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      Migrant EducationSupportive Pedagogy for CLD and ESL Instruction
Existing migration research has framed ‘middling migrants’ mainly in terms of transnational fluidity and flexibility, thus overlooking the issue of integration. This article adds to a burgeoning scholarship advocating a more locally... more
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      Teacher EducationImmigrationImmigration StudiesMigration
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      MultilingualismMinority LanguagesMinority RightsLanguage Typology
The attached book is the introductory guide to a set of teaching resources intended for migrant education in the UK. The pack includes lesson starters, lesson plans, followup ideas and photographic and map resources all related to the... more
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      Migrant Children's EducationMigrant Education
This paper examines a field ridden with palpable and tangible silence: migrant inclusion within the Maltese post-secondary educational system. Focusing on the theme of difference and otherness, this paper studies whether inclusive... more
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      Hannah ArendtMigrant EducationSocio-Spatial Inclusion of Migrants
Αρβανίτη, Ε. (2012). Σχεδιασμοί μάθησης και διαφορετικότητα στο πρόγραμμα εκπαίδευσης μεταναστών -Οδυσσέας. Στο Π. Γεωργογιάννης (Επιμ.). Διαπολιτισμικότητα, Διοίκηση της Εκπαίδευσης και Οικονομική Κρίση στην Κοινωνία, το Σχολείο, την... more
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      InterculturalityMigrant Education
In this paper we grapple with the question of how healthy community and university partnerships can be formed in order to support migrant students’ access to higher education. Employing autoethnographic and narrative research, and drawing... more
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      Community-academic partnershipsMigrant Education
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      Teacher TrainingTeoría general de sistemasMigrant EducationParadigma De La Compleidad
TEACHING PRODUCTIVITY AND ITS ENEMIES is a distribution of my original doctoral dissertation "Language Tangle : Predicting and Facilitating Outcomes in Language Education" ( ) with a new title better... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGender StudiesEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second Language
Στο άρθρο αυτό διερευνώνται οι παραδοχές και οι στάσεις των εκπαιδευτών της ελληνικής ως δεύτερης ή ξένης γλώσσας σε σχέση με: - τις μητρικές γλώσσες των ενηλίκων εκπαιδευομένων με μεταναστευτική προέλευση - το βαθμό συμβατότητας της... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionIntercultural EducationPlurilingualismRefugees and Forced Migration Studies
Patent claims define the protection scope of the intellectual property sought by the patent applicant or patentee. Broad claims are valuable as they can describe more expansive rights to the invention. Therefore, if these claims are too... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish for Specific PurposesEthnographyPragmatics
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionLearner AutonomyCorpus Linguistics
[ The original PhD dissertation may be read and authenticated from the website of the University of Newcastle, NSW, at ] This thesis argues that foreign and second language teaching productivity can... more
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      Organizational BehaviorDiscourse AnalysisLanguagesSociology
This paper aims to contribute to the methodological toolbox of “pedagogy-driven corpus-based research” (Gabrielatos 2006), that is, research which is situated at the intersection of language description, pedagogical lexicogrammar, and... more
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      Learner AutonomyCorpus LinguisticsConditionalsLearner corpora
Dopo una breve riflessione sulle politiche migratorie italiane degli ultimi decenni, il contributo offre una sintetica panoramica della disciplina legislativa italiana delle politiche di immigrazione. Soffermandosi sul permesso di... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage TestingApplied LinguisticsInternational Migration
This report is part of the EU-funded research project Upstream. The title of this Work Package is ‘The politics of mainstreaming’, and this report explores the mainstreaming of migrant integration policies in the United Kingdom. In doing... more
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      Regional and Local GovernanceMigrant Children's EducationMigrant integrationIntegration policy
Educators in Australian schools encounter opportunities and challenges comparable in kind to those encountered by many of their colleagues in other settings. They work in the midst of growing diversity among students, communities, and... more
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      Aboriginal educationLiteracy EducationMigrant EducationAustralian Aboriginal Languages
I Minori Stranieri Non Accompagnati (MSNA) affrontano la migrazio-ne senza famiglia o adulti di riferimento, sfuggendo a povertà, guerre e persecuzioni. L'Italia ha recentemente implementato un sistema che cerca di dare risposta ai loro... more
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      Migration StudiesSociology of MigrationMigrant Children's EducationChildren's Rights
This guide is written to support schools and other educating institutions support all kinds of young migrants and especially refugees and asylum seekers. It uses ten themed tables of questions and prompts to provoke discussion, debate... more
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    • Migrant Education
Abstract. References to other scholars’ work is an important component of research writing, and one which requires careful attention in order to convey the writer’s stance toward the reported propositions and their relationship to each... more
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      English LiteratureInterpersonal CommunicationEnglish for Academic PurposesTeaching English as a Second Language
Europe is on the move. After years of seclusion the borders of Eastern Europe opened signifying the end of a political system, which seemed good in theory, but in practice suppressed civil rights. Many things came to pass - the Cold War... more
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      Intercultural EducationMigrant Educationδιαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση
L’articolo parte dall’analisi del contesto costituzionale nell’ambito dell’istruzione e della scuola, incentrandosi in particolare sul rapporto tra funzione scolastica, centralità della persona e ruolo dei pubblici poteri. Su tale base,... more
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      Constitutional LawEducationMigration LawImmigration Law
Im Rahmen einer kultur- und religionssensiblen Bildung wird versucht, mit Hilfe des Filmes "Anatevka" Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund bei ihrer Integration zu unterstützen. Schüler werden angeregt, über kulturelle Unterschiede... more
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      Multicultural EducationMigrant Children's EducationInterreligious Dialogue and EducationMoral Education and Religion
The aim of this study is to probe into the methods, approaches, and principles used in educational environments, both formal and non-formal ones, throughout Greece that address immigrants' and refugees' language needs. The data were... more
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      Language EducationLanguage TeachingRefugee EducationMigrant Education
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      Learner AutonomyCorpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics & Language PedagogyLanguage Assessment
This corpus-based study seeks a connection between lexical bundles and vocabulary in Business English coursebooks used in Bangkok, Thailand with a BELF (Business English Lingua Franca) corpus developed from business stories in English... more
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      Learner AutonomyCultureCorpus LinguisticsLanguage Assessment
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      ReligionCultural StudiesSocial MovementsSocial Theory
While advantages of literacy in the home language have been widely documented, the Australian education system has not been proactive in providing institutional support for its development. This paper investigates the impact of... more
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      Multi- & Bilingualism & BiliteracyEducation PolicySelf-directed learningBilingualism
The SSC examination is a high-stakes standardized public examination in Bangladesh because of its nature, purpose, function and significance. It has long been assumed that a high-stakes second/foreign language examination exerts a... more
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      Learner AutonomyCorpus LinguisticsLanguage AssessmentSyllabus Design
This paper aims to explore the developments of different concepts of culture in Turkish–German Migrant Cinema before and after German Unification. Key questions addressed will be: 1. How do these films express cultural differences and... more
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      German StudiesMigrant LiteratureGerman CinemaTurkish-German Cinema
This article draws on life history interviews of undocumented Mexican high school and university students from rural communities in central and eastern Washington. Although these youngsters face similar impediments to those of their... more
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      Rural SociologyEducationSpace and PlaceRural Development
This Discussion Document on Learning to Live Together-Thailand highlights the importance of how a nation needs to make holistic strategy decisions regarding education. The document shows how education interfaces with social, cultural,... more
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      New MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesMedia LiteracyThailand
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      Learner AutonomyCorpus LinguisticsLanguage AssessmentSyllabus Design
This programmatic paper is about rethinking intercultural education in our work and teaching (a) with migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in particular who are among us – and how they view, relate to their countries of origin and the... more
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      Critical PedagogyMigration StudiesTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageSociology of Migration
A WE-based English Communication Skills Course at a Turkish university Yasemin Bayyurt Boğaziçi Univesity, Turkey & Derya Altinmakas Kultur University, Turkey Introduction In this chapter, we introduce the stages of the... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageLearner AutonomyEnglish as a Lingua FrancaCorpus Linguistics
Literacy experiences and Diversity in Nursery school from the child’s perspective. Exploring the transition of immigrant children to Primary school. First results of an ethnographic fieldwork in Rhodes. According to the latest PISA... more
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      DiversityEarly Childhood LiteracyMigrant Children's EducationMigrant Education
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      Albanian StudiesKosovoMigration StudiesMacedonia
Cette publication tend à aller à contre-courant des idées reçues sur la place, la représentation et le rôle de l'interprète professionnel lorsqu'il réalise sa tâche en mediaiton sociale. C'est à l'aide de la notion de paratraduction que,... more
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      Translation StudiesMigrationMigration StudiesMigrant Health
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      Migrant LiteratureMigrant workersLabour migrationMigrant Education
The two goals of this chapter are: (1) to investigate the resources provided by public schools to students from migrant farmworking families with varying citizenship status; and (2) to understand how their parents perceive their... more
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      Latino/A StudiesLanguage Planning and PolicySpanish as a Foreign LanguageMigrant Health
CULTURAL IDENTITY, MINORITY POSITION AND IMMIGRATION: TURKEY’S JEWISH MINORITY VS. TURKISH-JEWISH IMMIGRANTS IN ISRAEL Abstract The foundation of the state of Israel attracted masses of Jewish immigrants from all over the world.... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesSociology of CultureEthnic Studies
It is known that Florida school employees known as Migrant Advocates facilitate or broker MSF health care access for migrant and seasonal farmworker (MSF) families, but it is not known how states without a Migrant Education Program might... more
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      School-based health careMexican MigrationMigrant HealthMigrant Children's Education
The article conceptualizes community-school partnerships (CSP) as racial projects. Drawing on data from a mixed-methods study of how CSPs increase belonging for migrant youth, the article reveals existing tensions in CSPs from migrant... more
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      Migrant Children's EducationRacial ProjectsMigrant EducationUrban Education Reform
This article examines how the Education Leadership Foundation (a leadership development community based organization) in partnership with the Migrant Education Program use parent retreats for building leadership, and skill development of... more
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      Immigrant EducationMigrant EducationParent and Community Engagement in SchoolsLatino/a Educational Leadership
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      Critical TheoryReligionSociologyCultural Studies
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      MulticulturalismEuropean integrationInternational StudiesMigration mobilities
Η πρόσφατη προσφυγική κρίση επανέφερε με οξύτητα στην επικαιρότητα το θέμα της γλωσσικής εκπαίδευσης των πληθυσμών που αναζητούν καταφύγιο και μια καινούρια ζωή στην Ευρώπη. Η γνώση της τοπικής γλώσσας είναι απαραίτητη για τον πληθυσμό... more
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      SociologyLanguage EducationLanguage TeachingRefugee Education
Despite the importance of lectures in higher education, relatively little is known about lecture discourse. To contribute to our understanding of this genre, this paper presents a comprehensive overview of lecture functions, i.e. what... more
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      Educational ResearchLearner AutonomyCorpus LinguisticsESP