Customer Review

Reviewed in the United States on March 6, 2024
I had my previous mattress for over five years. It was a cheap-ish one that was definitely well past its prime from use.
Changing to this new mattress was an instant dream. We recently moved and I couldn’t afford much more than we paid for this one, and also have yet to get a bed frame (new size for us).
Now that I’m more used to this mattress, I can really appreciate it beyond being better than the old one. I never get overheated, I sink into it but have plenty of support, I’m never sore and I sleep HARD. I’ve also noticed that I don’t get woken up when my partner leaves the bed or is shuffling around- this is so huge to me because I am normally a very light sleeper and wake up for anything. This is easily the best, most quality sleep I’ve had in years.
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