Promote a Culture of Compliance


Trusted, Accurate, and Relevant Online Training Courses for Banks & Financial Institutions

From training on key industry regulations such as BSA and UDAAP, to career development courses on innovation and creativity to leadership courses on DEI, the BAI course catalog includes a wide range of compliance and professional development courses authored in a variety of interactive formats to help financial services organizations maximize learner engagement.

BAI’s course libraries are built using the latest in courseware design and are developed by a diverse team of compliance industry and training experts, including former regulatory examiners, Certified Regulatory Compliance Managers (CRCMs), and Certified Risk Professionals (CRPs). The BAI team continuously monitors regulatory agencies to ensure our content is updated at least 90 days prior to regulatory changes, giving you confidence your BAI courseware is always timely, precise, and relevant to your learners.

  • The BAI course catalog includes printable job aids that can be used as a study guide, on-the-job resource, or to facilitate classroom learning.
  • You can modify or customize courses to reflect your organization’s policies and procedures in a variety of ways.
  • BAI course libraries include courses pre-approved for continuing professional education credits through the Institute of Certified Bankers. Your staff can leverage BAI courses to maintain their CRCM, CLBB, CFSSP, AMLP, CBA, and CRP designations.

Access BAI’s Accurate, Relevant and Timely Courseware in the Manner that Works Best for You

The BAI Learning Manager was developed specifically to manage the training needs of financial services organizations like yours.

This one-stop training solution allows you to expand and adapt your training program with the latest in elearning design while creating efficiencies for your training administrators, managers, and learners.

Already Have a Learning Management System? Leverage BAI’s Courseware with Your Training System

We understand that you may have a learning management system in place and are looking for courseware only, so we’ve created a solution to help meet your compliance and professional development training needs.

The BAI Content Service Provider solution enables you to integrate the latest in industry-leading courseware with your LMS for an efficient and effective training solution. With our solution, you will receive:

  • Thousands of role-specific and subject-based courses designed specifically for banks, credit unions, mortgage companies and nonbanks, including these categories:
    • BSA/Anti-Money Laundering Laws and Regulations
    • Corporate Compliance Laws and Regulations
    • Deposit and Transaction Laws and Regulations
    • Human Resources Laws and Regulations
    • And more!
  • Highly interactive and engaging courseware that is always current with the latest regulatory changes
  • Seamless integration into your LMS via our cloud-based delivery solution
  • On-demand support with the BAI Content Service Portal, providing you with key information, including:
    • A list of all available and requested courses
    • Place orders for initial courses and new courses
    • Usage and licensing terms
    • Monthly content usage reports
    • Support and technical assistance requests
    • Custom reports, including Question-Level Analytics
    • And more!
  • A dedicated Customer Success Manager assigned to your account

The BAI Content Solution can be delivered in a variety of formats for seamless integration with your preferred learning management system. The BAI Cloud utilizes a secure, web-based application to centrally host your content, allowing for automatic courseware updates into your organization’s LMS.

BAI’s Role-based Courses

Increase regulator satisfaction

We know your learners have specific jobs to do. BAI’s role-based courses:

  • Help you tailor training to job functions
  • Teach only the relevant information for that role
  • Tie learning to responsibilities
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BAI’s Microlearning

Save time and learn more

BAI’s microlearning courses are 10 minutes or less and are designed to:

  • Provide learners with a quick training refresher
  • Convey an important regulatory update
  • In some cases, be used as a replacement for required annual training
BAI’s Documents & Resources

Your content, fast

BAI’s Documents functionality:

  • Enables you to integrate your own content into our catalog
  • Creates a centralized repository for your learners
  • Comes with an easy-reference user interface where learners can Search, Browse, Heart, and Download, and you can Distribute, Track, and Report

Since this functionality’s launch, BAI clients have assigned more than 80,000 documents, with more than 5,000 documents flagged by learners for easy reference. Popular titles include: “Military Lending Act,” “Regulation B,” and “Reg Z: Fundamentals for Real Estate Loans.”


Explore Our Compliance Training and Professional Development Catalog

Search our course catalog to see how BAI can meet your unique needs.

we are here to help

Better Courses and Better Tools So You Can Do Better Work

Your financial institution is part of the community. Our courses help you serve your employees and the people depending on you.