Robin A. Jess - Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Robin A. Jess

Robin A. Jess

Robin A. Jess is a former executive director of the American Society of Botanical Artists. She has been a freelance botanical illustrator and artist since 1976, working primarily with Dr. Arthur Cronquist and Dr. Noel Holmgren at the New York Botanical Garden until 1996. Robin graduated with honors from the University of Delaware, with a major in art and minor in botany and later earned an M.A. from Pratt Institute. She has received two grants from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, including the Distinguished Artist's Fellowship in 1990. With funding from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation and through the Pinelands Preservation Alliance, Robin created a series of 40 watercolors of New Jersey's Pinelands flora, which toured the state's major museums and arts venues. In the early 1980s, Robin developed the botanical illustration certificate program at NYBG, and still teaches there. She conducts workshops and lectures throughout New Jersey and beyond. Robin has held several administrative positions in the art field, most notably interim executive director of the New Jersey Center for Visual Arts.

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