Promote a Culture of Compliance

BAI Documents and Resources

Trusted, Accurate, and Relevant Online Training Resources for Banks & Financial Institutions

Control Versions, Distribute to Users, Track Views

BAI understands the importance of providing job aides and relevant reference material, regulatory updates and learning tools that your employees can leverage to be more effective.

This is why we have created a centralized location within the BAI Learning Manager that expands the documents and resources available to your learners beyond courseware.

BAI Documents and Resources contains more than 300 documents including key content such as topic overviews, checklists, red flags, whitepapers, job aids, and videos.

This feature provides users of the BAI Learning Management System with:

  • Quick References — Learners can search the catalog and pin these important resources to their student dashboard for quick one-click access
  • Centralized Policy Repository — Store all your organizations policies and procedures in one centralized portal with the rest of your training
  • Real-Time Reporting — Training Administrators and Managers can distribute and track usage to help identify which topics or resources have been viewed most, potentially highlighting trends within your organization
  • Additional Content — Access to a library of BAI maintained documents

Documents and Resources titles include:

  • “Completing a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)”
  • “Collections Warning Signs and Solutions”
  • “Federal Records Retention Requirements”
  • “Fair Lending Considerations: Avoiding Discrimination”
  • “Elder Financial Abuse Red Flags”
  • “Cash Daily Balancing Checklist”
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Encourage a Culture of Compliance and Excellence

Learning Beyond Just Courseware

With BAI’s Documents and Resources, you are taking a crucial step towards changing your learners’ compliance-related behavior. You can:

  • Access hundreds of documents and resources BAI has to offer
  • Integrate your own job aides and policies
  • Upload and distribute current versions of job aids and training resources
  • More easily distribute these important resources to users at your organization, track progress, and monitor learning activity

Since this functionality’s launch, BAI clients have distributed more than 80,000 documents, with more than 5,000 documents flagged by learners for easy reference. Popular titles include: “Military Lending Act,” “Regulation B,” and “Reg Z: Fundamentals for Real Estate Loans.”

we are here to help

Better Courses and Better Tools So You Can Do Better Work

Your financial institution is part of the community. Our courses help you serve your employees and the people depending on you.