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Research fields

Top-class research for the transformation

Bosch Research is laying the foundations and developing solutions for a digitalized, electrified and more sustainable world.

The graphic shows the six research fields at Bosch Research with various icons: A robot gripper arm for automation, a network vector for connectivity and digitalization, a human head with a computer chip for artificial intelligence, a battery for electrification, a leaf for climate action and sustainability and a heart with a pulse outline for healthcare. The six symbols are elliptical and spread evenly over a world map.

Sustainability and climate action, electrification and digitalization are trends which are changing both society and industry. At Bosch Research, we play an active role in shaping them. We research and develop technologies which improve people’s lives and make industry more sustainable, safer and more efficient.

Through our research and advance development work, Bosch Research supports Bosch’s entire range of products. We look far into the future to identify trends in industry and society and make them usable for Bosch. We have around 1,800 researchers who bridge the gap between science and industry: from automated driving and fuel cells to reliable distributed systems.

Our top-class research is split into six research fields which, as megatrends, shape both industry and management at Bosch: Automation, Connectivity and digitalization, Artificial intelligence, Electrification, Climate action and sustainability and Healthcare.

The picture shows the “automation” research field at Bosch Research. A robot gripper arm is positioned in the middle as the large main symbol. It is surrounded by other symbols which represent the various aspects of automation such as a robot, a production system with a WLAN symbol and other symbols such as intelligent sensors which form the basis for automation.


Automated and autonomous systems think, act and react on the basis of data. For example, they enable automation in vehicles and factories. In the Factory of the Future, robots will relieve human workers of difficult, monotonous and dangerous tasks, making their day-to-day work easier. Automation is relevant in all sectors and is therefore a key topic for Bosch Research. Intelligent sensors and interfaces between people and machines are the basis for numerous automation technologies.

Symbol for digitalization and connectivity at Bosch Research: A large connectivity icon with connected circles is shown in the center. The background is blue and shows a server room. Six smaller icons are arranged around the connectivity icon. They represent various aspects of digitalization and connectivity.

Digitalization and connectivity

Connectivity technologies allow secure and efficient digital systems. Whether it be an end device or an algorithm: With our research we offer solutions for a connected present and future and combine digitalization with mechanics and electronics, also by means of artificial intelligence methods. With their work on distributed systems and virtualized engineering, the experts at Bosch Research put in place the foundations for specific applications in many sectors.

The picture represents the “artificial intelligence” research field at Bosch Research. A human head with a computer chip is positioned in the middle as the large main symbol. It is surrounded by other symbols which represent the various aspects of artificial intelligence. These include an IT network vector, a data storage symbol and a “half-human half-robot head” which symbolizes the interaction between human and artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an essential part of virtually all future-proof products and services nowadays. Together with the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (BCAI) as part of Bosch Research, we bring together classic engineering and natural sciences with artificial intelligence methods. This includes basic AI research as well as the use of AI in market-ready technologies using foundation models or reinforcement learning and hybrid modeling.

The picture represents the “electrification” research field at Bosch Research. A battery with a lightning symbol is positioned in the middle as the large main symbol. It is surrounded by other symbols which represent the various aspects of electrification. A wind turbine, a car next to a charging point, a light bulb, a house with solar cells and the symbol for hydrogen reflect a sustainable energy strategy.


Electrifying our lives, work and business is essential for a sustainable society. With our research into emissions-free mobility and energy-efficient buildings as well as the production of hydrogen we are paving the way for a climate-neutral future. We are researching electrical drives with batteries and fuel cells for all types of vehicles, heat pumps and solid oxide fuel cells for the electrification of buildings and the production of hydrogen using electrolysis.

The picture represents the “climate action and sustainability” research field at Bosch Research. A leaf is positioned in the middle as the large main symbol. It is surrounded by other symbols which represent the various aspects of climate action and sustainability: A pair of scales with CO2, two arrows as a symbol of the circular economy and a sun symbol are important building blocks for a sustainable future.

Climate action and sustainability

Conserving resources and minimizing CO₂ emissions are fundamental to sustainable products. With our research into greater resource and energy efficiency, product life cycles and intelligent recycling, we put in place the foundations for optimum product cycles. Our main focus is on the circular economy and eco design as a way of selecting the right materials and developing sustainable products from the very beginning.

The picture represents the “healthcare” research field at Bosch Research. A heart with the outline of a pulse is positioned in the middle as the large main symbol. It is surrounded by other symbols which represent the various aspects of healthcare: A stethoscope, a head symbol with a number of arrows, a microscope, a dumbbell and a DNA strand represent research in the area of medical technology.


The COVID-19 pandemic showed how important research in the area of medical technology is. Our work at Bosch Research is helping to make automated and AI-based medical diagnostics more accurate and faster, and is putting in place the foundations for personalized therapy. Laboratory diagnostics for the “point of care” is one area of research along with “Internet of Things” solutions for medical devices and “cells-on-chip” technologies.