Thrilled this book is out!This book is going to be my key recommendation for clients who both own companies, as well as for leaders of teams within corporations. As a non-neurodivergent professional who coaches primarily neurodivergent adults, this book is an amazingly useful tool. There is so much time, money, and effort is put into developing leaders, but I have yet to see enough, if any, training on understanding the neurodivergent population and the talent and benefits they bring to the table. I admire how the author has clearly laid out the benefits/strengths of the various neurodivergence and stating that these individuals could "be a company's best investment to increase its competitive advantage." Susan Fitzell breaks down specific language on how to communicate and understand those who share about their neurodivergent status - something I have shared with clients with a neurodivergent employee on their team. The explanation of how neurodivergence presents in women versus men is particularly helpful. This book should be read by every member of the C-suite and HR department members to better understand how growth of their company is dependent on understanding their employees. This book is a key element in learning more about those we work with and live with: I'm grateful it exists.3