LGBTI+ Pride
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We are present in the trajectory of our LGBTQIA+, employees, and all of them also help us to evolve with the world.
Raising awareness of the LGBTQIA+ theme and reinforcing respect for sexual orientation and gender identity, regardless of personal beliefs and values, are some of our priorities within the subject of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion.
In this space, we share Vale's actions and initiatives to ensure the safety and well-being of all members of our workforce. In addition, we shall present stories of the life and transformation of our talents, which inspire us every day to evolve together.
We want to inspire new attitudes and, above all, spread respect.
At Vale, each and every one has a unique trajectory.
Our pride is in being part of all these stories.
Every day, we evolve together
Therefore, we always encourage open and transparent dialogue in order to create a safe, respectful and caring space for all.
LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group
Over time, the group has raised discussions and enriched knowledge among community members and allies.
Encouraging open and transparent dialogue is a Vale commitment.
Marina Duarte has been a control analyst at Vale for 14 years. With her wife, Samiris, they had Olavo, the first baby registered with two mothers in Itabira/MG.
What have we done?
Here are some of the sex reassignment procedures covered by Vale’s health insurance plan:
In a completely confidential manner, the channel offers a multidisciplinary team for anyone who feels victimized in situations that are at odds with our principles. In this channel, Vale professionals are heard, supported and, if they wish, they can make formal complaints.
In recent years, several actions have been carried out in the month of June, the month in which the International LGBTQIA+ Pride Day is celebrated on the 28th. The actions also attempt to reinforce our commitments to Diversity, Equality and Inclusion.
Vale’s 1st LGBTQIA+ Pride Celebration
Training Programs
With leadership training, internal and external campaigns and educational actions, our goal is to fight discrimination and spread our culture of respect.
Since 2020, more than 4,000 leaders have taken part in our Diversity, Equality and Inclusion training.
Furthermore, we have periodically promoted workshops and webinars to listen to our employees and create learning opportunities on LGBTQIA+ topics and other subjects, such as gender, racism and inclusion of people with disabilities.
Fotógrafo: xxxx
Hudon Ferreira, is a programmer at Vale in Itabira/MG
Our stance
We believe that these initiatives focused on inclusion and diversity help promote an increasingly collaborative, innovative and attractive environment for new talent.
Marina Quental
Vale’s five principles of diversity and respect
Discover our Inclusion and Diversity Policy, Code of Conduct and Human Rights Policy
Derick Silva is an Information Technology Analyst at Vale
Evolving together
We understand that it is essential to increase knowledge and awareness on the subject of the LGBTQIA+. This is why we have created educational content that helps clarify issues related to sexual orientation and gender identities. Together, we can spread respect towards all.
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