services (Posted: April 13, 2023)


Summary: The contents generated through the generative AI must reflect the core value of the society and must not contain content that may subvert state power, overthrow the socialist system, incite secession, undermine national unity, promote terrorism, extremism, ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, violence, obscene or pornographic information, false information, or disrupt economic or social order. The content must not contain any content that is likely to disrupt economic or social order.


Before providing services to the public using a generative artificial intelligence product, a security evaluation must be declared to the State Internet Information Department in accordance with the "Regulations on Security Evaluation of Internet Information Services with Public Opinion Attributes or Social Mobilization Capabilities"(《具有舆论属性或社会动员能力的互联网信息服务安全评估规定》)and the "Algorithm for Internet Information Services Algorithm Declaration and Change/Cancellation Declaration Procedures" in accordance with the "Regulations on Management of Algorithm Recommendation for Internet Information Services" (《互联网信息服务算法推荐管理规定》). (translated by DeepL)


Deadline for comment: May 10, 2023


[Translation - Stanford University, DigiChina]


US NTIA: AI Accountability Policy Request for Comment (posted April 11, 2023)


"NTIA’s AI Accountability Request for Comment” seeks feedback on what policies can support the development of AI audits, assessments, certifications and other mechanisms to create earned trust in AI systems. Much as financial audits create trust in the accuracy of a business’ financial statements, so for AI, such mechanisms can help provide assurance that an AI system is trustworthy. Just as financial accountability required policy and governance to develop, so too will AI system accountability."


CAIDP is recommending that commentators emphasize the need for AI Impact Assessment. This is the core requirement of many emerging frameworks for AI governance, including the UNESCO Recommendation on AI Ethics, the EU AI Act, the Council of Europe AI Treaty, and the ELI AI Guidelines.


Deadline: June 10, 2023



Docket Number



[More information]


UK Parliament: How should autonomous weapons be developed, used and regulated?" (Posted Mar. 23, 2023)


The Artificial Intelligence in Weapons Systems Select Committee publishes its call for evidence. The Committee is inviting the public to give their views on the use of artificial intelligence in weapons systems.

More information


The deadline for responses is 4.00pm on Monday 10 April 2023


Colombia - "Policy guidelines for the development, use and implementation of Artificial Intelligence" (Posted Feb. 15, 2023)


 The Colombian Senate will study a Draft Bill regarding policy guidelines for the development, use and implementation of Artificial Intelligence. It would establish legal definitions, and principles and a Comission on data processing and AI. Comments might be send to the Secretary of the Senate's Sixth Commission.


[More information]

[CAIDP Statement to Colombia on AI Strategy]


UN Seeks Comment on Global Digital Compact (posted Jan. 23, 2023)


"The UN Secretary-General notes in his report “Our Common Agenda” the importance that “the United Nations, Governments, the private sector and civil society come together in a multi- stakeholder digital technology track [...] to agree on a Global Digital Compact” and shape a common vision of digital cooperation.


"In this regard, the road map foresees informal consultations with Member States and Stakeholders. The first such consultations include:

1. Consultation with Member States and Civil Society, Youth and Academia on February 3, 2023.

2. Consultation with Member States, the Private Sector and the Technical Community on February 10, 2023.


" . .  .Stakeholders interested to participate in the above-mentioned consultations are asked to register at


"Written contributions from stakeholders also continue to be welcomed until 31 March 2023 through the following website:


Open call for input for the 4th Council of Europe Summit  (posted Jan. 23, 2023)


"The Council of Europe has decided to hold a 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government on 16-17 May 2023 in Reykjavik, Iceland. The Council of Europe – the continent’s oldest and leading pan-European organisation – has a critical role to play as the region’s guardian of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. The Summit strives to ensure that the Council of Europe is fit for purpose to meet current and future challenges as well as the expectations of future generations.


"In this context, the Council of Europe seeks the input of all stakeholders (including international organisations, national human rights institutions, civil society organisations, research centres, policy makers, academia, lawyers, human rights defenders) to the questions below.


"Please feel free to respond to all or selected questions as per expertise, relevance or focus of work. Responses should be submitted in English or French. Responses received will inform the Summit outcome documents."


Deadline for submissions: 20 February 2023.


[More information.]


EEOC, Draft Strategic Enforcement Plan (posted Jan. 21, 2023)


The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) seeks public comments on a Draft Strategic Enforcement Plan for 2023—2027 as part of its strategic planning process.


The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was created by the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 in direct response to calls for racial and economic justice at the historic March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. As the primary federal agency charged by Congress with enforcing laws against employment discrimination, the EEOC's mission is to prevent and remedy discrimination and enforce civil rights in the workplace. EEOC's vision is fair and inclusive workplaces with equal opportunity for all.


The purpose of the EEOC's Strategic Enforcement Plan is to focus and coordinate the agency's work over a multiple fiscal year (FY) period to have a sustained impact in advancing equal employment opportunity.


[More information]


Comments must be received by February 9, 2023.



Personal Data Protection Law - Proposed Amendment (posted Nov. 19, 2022)


The Saudi Authority for Data and Artificial Intelligence aims to seek public opinion regarding the proposed amendments to the personal data protection system issued by Royal Decree No. (M/19) dated 9/2/1443 AH, in implementation of the relevant statutory requirements, and as a commitment from the Authority to achieving the highest levels of transparency and participation. With all stakeholders in this vital and important sector.


The Authority invites all public, private and non-profit entities and individuals to express their comments on the proposed amendments, as all opinions received will be analyzed and studied and appropriate recommendations will be proposed in this regard.


Deadline: Dec. 20, 2022


[More information]



UN Office of the Tech Envoy - Global Digital Compact and AI (posted Nov. 16, 2022)


The Office of the Tech Envoy its seeking comments on the Global Digital Compact, to be adopted at the Summit of the Future which will be held in September 2023. The Secretary- General has proposed that the Global Digital Compact “outline shared principles for an open, free and secure digital future for all."


Among the aims of the Global Digital Compact:

  • Connect all people to the internet, including all schools
  • Avoid internet fragmentation
  • Protect data
  • Apply human rights online
  • Introduce accountability criteria for discrimination and misleading content
  • Promote regulation of artificial intelligence
    • "Manage new technologies such as artificial intelligence" (par. 41)
    • "Promote regulation of artificial intelligence to ensure that this is aligned with shared global values." (par. 93)
  • Digital commons as a global public good


Deadline for comments is 31 March 2023. 

The Artificial Intelligence Liability Directive (AILD) (posted: October 14, 2022)




"In a Europe fit for the Digital Decade, victims should enjoy the same level of protection for damage caused by AI as by other technologies. Businesses should know their risks, get insured and prevent risks whenever possible.

The AI Liability Directive proposal makes this possible by adapting civil liability rules to the challenges posed by the AI technology.


"The proposed directive will apply where AI-enabled products and services cause damage because AI providers, developers or users did something wrong. The proposed directive gives victims access to information about AI systems and introduces rebuttable presumptions to alleviate the victim’s burden of proof. 


"It ensures that justified claims are not hindered by the specific difficulties of proof linked with AI.


Feedback period


03 October 2022 - 28 November 2022  (midnight Brussels time)


"The Commission would like to hear your views.

This adopted act is open for feedback for a minimum period of 8 weeks. All feedback received will be summarised by the European Commission and presented to the European Parliament and Council with the aim of feeding into the legislative debate. Feedback received will be published on this site and therefore must adhere to the feedback rules.

In order to contribute you'll need to register or login using your existing social media account.




US AI Committee Seeks Comments on "Actionable Recommendations" (posted September 30, 2022)


The National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee will hold a meeting on October 12-13, 2022. NAIAC members will discuss how to direct their input into actionable recommendations. These final recommendations will be presented to the President and National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Office. The final agenda will be posted to the NAIAC website:


[Registration link]


Individuals and representatives should send  comments to the DFO, Melissa Banner, via email to:  [email protected] with the subject line “October 12-13, 2022, NAIAC Meeting Comments.” Comments must be received by 5:00 pm PDT, October 5, 2022. 


CAIDP encourages members of the general public to submit comments and questions on these topics:

  • The draft recommendations NAIAC proposes to submit to the President and the Congress
  • The status of the subcommittee on AI and Law Enforcement
  • Implementation of the OECD AI Principles
  • Implementation of the G7 call to "take bold action to build more transparency" to address AI bias
  • Development of technologies aligned with Democratic Values
  • Support for the OSTP AI Bill of Rights

[Federal Register notice]


Washington D.C. City Council Seeks Comments on "Stop Discrimination by Algorithms Act of 2021" (posted September 21, 2022)



On September 22nd, 2022, the D.C. City Council will hold a public hearing on B24-0558, the “Stop Discrimination by Algorithms Act of 2021”. The public hearing will take place via Zoom at 12:00 PM. Members of the public will be able to view the public hearing on DC Council Channel 13,,, and


[B24-558, the “Stop Discrimination by Algorithms Act of 2021”]


The purpose of B24-0558, the “Stop Discrimination by Algorithms Act of 2021”, is to prohibit users of algorithmic decision-making from utilizing algorithmic eligibility determinations in a discriminatory manner, to require corresponding notices to individuals whose personal information is used, and to provide for appropriate means of civil enforcement.


The Committee invites the public to testify remotely or to submit written testimony.


The Committee also encourages the public to submit written testimony to be included for the public record. Copies of written testimony should be submitted by e-mail to [email protected]. The record for this public hearing will close at the close of business on Thursday, October 6th, 2022.

Call for Contribution Form for the National Artificial Intelligence Policy (NAIP) (posted August 13, 2022)


This policy is being developed by the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA)  to create a framework for the planning, research, development, standardisation, application, coordination, monitoring, evaluation and regulation of IT practices, activities and systems in Nigeria and all matters related thereto.  


This is envisaged to reposition Nigeria's economy by leveraging the opportunities that digital technologies, including the development, use, and adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) provide by proactively facilitating the development of Nigeria into a sustainable digital economy.


In view of the above, NITDA has made this public call for input and contributions toward Nigeria’s first AI Polic


[Contribution Form]

[Expression of Interest Form for Expert Volunteers on NAIP]


HHS Announces Proposed Rule to Strengthen Nondiscrimination in Health Care (Posted August 1, 2022)


"The proposed rule affirms protections consistent with President Biden’s executive orders on nondiscrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and on protecting access to reproductive health care."


Among the various provisions, the proposed rule  "Explicitly prohibits discrimination in the use of clinical algorithms to support decision-making in covered health programs and activities."


If enacted, any entity that received federal funds (Medicare and Medicaid) are on notice that you cannot solely rely on these tools to make health decisions or your entity may be liable under this provision. HHS discusses its bases for proposing this provision and includes a list of questions on which they seek public comment.


[Note of Proposed Rule Making]

[Fact Sheet]

[More information]


Request for Information on Advancing Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (posted June 13, 2022)


"The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) requests public comments to help inform development of a national strategy on privacy-preserving data sharing and analytics. The national strategy will put forth a vision for responsibly harnessing privacy-preserving data sharing and analytics to benefit individuals and society. It will also propose actions from research investments to training and education initiatives, to the development of standards, policy, and regulations needed to achieve that vision."


[Federal Register Notice]


Deadline: 5:00 p.m. ET on Friday, July 8.


Send comments: [email protected]v and include <RFI Response: Privacy-Enhancing Technologies> in the subject line of the email. 


Brazil AI Commission Extends Deadline for Suggestions (posted 6 June 2022)


The Commission of jurists that will prepare a proposal for the regulation of artificial intelligence in Brazil (CJSUBIA) has extended the deadline for receiving external suggestions until June 10. Contributions must be sent to the email [email protected].


Specialists in the field, civil society entities and other interested parties can participate in this phase. The thematic axes for discussion include the following points:

  • Artificial intelligence concepts, understanding and classification
  • Impacts of artificial intelligence
  • Rights and duties
  • Accountability, governance and oversight.

The collegiate has until the beginning of August to prepare a draft regulatory framework for artificial intelligence. The document will be presented to Senator Eduardo Gomes (MDB-TO), responsible for reporting on proposals on the subject. The jurist Laura Schertel Mendes, professor of civil law, is the rapporteur. The Commission is chaired by Minister Ricardo Villas Bôas Cueva, of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ).


Installed in March , the Commission has also held public hearings. The first two took place at the end of April, and the third will be on Thursday (12)


[More information]


Related posts:

Governance and inspection of artificial intelligence are topics of debate by the commission of jurists (5 May 2022)

Commission of jurists debates impacts of artificial intelligence (5 May 2022)


Call for inputs to a report on "the right to privacy in the digital age" (posted 12 May 2022)




To inform the report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the right to privacy in the digital age at its 51th session in 2022, to be followed by an interactive dialogue.




On 7 October 2021, the Human Rights Council adopted resolution 48/4 on “The right to privacy in the digital age”. Paragraph 11 of the resolution requested the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights " to prepare a written report identifying recent trends and challenges with regard to the human right to privacy, including those addressed in the present resolution, to identify and clarify related human rights principles, safeguards and best practices, and to present the report to the Human Rights Council at its fifty-first session, to be followed by an interactive dialogue”.


Next Steps


Input/comments may be sent by e-mail/fax/postal mail. They must be received by 4 June 2022.


E-mail address: [email protected] 

E-mail subject line: Input for Report on right to privacy in the digital age

Word limit: 3,500 words

File formats: Word, PDF

Accepted languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese


[More information.]


Australia Seeks Committee on Automated Decisionmaking and AI Regulation (posted Mar. 20, 2022)


"The Australian Government has commenced consultation on regulatory settings to position Australia as a leader in digital economy regulation. . . 


"We are asking Australians to share their views on improving Australia’s regulatory settings and systems to harness the opportunities presented by these technologies and better enable the responsible use of AI and automated decision making.


"We are interested in hearing from:

  • Businesses who are developing or using AI or automated decision-making, and their professional advisers
  • AI or automation experts on the regulatory barriers to achieve the potential offered by these technologies
  • Academics and researchers who are developing and working in this area
  • Members of the public who have experience in using these technologies

"To access the issues paper and make submissions, visit Consultations."


Submissions close 22 April 2022.

OSTP Seeks Comment on Scientific Integrity (Posted: March 9, 2022)


"The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) seeks information to assist in developing a framework for regular assessment and iterative improvement of agency scientific integrity policies and practices. This effort builds on a January  2022 Presidential Memorandum, which asserts the Administration's goal to make evidence-based policy decisions guided by the best available science and data, recognizing that scientific and technological information, data, and evidence are central to the development and iterative improvement of sound policies and to the delivery of equitable programs across every area of government.  The report recommended that scientific integrity policies be updated to address important and emergent issues of our time, including diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility; new technologies, including artificial intelligence.


"Information is requested on how scientific integrity policies at Federal agencies and other components of the Executive Branch can be developed or updated to address important and emergent issues of our time, including, new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the lack of transparency and potential for bias in computer algorithms and associated data


Interested persons and organizations are invited to submit comments on or before 5:00 p.m. ET on April 4, 2022.

[More information]

Jordan Ministry Seeks Comment on Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (posted Feb. 18, 2022)


"The Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship has presented the draft of the National Charter for the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence for general consultation with partners and stakeholders, which was prepared by a specialized technical committee of experts in the public and private sectors, civil society, academics and interested parties chaired by the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, in implementation of the provisions of the Jordanian Artificial Intelligence Policy 2020 , which emphasizes the need to put in place national regulatory frameworks to ensure the responsible use of artificial intelligence .


"The draft is presented national on the official website of the ministry and private social media platforms, in order to ensure the partnership between all relevant institutions in all sectors and those interested and concerned in the field of artificial intelligence in the Kingdom, where the ministry identified on Tuesday  Corresponding to March 1, 2022, a deadline for receiving comments and suggestions about the charter from interested parties, in order to proceed with the procedures for approval by the Council of Ministers."

[More information]



Portugal Seeks Comment on National AI Strategy (posted Feb. 4, 2022)


In line with the EU Commission’s digital policies, Portugal has developed a policy strategy for the integration of AI. Briefly, AI Portugal 2030 aims to foment the application of AI technologies for “added economic growth, scientific excellence and human development”.

As inclusion is a centerpiece of the strategy, Portugal is asking for public comments and suggestions on the strategy as it is currently envisioned. Suggestions are encouraged from Portuguese and international individuals alike.

[More information]


Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam Requests Comments on draft Law on Protection of Consumer Rights. (Jan. 28, 2022)


Article 16 of the draft amendments require large online intermediary platforms to "set up an archive of ads using algorithms to target" specific people and consumer groups; and periodically evaluate content moderation activities, the use of algorithmic systems and targeted advertising, and the implementation of regulations on handling fake accounts, the use of AI, and other automatic or partially automated acts.


The deadline for the public consultation is 11 March 2022.


[More information (in Vietnamese]

 UAE Seeks Public Comments on Digital Policies (Jan. 28, 2022)


The Yourvoice portal provides opportunities for engagement with the public to obtain their views on policies and services as "input for decision-making"


The Sharik Community engagement channel includes initiatives to engage public in feedback on:

National Digital Participation Plan (2021-2025):  Where Artificial intelligence is mentioned as one of the inspiration factors for the Plan (summary).  Channels for communication with government are consultations, forum, blogs, polls, ideation and the official accounts of the UAE digital government (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram) and any other channel adopted in the future.


Digital Participation Policy and Digital Participation Guidelines:  The policy encourages e-participation to "involve citizens and customers, through information and communication technologies, in the process of government work in terms of designing, implementing, policies and services, as well as participation in decision-making to make government administration participatory, inclusive, cooperative, purposeful in order to achieve customer satisfaction and happiness of citizens." 


The guidelines issued in 2016 are due to be updated. 

Korea is Seeking Comments on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Jan. 28, 2022)


“In order to boost social and industrial innovation, it is important to have the whole set of technology-data-startup ecosystem . . . In the center of the 4th industrial revolution there are AI technologies and data. The competitiveness of the 4th industrial revolution will be decided depending on whether AI technology and data take the lead. . . . Also, it is required to secure a legal, systematic and materialistic basis to boost data utilization and distribution while improving laws and regulations regarding privacy, which hasn’t shown any progress for years.'


[Key recommendations]



Opportunities for public participation:


UK: AI regulation: a pro-innovation approach (posted Apr. 9, 2023)


"In the National AI Strategy, the government committed to developing a pro-innovation national position on governing and regulating AI, and we outlined our position in a policy paper in 2022. This white paper sets out the government’s proposals for implementing a proportionate, future-proof and pro-innovation framework for regulating AI.


The UK Science and Technology Framework sets out the government’s strategic vision to make the UK a science and technology superpower by 2030. It identifies AI as one of five critical technologies and notes that regulation plays an important role in creating an environment for AI to flourish.


Through this new approach to AI regulation, the government will help the UK harness the opportunities and benefits that AI technologies present. This will drive growth and prosperity by boosting innovation and investment, and building public trust in AI. It will strengthen the UK’s position as a global leader in AI, by ensuring the UK is the best place to develop and use AI technologies.


[More information]


Deadline: 21 June 2023

City of San Jose, California (Posted Feb. 15, 2023)


This is an AI-related public voice opportunity for people to submit opinions directly to the City of San Jose, California. The City of San Jose's Digital Privacy Office has an online opportunity for public comment on the technologies that are used by the City, including AI-powered tools (i.e. gunshot detection systems, AI traffic cameras, etc.). The website is updated regularly as new technologies are procured by the City. Members of the public can submit their comments via the online public comment form.


[More information]



DIFC Data Protection Commissioner: Proposal on Multilateral Data Sharing Agreement and Enabling Technology Platform (posted Nov. 22, 2022)


This Consultation Paper issued November 2022 (“Consultation Paper”) in accordance with Article 46(4) of the Data Protection Law, DIFC Law No. 5 of 2020 (the DP Law 2020) seeks public comments on the proposal by the Dubai International Financial Centre Authority (DIFCA) to develop a pilot program to test a multi-lateral, international data sharing agreement and adequacy decision, supported by digital economy enabling technology promulgated by best practice technology development principles (the Multi-lateral Data Sharing Pilot). Details about this concept are set out in the “Background” section.


Deadline for comment: November 30, 2022


[More information]


Israel Ministry of Innovation, Science, and Technology  - Public Comment on Regulation and Ethics for the Field of Artificial Intelligence for Public Comments (posted Nov. 14, 2022)


"The Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology publishes for public comment a regulatory and ethical policy for the development and use of artificial intelligence-based systems in Israel, with an emphasis on "responsible innovation".


"This is a first document of its kind in Israel, which will be a value and business compass for any company, organization or government body that will come to deal with the field of artificial intelligence and will have a profound effect on any future development in the field of artificial intelligence in the State of Israel. . .


"The public is invited to send references to the document by January 1, 2023, via email address: [email protected]


[More information (in Hebrew)]

[Description (in English)]

A Use Case Approach on Facial Recognition Technology (posted: November 11, 2022)


In the series of its publication on Responsible Artificial Intelligence (RAI), NITI Aayog brings the third paper titled “Responsible AI for All: Adopting the Framework – A use case approach on Facial Recognition Technology”.


This draft discussion paper is being released for seeking public comments. Comments may be sent on or before 30th November 2022 addressed to Anna Roy, Senior Adviser, NITI Aayog at the email id [email protected]


[More information]

Call for proposals REAIM 2023 (Posted: October 15, 2022)


"The Netherlands believes the responsible development, deployment and use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the military domain must be given a higher place on the international agenda. It has therefore decided to host the first summit on Responsible AI in the Military Domain – REAIM 2023.



"All stakeholders in the field of AI, such as governments, companies, NGOs, researchers, knowledge institutions, international organisations, students and others, are invited to contribute to the REAIM 2023 programme. 


How to submit a proposal


Please consult our Call for Proposals for more information about the topics and scope. 

Submit a proposal before 2 November 2022.


For more information or enquiries, send us an email at [email protected].

Saudi Arabia: SDAIA announces public consultation on principles of ethics for AI (August 18, 2022)


"The Saudi Data & Artificial Intelligence Authority ('SDAIA') announced, on 17 August 2022, on its LinkedIn page, that it had launched a consultation and is seeking public comments on its project entitled Principles of Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. In particular, SDAIA explained that artificial intelligence ('AI') ethic principles have been developed with the aim to enhance data governance and AI in order to reduce the negative effects of AI systems and their potential threats.

"More specifically, the draft principles outline that they apply to all parties (public, private, and non-profit) concerned with developing or adopting solutions based on AI, with the exclusion of AI solutions aimed at maintaining public health and safety.

"Notably, the draft principles include, under Principle Two, privacy and security. Particularly, Principle Two of the draft principles highlights, among other things, that privacy and security represent the values and overarching principles according to which AI systems are required, throughout their lifecycle, to be built in a secure manner and to take into account the privacy of the owners of personal data collected.

"Public comments may be submitted until 1 September 2022 via a survey platform.


"You can read the announcement here and the draft principles here and here, all only available in Arabic.


Scottish AI Alliance: Delivering Scotland’s AI Strategy (posted August 15. 2022)



The Scottish AI Alliance has undertaken a wide range of activities, including quizzes and educational materials, to promote public participation in the development of the national AI strategy. Click here for more information.


Call for Input on Guidelines 05/2022 on the use of facial recognition technology in the area of law enforcement (posted 18 May 2022)


From the EDPB:


"The European Data Protection Board welcomes comments on the Guidelines 05/2022 on the use of facial recognition technology in the area of law enforcement.

Such comments should be sent 27th June 2022 at the latest using the provided form. . . ."


[Guidelines 05/2022 on the use of facial recognition technology in the area of law enforcement (Version 1.0 Adopted on 12 May 2022)]


["Provide your feedback" - Form with opportunity to attach PDF document up to 20 mb]


[Further information]



NIST Seeks Comments on Draft AI Risk Management Framework, Offers Guidance on AI Bias (Mar. 17, 2022)


Seeking to promote the development and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies and systems that are trustworthy and responsible, NIST today released

An initial draft of the AI Risk Management Frameworkavailable for comment through April 29, 2022.


A two-part NIST workshop from March 29-31, 2022, will advance work on an AI Risk Management Framework – and on bias in AI.



UAE Seeks Comment on AI for Aviation (posted Feb. 18, 2022)


[From the UAE Participate portal]


"The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the worldwide aviation industry is beginning to increase. According to industry experts, artificial intelligence and machine learning will improve speed, efficiency, workload, and safety, including autonomous vision-based navigation and data, allowing for more complex technologies that are in perfect agreement with the aims of the United Arab Emirates government as we head towards the centennial"


H.E. Saif Mohammed Al Suwaidi

Director General - General Civil Aviation Authority 


[More information and opportunity for public comment]










China CAC Seeks Comments on AI-Powered Deep Synthesis Systems (posted Feb. 4, 2022)


The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has drafted a bill to regulate AI-powered synthesis systems. The comments are requesedt in response to a proposal to "to carry forward the Core Socialist Values, to preserve national security and the societal public interest, and to protect the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, and other organizations." The public may give feedback through the following channels and methods:

1. Log in to the Ministry of Justice's Chinese Government Legal Information Network (,, and enter the "Collection of Opinions on Legislation" column on the main menu of the home page to submit comments.

2. Submit your comments via email to: [email protected].

3. Send your comments by letter to: Network Law Bureau, State Internet Information Office, No. 11, Chegongzhuang Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100044, and please indicate on the envelope "Comments on the Provisions on the Administration of Deep Synthesis Internet Information Services".


The deadline for comments  is February 28, 2022.

More information (in Chinese)

More information (English translation)


Tunisia Launches Platform for AI and Democratic Values (posted Jan. 28, 2022)


Tunisia has launched “e-istichara,"  The consultation aims to give the opportunity to all citizens, whether they are residents in Tunisia or abroad, to express themselves freely and transparently about the recovery of the democratic transition in Tunisia and in a participatory approach allowing a common conception of the future of Tunisia. 

The website could support a national plan for AI strategies that support democratic values.

[e-istichara" website (in Arabic)]

Parliament of India Considers Personal Data Protection  Bill with AI Provision (posted Jan. 27, 2022)


On Dec. 16, 2021, the Joint Parliamentary Committee submitted its long-awaited report to the Indian Parliament after two years of deliberations on the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019. Clause 23 will require companies to be transparent about the fairness of algorithm used for processing of personal data. Consideration of the bill is ongoing.

Notice of the Cyberspace Administration of China on the “Regulations on the Administration of Deep Synthesis of Internet Information Services” – Request for Public Comment (Jan. 28, 2022)


In order to regulate the deep synthesis of Internet information services, carry forward the core socialist values, safeguard national security and social public interests, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, our office has drafted the "Administrative Regulations on the Deep Synthesis of Internet Information Services (Draft for Comments)" )", is now open to the public for comments. The document is intended to regulate technology that uses the generation synthesis algorithm represented by deep learning and virtual reality to produce text, image, audio, video, virtual scene and other information. 

The public can provide feedback through the following channels and means:

1. Log in to the Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Government Legal Information Network (,, and enter the "Legislative Opinion Collection" column on the main menu of the home page to submit comments.

2. Email comments to: [email protected].

3. Send your opinions by letter to: Cyber Law Bureau of the State Internet Information Office, No. 11, Chegongzhuang Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100044, and please indicate on the envelope "Comments on the Regulations for Deep Synthesis of Internet Information Services".


[Proposed Regulation (in Chinese)]


The deadline for comments is February 28, 2022.

French Privacy Requests  Public Comment on Surveillance Cameras (Jan. 28, 2022)


The CNIL (Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés) is an independent French administrative regulatory body, ensuring the lawful application of data privacy law to the collection, storage, and use of personal data. In January 2022, it has launched a public consultation on the use of so-called “intelligent” or “augmented” video devices in places open to the public. These video devices consist of automated image processing software coupled with cameras. They make it possible to extract various information from the resulting video streams.


Given all the challenges associated with the deployment of these devices, the CNIL considers it necessary for all stakeholders to have the opportunity to express themselves and to assert their needs, analyzes and alerts in this area. Thus, CNIL has published a draft position concerning the deployment of these devices in public spaces and submits this document for public consultation until March 11, 2022.

[More information]


UK - ICO consultation on the draft Impact Assessment Framework (Posted Feb. 15, 2023)


The ICO (the UK data protection authority) is consulting on their draft Impact Assessment Framework, which sets out their approach to impact assessments (IAs), including: when they will and won't produce IAs, what they plan to include in IAs, and how they fit into the ICO’s wider policy-making process. The draft Framework guidance sets out the ICO’s overall approach to using IAs in decision-making. They are seeking views on the draft, including: the overall approach; the criteria and circumstances when they will and won't produce impact assessments; and the policy-making, consultation, and publication aspects of the Framework.


Deadline: April 30, 2023


[More information]

China Seeks Comment on Social Credit System (posted: Nov. 23, 2022)


"In order to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on improving the legal system of the credit system, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on promoting the high-quality development of the social credit system, the National Development and Reform Commission, the People's Bank of China, and the Ministry of Social Credit System Construction The member units of the International Joint Conference and other relevant departments (units) have researched and drafted the "Social Credit System Construction Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft for Soliciting Comments from the Public)" , and are now soliciting public opinions.


"The construction of a social credit system referred to in this Law refers to the mobilization and guidance of the state to mobilize and guide the government, the market, and all aspects of society to promote the establishment of government integrity, business integrity, social integrity, and judicial credibility, improve the credit investigation system, standardize the processing of credit information, and strengthen credit. Supervision, improve the system and mechanism that praises honesty and punishes dishonesty, and promotes the construction of a culture of honesty."


[More information]



UK ICO consultation on the draft employment practices: monitoring at work guidance and draft impact assessment (posted: November 11, 2022)


The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is producing topic-specific guidance on employment practices and data protection. We are releasing our drafts of the different topic areas in stages and adding to the resource over time. A draft of the guidance on monitoring at work is now out for public consultation.


The draft guidance aims to provide practical guidance about monitoring workers in accordance with data protection legislation and to promote good practice.


The public consultation on the draft guidance and draft impact assessment will remain open until 11 January 2023. The ICO welcomes feedback on the specific questions set out below.


[More information]


UK Parliament: Call for Evidence - Governance of Artificial Intelligence (Posted: November 8, 2022)


The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has increased significantly in recent years. It offers a range of potential benefits such as quicker analysis of large datasets allowing more accurate information, forecasts and predictions, and more personalised public services. However, there are a number of concerns, such as the possibility of biased algorithms, a lack of transparency and unexplained decision-making. The Government is expected to publish a white paper on AI governance later this year to address these issues.


The Committee will examine the effectiveness of AI governance and the Government’s proposals. The Committee welcomes submissions on the following questions:

  • How effective is current governance of AI in the UK?
  • What are the current strengths and weaknesses of current arrangements, including for research?
  • What measures could make the use of AI more transparent and explainable to the public?
  • How should decisions involving AI be reviewed and scrutinised in both public and private sectors?
  • Are current options for challenging the use of AI adequate and, if not, how can they be improved?
  • How should the use of AI be regulated, and which body or bodies should provide regulatory oversight?
  • To what extent is the legal framework for the use of AI, especially in making decisions, fit for purpose?
  • Is more legislation or better guidance required?
  • What lessons, if any, can the UK learn from other countries on AI governance?

Deadline: 25 November 2022

[More information]


India Seeks Comments on Data Accessibility and Use Policy (posted Feb. 22, 2022)


The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology is inviting feedback and inputs on the Draft India Data Accessibility and Use Policy that aims to enhance access, quality, and use of data, in line with the current and emerging technology needs of the decade.

This draft of the India Data Accessibility & Use Policy has been evolved in consultation with various stakeholders including academia, industry, and government. The draft of the policy is put up for public consultation.


The feedback may be sent to Ms. Kavita Bhatia, Scientist F at kbhatia[at]gov[dot]in and pmu[dot]etech[at]meity[dot]gov[dot]in.


Deadlline: March 18, 2022


[More information]

China Ministry Seeks Comment on Measures for the Administration of Data Security (posted Feb. 18, 2022)


On 10 Feb 2022, China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued the draft Measures for the Administration of Data Security in the Field of Industry and Information Technology for public consultation. 


One of the Measure's objectives is to standardise data processing "in the field of industry and information technology activities". This covers industrial, telecommunications, and radio data. Many of the provisions relate to data classification and protection, and Articles 10 and 11 provide guidance that data relating to AI that touch on national security could be classified as Important Data or Core Data. Somewhat abruptly, Article 16 requires parties which use data for automated decision-making analysis to ensure transparency, fairness, and reasonableness of results.


Articles 10 and 11 are significant because the classifications of data as Important Data or Core Data dictate what data localisation / cross-border data transfer requirements apply. National security is a vague and expansive concept in Chinese law. The consequence is that a great breadth of data relating to AI could be classified as affecting national security, and not allowed for transfers out of China for say, analysis overseas, or for training AI models overseas.


CAIDP notes that the requirements in Article 16 on fairness and transparency should be supported.


[More information - in Chinese]


EDPB Seeks Comments on GPDR Right of Access (posted Feb. 10, 2022)


The European Data Protection Board welcomes comments on the "Guidelines 01/2022 on data subject rights - Right of access". The Right of Access is described in Article 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Article 15 of the GDPR. Article 15 (Right of access by the date subject) includes the right to obtain from the controller for automated decision making:

"meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject." And Article 8 of the CFR states "Everyone has the right of access to data which has been collected concerning him or her."


CAIDP is recommending that commentators advise the EDPB to strengthen the report recommendations concerning the right of the data subject to obtain the logic of the data processing concerning him or her and to specifically require that the algorithms be made transparent for all decisions concerning employment, credit, education, criminal justice, and public benefits. Algorithms should be subject to third-party audits to determine whether they are accurate, fair, provable, reliable, replicable, and verifiable.


Comments should be sent to the EDPB  by March 11th using the provided form.


[More information]








US OSTP Seeks Comments on National AI R&D Plan (posted Feb. 4, 2022)


The Office of Science and Technology Policy, on behalf of the National Science and Technology Council's (NSTC) Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence (Select Committee), the NSTC Machine Learning and AI Subcommittee (MLAI-SC), the National AI Initiative Office (NAIIO), and the Networking and Information Technology Research and

Development (NITRD) National Coordination Office (NCO), requests input from all interested parties on updating the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan.


Deadline: March 4, 2022


More Information

CPSC Seeks Participants for Public Forum on on Test and Evaluation of AI (Jan. 28, 2022)


The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) staff is hosting a test and evaluation (TE) forum on consumer products employing artificial intelligence-related (AI) technologies, such as Machine Learning (ML). This forum will identify current TE of AI and ML capabilities. CPSC staff invites interested parties to attend or participate in this forum via webinar.


The forum will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (EST) on Thursday, March 31, 2022. Individuals interested in serving on panels or presenting information at the forum should register by February 25, 2022, submit abstracts for consideration by February 28, 2022, and if selected, provide final presentation slides by March 14, 2022. All other individuals who wish to attend the forum should register by March 21, 2022.

[More information]


Other Opportunities

The Spring 2022 Research Group identified several opportunities for public engagement in AI policy that did not comply completely with the CAIDP standard for meaningful public participation ("Has the country established a process for meaningful public participation in the development of a national AI Policy?"). We are posting those opportunities here.

US CHAMBER COMMERCE ("the largest lobbying group of businesses in the United States") (Jan. 18, 2022)


"The U.S. Chamber of Commerce today announced the launch of its Artificial Intelligence (AI) Commission on Competition, Inclusion, and Innovation to advance U.S. leadership in the use and regulation of AI technology.


"The Chamber adopted AI policy principles in 2019 but the role of the Commission is to bring together a diverse set of voices within and outside industry to develop long-lasting policy solutions.


"The Commission is now seeking comments on questions pertaining to artificial intelligence definitions. Comments are due on February 18 at 5:00 PM ET and should be submitted via email to [email protected].


The Commission will hold its first field hearing in Austin, Texas on March 10, 2022, focusing on issues related to global competitiveness and regulations.


EUROPEAN LAW INSTITUTE ("an independent organisation established to provide practical guidance on legal development with a goal of enhancing the European integration. ") (Jan. 28, 2022)


The ELI is requesting votes from members on the proposed on the ELI Model Rules on Impact Assessment of Algorithmic Decision-Making Systems Used by Public Administration, approved by the ELI Council on 22 January 2022. The Model Rules will be made public once adopted.


Deadline: 18 February 2022

Ongoing Comment Opportunities

EU-US Trade and Technology Council: Commission launches consultation platform for stakeholder's involvement to shape transatlantic cooperation (Oct. 18, 2021)


"Today, the Commission launched an online consultation platform on the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC), allowing stakeholders to share their views and provide common proposals on the work ahead.


"Following their first meeting in Pittsburgh last month, representatives of the European Union and the United States agreed on the importance of and commitment to consulting closely with diverse stakeholders on both sides of the Atlantic on their coordinated approaches to key global technology, economic, and trade issues. It is in this context that the Commission has set up a one-stop-shop on its online “Futurium” platform, to collect input from all interested parties relating to the TTC."


[Futurium Registration]

OMB Requires All Federal Agencies to Develop an AI Regulatory Plan by May 2021 (comment opportunity to be posted)


The Office of Management and Business requires federal agencies to develop AI regulatory plans, based on the Principles for Trustworthy AI, by May 17, 2021. These plans are to be publicly posted and open for public comments.


- OMB Memo, Guidance for Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Systems, Nov. 17, 2020

CAIDP Supports EU Campaign to Ban Mass Biometric Surveillance

(Posted: March 3, 2021)


In a statement released today, the CAIDP called on Europeans to support a European Citizen Initiative to ban the use of biometrics for mass surveillance. European NGOs, led by EDRi, organized the campaign ReclaimYour Face. They are now seeking one million signatures to encourage the European Commission to propose legislation. In support of the Initiative, CAIDP cited widespread opposition to the use of AI techniques for mass surveillance and growing support across Europe for a prohibition. CAIDP prepared a Special Report on Facial Recognition (February 2021) based on the earlier findings in the report Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values.


The CAIDP urges all EU citizens  to sign the petition.

Swiss Government Seeks Public Comment on National AI Strategy (ongoing)


"The Federal Council invites interested organizations, companies, municipalities and cantons to publish their measures for a digital Switzerland in the action plan."


- Enter measure

- Digital Switzerland Strategy

European Commission called on to ban biometric technologies in public spaces (ECI to be posted February 17, 2021)


The European Commission has just accepted to register a "European initiative" formulated by European Digital Rights which asks it to ban biometric technologies, including facial recognition, in public places. If, within a year, the initiative garners a million statements of support from at least seven different Member States, the Commission will have six months to react.


L'Usine Digitale, Jan. 7, 2021

- ReclaimYourFace campaign

EEOC Launches Initiative on Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Fairness (Oct. 28, 2021)


Agency Will Focus on Ways to Help Ensure That Tech Tools Used in Employment Decisions Comply with Federal Anti-Discrimination Laws


WASHINGTON – The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is launching an initiative to ensure that artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging tools used in hiring and other employment decisions comply with federal civil rights laws that the agency enforces.


“Artificial intelligence and algorithmic decision-making tools have great potential to improve our lives, including in the area of employment,”  EEOC Chair Charlotte A. Burrows said. “At the same time, the EEOC is keenly aware that these tools may mask and perpetuate bias or create new discriminatory barriers to jobs. We must work to ensure that these new technologies do not become a high-tech pathway to discrimination.”


According to the OECD, the initiative will examine more closely how technology is fundamentally changing the way employment decisions are made. It aims to guide applicants, employees, employers, and technology vendors in ensuring that these technologies are used fairly, consistent with federal equal employment opportunity laws.

[Press Release]

Athens AI Roundtable Seeks Support for Manifesto (posted June 15, 2021)


The Athens AI Roundtable is seeking support for the manifesto "In Defence of Democracy and the Rule of Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”


The Athens Roundtable on AI and the Rule of Law is a unique multi-stakeholder convening on legal systems and the rule of law, with a goal of advancing the global dialogue on policy, practice, international cooperation, capacity-building, and evidence-based instruments for the trustworthy adoption of AI. 


CAIDP has endorsed the Manifesto.


Details here.

Completed Comment Opportunities

European Commission: Civil liability – adapting liability rules to the digital age and artificial intelligence (Oct. 20, 2021)


"Investment in and societal acceptance of emerging technologies require legal certainty and trust. Current rules on products ensure that producers compensate consumers for damage caused by defective products.


"This initiative proposes to adapt this framework to take account of developments linked to the move towards a circular and digital economy on liability for damage caused by new and refurbished products. The initiative will also address challenges brought about by artificial intelligence.


"This public consultation is open. Your input will be taken into account as we further develop and fine-tune this initiative. We will summarise the input we receive in a synopsis report, explaining how we have taken it into account. Feedback received will be published on this site and therefore must adhere to the feedback rules."


Consultation period

18 October 2021 - 10 January 2022  (midnight Brussels time)

Request for Information (RFI) on Public and Private Sector Uses of Biometric Technologies (Oct. 8, 2021)


"The purpose of this RFI is to understand the extent and variety of biometric technologies used for the recognition of individuals and the inference of cognitive or emotional states.


"The US Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)  invites input from any interested stakeholders, including industry and industry association groups; civil society and advocacy groups; federal agencies and state, local, and tribal governments; academic researchers; technical practitioners specializing in AI and biometrics; and the general public. OSTP especially encourages submissions from parties developing biometric technologies, parties acquiring and using such technologies, and communities impacted by their use."


Comments are being accepted until 5PM ET on January 15, 2022.


Further information here.

UNESCO and Mila - Quebec AI Institute Launches  Call for Proposals to identify blind spots in AI Policy (Posted Mar. 30, 2021)


UNESCO in cooperation with Mila - Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute, is launching a Call for Proposals to identify blind spots in AI Policy and Programme Development. The collective work will explore creative, novel and far-reaching approaches to tackling blind spots in the AI lifecycle


The publication will provide world leaders, policy-makers, and civil society members with perspectives that will be critical to face the immense task they’re presented: to ensure the development of AI reaches its full potential in accordance with democratic values and fundamental rights and freedoms. The magnitude of this challenge requires a collaborative effort that transcends disciplinary barriers and geographical borders. This publication will bring together visionary academics, civil society representatives, artists and innovators to help us shift the conversation from what we already know to what we have yet to render visible to ensure AI technologies leave no one behind.


Calls for proposals are open until 2 May 2021.


Selected proposals will be confirmed by 25 May.


Final proposals, if in written format in either English or French, should be between 5000-7000 words and should be written in a style that is accessible to non-AI specialists and received by 1 September 2021.


To ensure inclusivity and a diversity of voices, for accepted contributions outside of academia, authors may request financial support available on a needs-based basis up to 1000 USD.



To submit a proposal, please fill out the survey in English or French here.


European Commission Launches Consultation on EU Digital Principles


The Commission is launching a public consultation on the formulation of a set of principles to promote and uphold EU values in the digital space. The consultation, open until 2 September, seeks to open a wide societal debate and gather views from citizens, non-governmental and civil society organisations, businesses, administrations and all interested parties. These principles will guide the EU and Member States in designing digital rules and regulations that deliver the benefits of digitalisation for all citizens.

FTC proposes deletion of AI models developed from photos  unfairly obtained (comment opportunity to be posted)


As part of a proposed settlement with the photo app firm Everalbum,  the US Federal Trade Commission has required the deletion of "any facial recognition models or algorithms developed with Ever users’ photos or videos." The agreement will be subject to public comment for 30 days after publication in the Federal Register after which the Commission will decide whether to make the proposed consent order final.


- FTC, California Company Settles FTC Allegations It Deceived Consumers about use of Facial Recognition in Photo Storage App, Jan. 11, 2021





(March 30-April 30, 2021 - Register)


The Government of Canada’s Advisory Council on Artificial Intelligence Public Awareness Working Group is hosting regional virtual workshops to hear what Canadians think about AI. 


These workshops will inform recommendations to the Government of Canada on how to boost public awareness of and foster trust in AI. The conversations will be grounded in an understanding of the technology, its potential uses, and its associated risks.


Each workshop is approximately 2.5 hrs in length and free to attend. The goal is to engage more than 1,000 people across Canada, building on the results of a national survey that was conducted in December 2020.


Data gathered from these workshops will be included in a final report for the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry. The report will be made public in summer 2021. 

Senator Monreal Seeks Public Comment on Legislative Proposal in Mexico to Promote Internet Access, Limit AI cancellation (posted February 17, 2021)


Comment here.


AI Forum, Consumer Product Safety Commission (US) (March 2, 2021 event)


The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) staff is holding a forum on artificial intelligence (AI), and related technologies, such as Machine Learning (ML). CPSC staff invites interested parties to attend or participate in the AI forum via webinar. The AI forum will take place on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, via webinar. Individuals interested in serving on panels or presenting information at the forum should register by January 15, 2020. All other individuals who wish to attend the forum should register by February 15, 2021.


- Federal Register, Dec. 1, 2020

Alan. Turing Institute is Seeking Comments on National AI Strategy for the UK (Posted May 30, 2021)


Earlier this year the UK AI Council published the AI Roadmap providing strategic advice to the Government on the future direction of artificial intelligence (AI) policy in the UK. Since then, the UK Government has committed to publishing a National AI Strategy.


The AI Council, supported by The Alan Turing Institute, is seeking the views of the AI ecosystem (those researching, developing, working with, or using AI technologies).


The National AI Strategy will be written by The Office for AI (OAI), the unit responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Government's AI and Data Grand Challenge. The survey forms one part of the wider information gathering work being undertaken by them to help inform the National AI Strategy.


Complete the Survey.



KSA Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) Seeks Public Comment on “Digital Content Platform Regulations Document” (Nov. 11, 2021)


According to the Commission, "The initiative is aimed to regulate, govern, activate, and motivate digital content platforms to expand and grow. In addition to engage the private sector, empower entrepreneurs as well as attract investments and protect users of digital content platforms."


"The commission calls on interested parties from the Kingdom and abroad as well as the public to submit their views on the consultations document before November 30, 2021. The Digital Content Council and CITC value the importance of engaging interested parties, investors and entrepreneurs in regulations drafting process. "


Views/comments can be submitted by email to ([email protected])


[Digital Content Platform Regulations Document]






Public consultation on "reforms" to the UK’s data protection regime (Posted: Oct. 13, 2021)


The UK government is "launching a consultation on reforms to create an ambitious, pro-growth and innovation-friendly data protection regime that underpins the trustworthy use of data." The controversial initiative raises questions about the future of data protection in the UK (including Article 22 of the GDPR) and also whether UK firms could obtain the personal data of those in jurisdictions with strong safeguards.


Comments on the proposal to Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport by 19 November 2021.


Ways to respond

More information.

US National Science Foundation is Seeking Comments on Proposed National AI Research Resource (posted July 26, 2021)


The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Science Foundation released a Request For Information (RFI) to gather public input on the National AI Research Resource (NAIRR) implementation plan.


 Last month the OSTP the launch of the Task Force, which is mandated by Congress to study the feasibility of and develop a roadmap to implement a National AI Research Resource. This resource is envisioned as "cyberinfrastructure that would democratize access to an advanced computing ecosystem, data sets and educational tools, and provide user support mechanisms. "


"Such a capability would lower the barrier to entry to AI research for communities, institutions, and regions that have been traditionally underserved, and set us on a path to transform our Nation’s ability to leverage AI across fields of science and engineering and economic sectors."

Comments are due September 1, 2021.

Call for evidence launched on new technologies in law enforcement (UK) (posted July 22, 2021)

The House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee invites written contributions to its inquiry into new technologies in law enforcement. 

The committee seeks to explore the use of advanced algorithmic tools in activities to discover, deter, rehabilitate, or punish people who breach the law in England and Wales. The committee will be focusing on the existing legal framework around the development and use of these tools, ethical issues raised by their use in law enforcement contexts, as well as the lived experiences of end-users.  


Topics the committee is seeking evidence on include: 

  • What should new technologies used for law enforcement aim to achieve and in what instances is it acceptable for them to be used?  
  • Do advanced algorithms used in law enforcement contexts produce reliable outputs, and consistently so? How far do those who interact with these technologies (such as police officers, members of the judiciary, lawyers, and members of the public) understand how they work and how they should be used? 
  • What mechanisms should be introduced to monitor the deployment of new technologies?  Who should be accountable for the use of new technologies, and what accountability arrangements should be in place? 
  • How can transparency be ensured when it comes to the use of these technologies, including regarding how they are being purchased, how their results are being interpreted, and in what ways they are being used?


The committee invites interested individuals to submit written evidence by 5 September 2021. 


=> Send a Submission.

U.S. Department of Commerce to Establish National AI Advisory Committee (Posted: Sept. 8, 2021)


U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo today announced that the Commerce Department has established a high-level committee to advise the President and other federal agencies on a range of issues related to artificial intelligence (AI). Working with the National AI Initiative Office (NAIIO) in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), the Department is now seeking to recruit top-level candidates to serve on the committee.


A formal notice describing the National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee (NAIAC) and the call for nominations for the committee and its Subcommittee on Artificial Intelligence and Law Enforcement appears in the Federal Register published today.


The NAIAC will consist of expert leaders from a broad and interdisciplinary range of AI-relevant disciplines from across academia, industry, non-profits and civil society, and federal laboratories. These experts will be qualified to provide advice and information on science and technology research, development, ethics, standards, education, fairness, civil rights implications, technology transfer, commercial application, security, and economic competitiveness related to AI.


Nominations to serve on the inaugural Committee and Subcommittee on Artificial Intelligence and Law Enforcement must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on October 25, 2021. 

OECD Seeks Comments on Framework for Classifying AI Systems (Posted May 20, 2021)


The OECD.AI Network of Experts developed the OECD Framework for Classifying AI Systems as a tool for policy-makers, regulators, legislators and others so that they can assess the opportunities and risks that different types of AI systems present and to inform their national AI strategies.


The Framework links the technical characteristics of AI with policy implications for the OECD AI Principles, which promote values like fairness, transparency, safety and accountability and policies such as building human capacity and fostering international cooperation.


After a year of work on the Framework, OECD.AI has launched a public consultation starting on 20 May until 31 June 2021 to seek feedback and input on the Framework’s usability and user-friendliness.


International Council of Artificial Intelligence for Colombia

(Deadline: March 30, 2021)


"One of the national government's priorities in terms of artificial intelligence is the creation of an international council that advises the national government in formulating policies on the subject of AI and provides information on the latest initiatives, standards and technological developments that are being carried out around the world.


"A proposal for the document is presented  comments here for comments.


"The deadline for sending comments is March 30, 2021 to the email [email protected]."



Open Application: YouthWise
(Deadline: March 5, 2021)
As part of the Future of Work campaign, the OECD has launched OECD YouthWise, a channel for young people to have their say in the work of the OECD.
If you are between 18 and 30 years old, your country is a members of the OECD, and you have an interest in the policies -- including Artificial Intelligence -- shaping the future of work and learning, apply by 5 March and tell the OECD what matters to you!

Council of Europe AI Expert Panel Seeks Comment on Legal Framework for AI (Posted Mar. 30, 2021)


After the adoption of its feasibility study in December 2020, the Council Ad Hoc AI group (CAHAI) is now preparing a legal framework on the design, development and application of artificial intelligence (AI) based on Council of Europe’s standards on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. A consultation has launched to gather the views of a broad range of institutional representatives (not individuals). The aim of the consultation is to help the CAHAI Legal Frameworks Group. The questionnaire is now accessible from the CAHAI website on a dedicated page to the consultation.


Timer clock

Deadline : 29 April 2021 6PM (UTC+1)

US Announces Events to Engage the Public in Policymaking about AI and Equity (Nov. 10, 2021)


According to the White House, there are several ways for the public to join this mission and share their perspectives:

  • Responses may be submitted to a request for information (RFI) on current or planned uses of AI-enabled biometric technologies in the private and public sectors until January 15, 2022.
  • Members of the public can email OSTP with their comments about the use of artificial intelligence and other data-driven technologies in their lives.

OSTP has also scheduled two public listening sessions on AI-enabled biometric technologies; and, Six public events that will bring together stakeholders to discuss the risks and benefits artificial intelligence holds for democratic participation.

[More information]


CAIDP has already made specific recommendations for the OSTP Initiative:

  1. Aim for a small number of clear, powerful principles. Avoid unnecessary qualifiers, loopholes, and exceptions. If you intend to influence AI policy, the goals must be clearly stated.
  2. Build on prior initiatives. The Universal Guidelines for AI, already widely endorsed by the AI community, provide a good starting point but there is more to do
  3. Proceed on a bipartisan basis. Eliminating bias, promoting fairness, ensuring accountability, and transparency for AI-based systems could also help align the political parties behind a common national purpose.
  4. Do not delay. Many in the AI policy field have become frustrated with the explosion of AI ethics recommendations. Ethics may be a starting point for AI policy, but it is not the endpoint.

Kisselburgh and Rotenberg, Next Steps on the U.S. AI Bill of Rights, The Washington Spectator (Nov. 2, 2021)

Draft Final US Report from US National Security Commission on AI

(Final: March 1, 2021)


The US National Security Commission on AI has published a draft final Report. The CAIDP posted a public statement on February 25, endorsing some of the recommendations in the Report, but also urging the Commission to adopt additional recommendations, based on the CAIDP report Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values. The CAIDP statement cited recent statements on AI by US President Joe Biden and European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen in support of democratic values.


Members of the public who are concerned about the draft final US NSCAI report are encouraged to send comments to the General Inquiries email address. Reporters are encouraged to contact the NSCAI at the Press email address.

European Commission Seeks Comments on AI Regulation (posted May 31, 2021)


From the European Commission - "Artificial intelligence (AI) is a fast-evolving and strategic technology with tremendous opportunities. However, some of its uses pose specific significant risks to the application of various EU rules designed to protect fundamental rights, ensure safety and attribute liability.


"This initiative will ensure that AI is safe, lawful and in line with EU fundamental rights. The overall goal is to stimulate the uptake of trustworthy AI in the EU economy. . . .


"This adopted act is open for feedback for a minimum period of 8 weeks. All feedback received will be summarised by the European Commission and presented to the European Parliament and Council with the aim of feeding into the legislative debate. Feedback received will be published on this site and therefore must adhere to the feedback rules."


Feedback period: April 26, 2021 to July 26, 2021


[More information]

Canada's Privacy Agencies Seeks Public Comment on Police Use of Facial Recognition (Posted: Oct. 7, 2021)


"Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial privacy protection authorities have jointly developed guidance for police agencies to clarify their privacy obligations with respect to their use of facial recognition (FR) technology, with a view to ensuring any use of FR complies with the law, minimizes privacy risks, and respects privacy rights. This guidance is meant for federal, provincial, regional and municipal police agencies. "


Further details here.


Submissions may be sent via email to [email protected] until October 15, 2021.

US National Institute of Standards and Technology Seeks Public Comment on AI Bias (Posted: June 24, 2021)


NIST is seeking comments on a draft report A Proposal for Identifying and Managing Bias in Artificial Intelligence. NIST said that comments will contribute to  "voluntary, consensus-based standards for managing AI bias."


NIST is accepting comments on the document until Sept. 10, 2021. Other NIST related work on AI is available here

AI4Belgium is Seeking Comments on the EU AI Regulation (posted June 18, 2021)


AI4Belgium is seeking comments on the draft AI Regulation. The draft was prepared following a 18 May webinar on the AI regulation. The organizers ask commenters to provide either (1) edits for the document or (2)  clear and precise bullet points. "Try to be as constructive as possible; you can give negative feedback, but please also include your vision on how it should change (so that we know how to implement your comment), and try to provide suggestions as regards what the Commission should concretely do according to you."


Send comments to [email protected] and [email protected] by Friday, 2 July


The organizers also write "besides the collective feedback on behalf of AI4Belgium, every person or organisation can also submit individual feedback to the Commission's consultation. If you wish to submit feedback individually, you can do so here. The deadline for submission has been set to August 6."

US Federal Agencies Seek Views on Financial Institutions' use of artificial intelligence (Posted Mar. 30, 2021)


Five US federal financial regulatory agencies are gathering insight on financial institutions' use of artificial intelligence (AI). The agencies seek information from the public on how financial institutions use AI in their activities, including fraud prevention, personalization of customer services, credit underwriting, and other operations.


Comments will be accepted for 60 days following publication in the Federal Register.


Federal Register notice: Request for Information and Comment on Financial Institutions’ Use of Artificial Intelligence, including Machine Learning (PDF)


Notice of the Chinese State Information Office on the "Regulations on the Management of Recommendations of Internet Information Service Algorithms" - Request for Public Comment (Sept. 21, 2021)

In order to standardize Internet information service algorithm recommendation activities, safeguard national security and social public interests, protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and promote the healthy development of Internet information services, the Office drafted the "Internet Information Service Algorithm Recommendation Management Regulations (for comments) Draft)", now soliciting opinions from the public. The public can provide feedback through the following channels and methods:

1. Log on to the Chinese Government Legal Information Network of the Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China (, and enter the "Legacy Opinion Collection" column of the main menu on the home page to submit opinions.

2. Send your opinions via email to: [email protected].

3. Send your opinions by letter to: Network Rule of Law Bureau, National Internet Information Office, No. 11 Chegongzhuang Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, zip code: 100044, and please indicate the words "Soliciting Comments on Internet Information Service Algorithm Recommendation Management Regulations" on the envelope.


[Proposed Regulation on Management of Algorithmic Recommendations (in Chinese)]


"The deadline for comments is September 26, 2021.