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    IR Communication using Arduino UNO | Arduino - …

    IR communication makes use of IR (Infrared) waves from the electromagnetic spectrum. An IR LED is used to transmit data wirelessly in digital form (0 – LED OFF or 1 – LED ON). An IR photodiode or IR phototransistor receives this data. The IR receiver (IR photodiode or IR phototransistor) gives different current values according to the intensity of ...


    Also, the Photodiode is used in the reverse biased mode (It is designed to operate in the reverse biased mode).

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    The data from transmitter side is modulated at 38 kHz before transmission. The TSOP1738 is an IR Receiver with the capability to demodulate signals that have been modulated at a frequency of 38 kHz. Any other TSOP17xx receiver like the TSOP1730 can also be used instead of TSOP1738. The only difference is the carrier frequency that it can demodulate...

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    Wireless IR communication between two Arduino Uno boards. Here, a simple count is transmitted from the transmitter using IR LED. This count is received at the receiver by an IR photodiode or a TSOP1738. The count is transmitted as it is when the receiver is using IR photodiode. The count is modulated at 38 kHz when the receiver is using TSOP1738. W...

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