He revolutionised algebra and his seminal works in mathematics, astronomy and geography have proved to be the keystone for centuries of advances across the world. Al-Khwarizmi was born in about AD ...
I always find it satisfying to be able to apportion blame for things, so I was delighted to learn that Persian mathematician Al-Khwarizmi is known as the father of algebra (the word algorithm ...
Muhammed ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (c. 780-850) al-Khwarizmi was a ninth century mathematician who created many of the most basic techniques for how we perform calculations. His greatest contributions ...
The philosopher Ibn Sina wrote hundreds of texts on philosophy, geography, religion, mathematics and medicine. Al-Khwarizmi created writings on decimals, fractions and algebra. This great era in ...
The Middle East − cradle of civilizations − is in deep crisis swamped in ignorance, autocracy, corruption, violence and oppression. Like many other children of the region, I am still rejoicing with ...