Tributes paid to Colum Eastwood for work to restore Stormont institutions

Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill has paid tribute to outgoing SDLP leader Colum Eastwood (Niall Carson/PA)

By Jonathan McCambridge, Rebecca Black and Gráinne Ní Aodha, PA

Outgoing SDLP leader Colum Eastwood has been praised for his years of work to restore the Stormont powersharing institutions by Northern Ireland’s First Minister Michelle O’Neill.

Irish premier Simon Harris, DUP leader Gavin Robinson and Northern Ireland Secretary Hilary Benn were also among those paying tribute to Mr Eastwood, who has announced he will step down at his party conference in October.

Delivering her tribute, Ms O’Neill focused on the work of Mr Eastwood during the years when the Northern Ireland Assembly were suspended and following Brexit.

She said: “I want to wish Colum Eastwood and his family well as he steps down as leader of the SDLP today.

“We have worked together as leaders for many years now, to restore the political institutions in the north and in protecting the Good Friday Agreement and the all-island economy against efforts to impose the hardest possible Tory Brexit.

“I look forward to working with his successor as leader of the SDLP in a constructive manner for the good of all our people.

“Sinn Fein will continue to work with all parties in the Assembly and Executive to deliver for workers, families and public services.”

Taoiseach Simon Harris said Mr Eastwood had served with distinction as SDLP leader (Brian Lawless/PA)

Mr Harris said Mr Eastwood had “served with distinction” and had been a “progressive, responsible and pragmatic voice on all issues, but especially the challenging ones”.The Taoiseach added: “As a leader he has been accessible, on the ground and close to his constituents in Derry and the issues that affected them.

“During Brexit, Colum served the entire island of Ireland with distinction in Westminster with passionate, timely and informed interventions in debates that otherwise neglected the peace process.

“For that, we all owe Colum a debt of gratitude.”

He added: “I spoke to Colum last night and was glad to hear he still has a lot more to give to politics and will continue to serve as an MP after his successor as leader is appointed.

“Finally, I would also like to wish Colum’s family well and hope today’s decision means more time together.”

Northern Ireland Secretary Hilary Benn said Colum Eastwood had made a great contribution (Niall Carson/PA)

Mr Benn thanked Mr Eastwood “for the great contribution you have made over nine years as SDLP leader”.

“I know your Foyle constituents and Parliament will continue to benefit from your wisdom and passion. I look forward to working with your successor,” he posted on the social media network X.

Mr Robinson said Mr Eastwood would continue to “champion Foyle in Westminster”.

In a post on X, he added: “As before, we will work together on mutually benefitting Northern Ireland.”

Fianna Fail TD Jim O’Callaghan praised Mr Eastwood as having led the SDLP “with distinction during very challenging times”.

He added: “He was a strong leader of nationalist Ireland, following in the great tradition of Hume and Mallon. I wish him well in the future and hope he remains actively involved in politics.”