
🔥Hot Take: ROAS is a conflict of interest Members Public

It is hot-take-Tuesday, and ROAS sits in our conflict of interest crosshairs.

Travis Lusk
Travis Lusk

"Moveable Middles" and the CMO + CFO Relationship Members Public

Major Unlock: Marketers go out of their way to ensure that their finance teams understand the value advertising drives in the business. These two panels at POSSIBLE attempt to bring those worlds together through new ways of driving and measuring success.

Travis Lusk
Travis Lusk

It's a Trap: Guaranteed Performance Members Public

I'm not saying it is a trap. But it is a trap.

Travis Lusk
Travis Lusk

That's not measurement Members Public

Google gained unwanted attention for its alleged lack of adherence to its own policies within Google Video Partners. The industry's problem is much larger.

Travis Lusk
Travis Lusk

CTV: $20B Faith-based marketplace Members Public

The billions spent with little measurement to prove it.

Travis Lusk
Travis Lusk

How do I know if my digital marketing campaign worked? Members Public

A beginners guide based on the techniques used by the Fortune 500 companies.

Travis Lusk
Travis Lusk

Multi Touch Attribution: A Collective Insanity Members Public

Travis Lusk
Travis Lusk