"As yet, nobody has managed to understand what gives rise to this strange phenomenon, and explaining dark energy remains one ...
The accelerating expansion of the Universe, first observed in 1998, remains one of the most profound mysteries in modern ...
BackgroundIn nature, phenomena in which multiple fluctuations occur in a coupled manner are frequently observed. For example, in large earthquakes ...
The ground around your basement walls contains a lot more than dirt. Water filters its way through the soil, keeping our ...
A low-carbon geopolymer composite developed from industrial waste shows promise for passive humidity control and energy ...
The number of substeps required is based on the velocity of the fluid, the density of the simulation grid ... The simulator calculates the fluid physics equations on a grid and if fluid particles are ...
Our physics expert picks his top-five equations, plus a scheme to supply US power needs with a bucket of baseballs. Thanks, Einstein!
These two properties of axions mean that they are exceptionally good at collapsing down to incredibly high densities, pulled ...
Scientists used the most massive fundamental particles to break special relativity, but even that didn’t work.
Across cosmic history, powerful forces have acted on matter, reshaping the universe into an increasingly complex web of ...
A new computational method gleans more information than its predecessors from maps showing how galaxies are clustered and threaded throughout the universe.
Researchers studied how the universe’s structure changed over time. They found that the universe is less clumpy than expected ...