Operator appointed to run new adult care home

BBC The front of Summerhill View care home. A large building predominantly featuring grey brickwork with some white walls. A section in the middle shows balconies at the front of rooms on the second floor. Brick paving and a grassed area lie at either side of a newly tarmacked curving road in front of the building. BBC
The Summerhill View facility cost £2.3m more than originally planned

Private operator LV Care Group has been appointed to run a new £14.9m government-funding care home, Manx Care has confirmed.

The company currently runs the Crovan Court residential home in Ramsey and offers home care services.

Residents from Manx Care-run Reayrt ny Baie are expected to be moved to the new Summerhill View, on Victoria Road in Douglas, in November.

The completion of the project was delayed by 18 months and was hit by increased costs of £2.3m.

Manx Care chief executive Teresa Cope said the 60-bed complex would need up to 40 extra staff, at an estimated additional cost of £1.5m.

She said, while the government-funded health care provider had initially wanted to run the home using only its own staff, appointing a private operator was seen as a more cost effective option.

'Positive step'

Discussions were taking place with those currently employed at Reayrt ny Baie, and "every effort" would be made to redeploy staff within the health and social care service "if that is their choice", Manx Care said.

"Otherwise, they may have an opportunity to apply to work with LV Care Group," it added.

Executive director of Social Care, Mental Health and Safeguarding Tim O'Neill said the health care provider would "work with the new provider to make the transition for residents and their families as smooth as possible".

The replacement care home represented a "hugely important, positive step" in delivering "quality care for all residents in welcoming, well-specified and well-designed homes".

Before the home can open staff will need to undertake operational training and a detailed plan drawn up to transfer the patients, as well as LV Care completing the registration of the services with the Department of Health and Social Care.