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Tasty Taxonomy

Question: Coffee is related to:
Answer: Both gardenias and coffee are members of the madder family (Rubiaceae).
Question: Stevia is in the mint family.
Answer: Stevia is a member of the aster family (Asteraceae).
Question: Blueberries are most closely related to:
Answer: Cranberries and blueberries are members of the same genus (Vaccinium) in the family Ericaceae.
Question: Bananas and coconuts are in the same family.
Answer: Coconuts are true palms (family Arecaceae), while bananas are giant herbs in the family Musaceae.
Question: Wheat is in the same family as:
Answer: Teff, a tiny grain in the grass family (Poaceae), is a staple cereal crop in Ethiopia.
Question: A pear is in the same family as:
Answer: All are members of the rose family (Rosaceae).
Question: Which of these is not related to carrots?
Answer: Although they are both root vegetables, carrots are in the parsley family (Apiaceae) while turnips are in the mustard family (Brassicaceae).
Question: Kale and collards are the same species.
Answer: Both kale and collards are forms of Brassica oleracea, variety acephala.
Question: Cabbage and Brussels sprouts are the same species.
Answer: Cabbage and Brussels sprouts are forms of Brassica oleracea, which also includes broccoli, kale, cauliflower, and kohlrabi.
Question: Nectarines and peaches are the same species.
Answer: Nectarines are smooth-skinned peaches. Both fruits are forms of Prunus persica, a tree in the rose family.