TDF/Policies & TradeMark Policy

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    The Document Foundation Mark Policy


    The objective of The Document Foundation ("TDF" for short) mark policy is to encourage widespread use of TDF marks by the community while controlling that use in order to avoid confusion on the part of software users and the general public, to maintain the value of the image and reputation of the marks and to protect them from inappropriate or unauthorized use.

    The text in English is the official version of the Mark Policy and shall be regarded as its default and binding version.

    Any use of any TDF mark must be in accordance with this policy. Any use that does not comply with our trademark policy is not authorized. Any goodwill generated by the use of any TDF mark inures to the benefit of TDF.

    The sections below describe what is allowed, what isn't allowed, and cases in which you should ask permission. If you have any doubt, please contact TDF and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly. If you are aware of a breach or misuse of TDF marks in any way, we would appreciate you bringing this to our attention. Please contact TDF so that we can investigate this further.

    Marks cover the names "The Document Foundation" and "LibreOffice" as well as the paper clip icon. We might add more of marks in the future, and we will update this policy accordingly.


    Do not assume that this policy will answer every question about the use of TDF marks. There will be scenarios where the intended use of TDF marks is not covered by this policy, or where you have doubts as to whether or not a specific rule applies. In all these cases, you should contact TDF. For every question concerning marks please send an email to the [email protected] (non-public).

    The Marks

    TDF owns a number of marks, and these include:

    • The Document Foundation
    • LibreOffice
    • the paper clip icon

    As other marks are created or registered, this list will be updated.

    Marks are not just TDF logos but also the names of its various products and projects, as well as the names and among others (also called word marks), and are collectively referred to as “TDF marks”.

    See more practical information and official logo material here.


    TDF Mark Policy attempts to balance two competing interests: TDF needs to ensure that TDF marks remain reliable indicators of quality, source, and security; and TDF desire to permit all community members, software distributors, and others with whom TDF works to discuss TDF products and to accurately describe their affiliation with us.

    Striking a proper balance is a tricky situation that many organizations - in particular those whose products are distributed electronically - wrestle with every day and we've attempted to balance it here.

    Underlying our mark policy is the general law of marks.

    In creating our mark policy, we seek to clarify the uses of TDF marks we consider legitimate and the uses we do not.

    Although TDF Mark Policy is composed of a number of specific rules, most reflect the overarching requirement that your use of TDF marks be non-confusing and non-disparaging.

    By non-confusing, we mean that people should always know whom they are dealing with, and where the software they are downloading comes from. Websites and software that are not created or produced by TDF should not imply, either directly or by omission, that they are.

    By non-disparaging, we mean that, outside the bounds of fair use, you can't use TDF marks as vehicles for defaming us or sullying our reputation.

    These basic requirements can serve as a guide as you work your way through the policy.

    Overall Guidelines

    We encourage the use of TDF marks in marketing, and other publicity materials related to TDF or the relevant TDF product. Of course, any use of a TDF mark is subject to the overarching requirement that its use be non-confusing.

    Although many uses of TDF marks are governed by more specific rules, which appear below, the following basic guidelines apply to any use of TDF marks in printed materials, including marketing, articles and other publicity-related materials, and websites:

    • Proper Form: TDF marks should be used in their exact form, neither abbreviated nor combined with any other word or words. TDF has a set of acceptable logos for general use. If you are not sure where they are please inquire on our lists. The logos that bear the exact mention of the software name with the mention "The Document Foundation" are reserved for two purposes:
      • the sole and official use of TDF as an entity, for instance on splash screens from software builds compiled by the Document Foundation or on official materials from the legal entity itself
      • the use within the Projects of the Community - like documentation, marketing or website - when the respective work is prepared and coordinated openly and transparently, on the appropriate communication channels, following the Foundation's and Community's principles
      • Example: A publisher working on a documentation with a few selected community members is not eligible for use of logos with the mention "The Document Foundation", whereas the documentation team itself may freely use it for any project that is coordinated on its mailing lists.
    • You may not use this set of logos for other than the above purposes, but only the logos bearing the software name without the Document Foundation's mention.
    • Accompanying Symbol: The first or most prominent mention of a TDF mark should be accompanied by a symbol indicating whether the mark is a registered trademark ("®") or an unregistered trademark ("™").
    • Distinguishable: In at least the first reference, the mark should be set apart from surrounding text, either by capitalizing it or by italicizing, bolding or underlining it. In addition, a website may not copy the look and feel of TDF websites. Again, we do not want the visitor to your websites to be confused about which entity he/she is dealing with.

    This requirement is waived in all contexts where such marks are not normally included: email, on-line discussion, non-graphical advertisements (when permitted), and academic papers. We encourage the use of the symbol whenever possible, but recognize that many non-commercial and informal uses will omit it.


    Permitted Use

    You may use the Marks without prior written permission (subject to the following terms):

    1. To refer to the LibreOffice software in substantially unmodified form.

    "Substantially unmodified" means built from the source code provided by TDF, possibly with minor modifications including but not limited to: the enabling or disabling of certain features by default, translations into other languages, changes required for compatibility with a particular operating system distribution, the inclusion of bug-fix patches, or the bundling of additional fonts, templates, artwork and extensions).

    2. To identify LibreOffice as a distinct component of a software offering.

    3. To factually refer to The Document Foundation itself, its products, or its protocols.

    Example: you may use “Bob's Addons for LibreOffice” or “Bob's forum for LibreOffice” but not “Bob's LibreOffice”.

    4. When referring to LibreOffice that is not substantially unmodified, to say that such software is a "derivative of" or "based on" LibreOffice. You may use the marks as part of the name of a product designed to work with LibreOffice, so long as the name as a whole (via its other components) clearly and unambiguously distinguishes the product from LibreOffice, and the general presentation of the product does not imply any official association or identity with TDF. Because it would be awkward to attach a mark symbol to a portion of a larger name whose other portions might themselves be trademarked, the requirement to display the symbol is waived for this circumstance.

    Example: you can for instance have “Bob's Addons™ for LibreOffice” but not “Bob's Addons for LibreOffice™” which might create a confusion with a specific brand yours, and another specific one, LibreOffice.

    Non Permitted Use

    You may not use the marks in the following ways:

    1. In any way likely to cause confusion as to the identity of TDF, the origin of its software, or the software's license, for example by including the Marks in the name of an application in an app store, such as LibreOffice packaged by Jane Bob;
    2. In any way that indicates a greater degree of association between you and TDF than actually exists (see our simplified logo policy for more practical information) ;
    3. In any way that implies a designated successor to LibreOffice (e.g., "LibreOffice++" is not permitted).
    4. In any way that indicates that TDF favors one distribution, platform, product, etc. over another except where explicitly indicated in writing by TDF.

    Thus uses of the marks in a domain name or company name without explicit written permission from TDF are prohibited.

    The following restrictions apply to all uses:

    1. the "LibreOffice" trademarks may NOT be used for goods, services and software that are specifically determined for the use by book retailers
    2. "LibreOffice" as trademark, company name or domain name may NOT be used for goods, services and software that are specifically determined for the use by book retailers
    3. the letters "Libre" may NOT be emphasized or separated in such a way that the suffix (like "Office") vanishes into background significantly, e.g. by respective font size or use of colors; please note that we only license our official designs or approved edits thereof, which fulfill this requirement
    4. coloring that matches the one of Libri GmbH's logo may NOT be used; please note that we only license our official designs or approved edits thereof, which fulfill this requirement


    Policy for Merchandise Using TDF marks

    You may create and sell merchandise using TDF marks without additional permission provided that you use only unmodified graphics from the logo page on TDF and LibreOffice websites. Please contact us if you would like to sell any other merchandise containing TDF marks. This section is subject to the other provisions contained in this policy, including all of the prohibitions on usage above.

    Policy for Services Related to TDF Software

    If you offer services primarily related to TDF software (such as support), you may use TDF marks in describing and advertising your services relating to a TDF product, so long as you don't violate the guidelines for the use of TDF marks or do anything that might mislead customers into thinking that either your website, service, or product is a TDF website, service, or product, or that TDF has any direct relationship with your organization.

    If you are selling services for TDF software (for example, support), you may not tie the download of the product with the purchase of the service. The download of TDF product using TDF mark(s) may not be connected in any way to the purchase of a service.

    You must provide a statement that (i) TDF software is available for free and link directly to our site; (ii) the purchase of your service is separate from the download of TDF software; and (iii) your service is not affiliated with TDF.

    Other Legal Stuff

    The Document Foundation reserves the sole right to:

    1. Determine compliance with this policy.

    2. Modify this policy in ways consistent with its mission of protecting the public, the community and the users.

    3. Grant exceptions to this policy, of any kind and for any reason whatsoever, other clauses notwithstanding.

    If you have questions about using TDF marks, or if you think you should be able to use TDF marks for any purpose not allowed by this policy and would like permission for that use, or for more information concerning our label program, please contact TDF by emailing [email protected] (non-public).

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