24 items in this album on 2 pages.

A fully loaded DUKW coming ashore at Normandy, France, 11 Jun 1944.Biscayne, Doran, and another ship docked at Arzew, Algeria, 11 Jun 1944British flail tank on the Normandy beach, France, Jun 1944
'Rhino' ferry vessel off Normandie, France, Jun 1944A fully loaded DUKW coming ashore at Normandy, France, 11 Jun 1944.Biscayne, Doran, and another ship docked at Arzew, Algeria, 11 Jun 1944British flail tank on the Normandy beach, France, Jun 1944
British naval craft off Normandy, France, Jun 1944British officers inspecting a PzKpfw IV tank destroyed by the UK Durham Light Infantry, Normandy, France, 11 Jun 1944Camouflaged German Tiger I heavy tank, Villers-Bocage, France, Jun 1944Captured German remote-controlled explosive carriers, Normandy, France, Jun 1944
British naval craft off Normandy, France, Jun 1944British officers inspecting a PzKpfw IV tank destroyed by the UK Durham Light Infantry, Normandy, France, 11 Jun 1944Camouflaged German Tiger I heavy tank, Villers-Bocage, France, Jun 1944Captured German remote-controlled explosive carriers, Normandy, France, Jun 1944
Courseulles-sur-Mer in ruins, France, Jun 1944Damaged German defensive fortification at Bernières-sur-Mer, France, Jun 1944Damaged German defensive fortification at Courseulles-sur-Mer, France, Jun 1944DUKW amphibious trucks operating off Normandy, 11 Jun 1944
Courseulles-sur-Mer in ruins, France, Jun 1944Damaged German defensive fortification at Bernières-sur-Mer, France, Jun 1944Damaged German defensive fortification at Courseulles-sur-Mer, France, Jun 1944DUKW amphibious trucks operating off Normandy, 11 Jun 1944
General Montgomery meeting with war correspondents at his headquarters at Château de Cruelly, France during the Normandy campaign, 11 Jun 1944.Light cruiser Montpelier underway from the Marshall Islands en route for Saipan, Mariana Islands, 11 Jun 1944Member of the US Navy’s Second Beach Battalion examining a German SdKfz 302 Goliath remote-controlled mine (called Beetles by US forces) on Utah Beach, 11 June 1944. Note DUKW in the background.Members of the US Navy’s Second Beach Battalion disassembling two German SdKfz 302 Goliath remote-controlled mines (called Beetles by US forces) on Utah Beach, 11 June 1944.
General Montgomery meeting with war correspondents at his headquarters at Château de Cruelly, France during the Normandy campaign, 11 Jun 1944.Light cruiser Montpelier underway from the Marshall Islands en route for Saipan, Mariana Islands, 11 Jun 1944Member of the US Navy’s Second Beach Battalion examining a German SdKfz 302 Goliath remote-controlled mine (called Beetles by US forces) on Utah Beach, 11 June 1944. Note DUKW in the background.Members of the US Navy’s Second Beach Battalion disassembling two German SdKfz 302 Goliath remote-controlled mines (called Beetles by US forces) on Utah Beach, 11 June 1944.
Sherman DD tank at Normandy, France, Jun 1944Sherman tank of 24th Lancers, UK 8th Armored Brigade, near St Leger, France, 11 Jun 1944The Troops of A Company, 6th Durham Light Infantry Regiment, British 50th Division in Grandcamp-Maisy, France, 11 Jun 1944; note Sten gun
Sherman DD tank at Normandy, France, Jun 1944Sherman tank of 24th Lancers, UK 8th Armored Brigade, near St Leger, France, 11 Jun 1944The 'Gooseberry' line of the 'Mulberry' artificial harbor off Omaha Beach, Normandy, France, Jun 1944Troops of A Company, 6th Durham Light Infantry Regiment, British 50th Division in Grandcamp-Maisy, France, 11 Jun 1944; note Sten gun

24 items in this album on 2 pages.

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"I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God, our forces stand again on Philippine soil."

General Douglas MacArthur at Leyte, 17 Oct 1944

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