Harriet Carotenuto - Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Harriet Carotenuto

Harriet Carotenuto

Harriet Carotenuto is an artist, teacher, and lecturer. Her paintings have been exhibited in many museums and juried group shows in the United States and internationally, including exhibits in Japan and England, where she received a silver medal from the Royal Horticultural Society. She has collaborated on numerous group shows of botanical art, including East Meets West, Native Flora of Long Island, The Camellias of Planting Fields Arboretum, and Flora of the Bible. Flora of the Bible traveled for five years and was exhibited at museums throughout the United States. Harriet has a B.S. in art education, an MFA degree, and is a graduate of the botanical illustration program at the New York Botanical Garden; she is also a certified trainer of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. She taught fine arts for 20 years and now specializes in teaching botanical art.

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