Once this is completed, a knot will form. A hitch is created when you attach one end of the rope to an object or another rope. For the hitch to hold together, it must be looped around an object ...
The bowline knot makes a secure loop at the end of a piece of rope. It works best when it's holding a load, which helps to keep the knot tight and secure. And it has many uses, for example ...
Bowline Knot To create a fixed loop at the end of a rope, the bowline knot is your best bet. This versatile knot is easy to untie, even after bearing weight, making it perfect for various ...
To tie into a harness with a Figure 8 Follow-through, tie a Figure 8 knot in the rope approximately 3 - 3.5 feet (1 - 1.5 meters) from the end of the rope (Figures 1 - 4) Feed the running end of the ...
To avoid this mistake all you need to do is tie a knot, also referred to as stopper knot, in the end of the rope before starting up the route. In order to draw attention to this simple precautionary ...
The Monkey's Fist is used as an end knot from a heaving line (used for throwing from one location to another), hence the weight of the small rope ball at the end of the knot. Today it is also used ...
When your rope starts to fray ... However, if simplicity is your style, you can simply tie a figure 8 knot into one end and attach a locking carabiner to the loop, where it will then clip onto ...