We are present in the trajectory of our LGBTQIA+, employees, and all of them also help us to evolve with the world. 

In our company, we transform ourselves on a daily basis and encourage all people to be who they are and to conquer whatever space they want. 

Raising awareness of the LGBTQIA+ theme and reinforcing respect for sexual orientation and gender identity, regardless of personal beliefs and values, are some of our priorities within the subject of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion. 

In this space, we share Vale's actions and initiatives to ensure the safety and well-being of all members of our workforce. In addition, we shall present stories of the life and transformation of our talents, which inspire us every day to evolve together. 

We want to inspire new attitudes and, above all, spread respect. 

At Vale, each and every one has a unique trajectory.

Our pride is in being part of all these stories. 

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Marcos Antônio felt the support of other colleagues in the affinity group and mustered the courage to tell everyone what he had hidden for 46 years.  
I am 50 years old and have struggled with my sexuality for a long time. It was only 4 years ago that I was able to open myself up. One of the watersheds was taking part in Vale's LGBTOIA+ affinity group. Now I'm engaged in the cause to help transform, together.
Marcos Antonio Vieira is an Occupational Safety technician. He has worked at Vale for 14 years in Vitória/ES. 
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Marcela was already married to Juliana when Vale entered her life. However, until recently, her peers didn't know about her beautiful family.
I never said anything about myself to the people I live with every day for years. That changed when Vale took a stand on the LGBTGIA+ subject, I felt strong enough to enter this transformation journey.
Marcela Silvestre is an administrative analyst. 
​She has worked at Vale for 15 years in Contagem/MG.
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Camilla is not as comfortable walking down the street as she is at work, with her colleagues. There is still room for improvement, both inside and outside Vale. 
I faced a traumatic situation within my family. On the street, I suffer multiple situations due to homophobia, because of the way I dress or how I decide to cut my hair. But at Vale, I've always felt extremely comfortable, without having to display any forced femininity. It's where I feel welcomed, with a very diverse team.
Camilla Szerman is an engineer.
She has been working at Vale for 2 years in Santa Bárbara/MG.
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Every day, we evolve together 

We are made up of a plural team. And it is precisely the union between different profiles and life stories that makes Vale go further. 

Therefore, we always encourage open and transparent dialogue in order to create a safe, respectful and caring space for all. 
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LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group 

Since 2020, we have had a space to amplify the voices of the community at Vale: the LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group. With different profiles, life stories and world views, our employees broaden Vale's perspective on the topic and help us develop new actions and initiatives. 

Over time, the group has raised discussions and enriched knowledge among community members and allies. 

Encouraging open and transparent dialogue is a Vale commitment. 
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Vale's LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group is a place of welcoming, guidance and empowerment. I joined the group in 2020 because I needed a safe space to speak freely. Vale has taken important steps towards Equality and inclusion, and the affinity group is an important space for belonging, which helps the company and its employees grow together: a space for belonging and alignment so we may act as agents of transformation.  

Karen Rubem

is a change management analyst on the Strategy and Transformation Innovation team. She has been at Vale for one year. 
The value ascribed to diversity and inclusion is legitimately changing. Vale is working on the pillar of education, goals and improving the consequence management system. The company put people at the center of decisions and discourse and that was fundamental. We have a voice with which we can bring stances to HR decisions through the affinity groups. 

Willer Junior

LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group 
Talking about Vale's LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group fills me with great pride: look where we've come! We are under constant evolution, while still being at the start of a great transformation. I joined the group in 2020 after noticing Vale opening itself up to inclusion. All the great achievements in the world were collective: people who came together believing in positive transformations. Things are no different here. We understand the importance of being together to evolve in the quest for a more inclusive environment. 

Alaf Leão

Planning and Programming Technician at Vale for 7 years. 
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Marina Duarte has been a control analyst at Vale for 14 years. With her wife, Samiris, they had Olavo, the first baby registered with two mothers in Itabira/MG.​ 

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What have we done? 

Disseminating the importance of the themes of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion is only one part of a set of actions and initiatives that we have developed together in order to build a psychologically safe and inclusive environment for all. Respect, active listening, formal inclusion and zero tolerance for discrimination, prejudice and harassment are essential elements for Vale. 
Sex reassignment surgery is now covered by Vale’s health insurance plan. Sex reassignment is a set of various clinical and surgical procedures that benefit transgender people. In addition, we also offer psychological assistance to everyone who is due to undergo surgery or needs professional support for other personal issues.  

Here are some of the sex reassignment procedures covered by Vale’s health insurance plan:
Mastectomy (removal of breasts)
Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)
Oophorectomy (total or partial removal of the ovaries)
Orchiectomy (removal of the testicles)
Thyroplasty (laryngeal cartilage plastic surgery)
Since 2021, hormone therapy for gender transition has been available to all male and female employees and their dependents, with 100% coverage by Vale’s AMS health insurance plan. ​ 
At Vale, trans people can use a name other than their legal name, which they prefer to be known by, on their name badge, emails or any other space. 
Fostering a healthy work environment means ensuring that there is no room for prejudice and fear of reprisals. With that in mind, we created a space for listening, care and safety for everyone who experiences harassment or discrimination within Vale. 

In a completely confidential manner, the channel offers a multidisciplinary team for anyone who feels victimized in situations that are at odds with our principles. In this channel, Vale professionals are heard, supported and, if they wish, they can make formal complaints. 
This benefit is available to same-sex couples, as well as mothers, widowers and divorced men (with custody of children). 


In addition to the structuring initiatives implemented, Vale has been carrying out internal and external campaigns to increase the knowledge and awareness of all on the subject of the LGBTQIA+. 

In recent years, several actions have been carried out in the month of June, the month in which the International LGBTQIA+ Pride Day is celebrated on the 28th. The actions also attempt to reinforce our commitments to Diversity, Equality and Inclusion. 

Vale’s 1st LGBTQIA+ Pride Celebration 

In the 2021 LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, we experienced an important milestone within Vale. A live virtual concert with the participation of renowned Brazilian singers. The CEO, VPs, and over than 14,000 viewers, including employees and family members, celebrated this moment together. 


Amplifying the voice of the people who make up Vale is essential for the culture we are building. Each and every person enriches our vision of the world and contributes so we may evolve, together. 

Training Programs 

We are committed to daily knowledge and awareness of respect for diversity on a daily basis. 

With leadership training, internal and external campaigns and educational actions, our goal is to fight discrimination and spread our culture of respect. 

Since 2020, more than 4,000 leaders have taken part in our Diversity, Equality and Inclusion training. 

Furthermore, we have periodically promoted workshops and webinars to listen to our employees and create learning opportunities on LGBTQIA+ topics and other subjects, such as gender, racism and inclusion of people with disabilities. 

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Hudon Ferreira, is a programmer at Vale in Itabira/MG 

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Our stance 

We have been undergoing an intense cultural transformation process since 2019, reflecting on our role in society. In this journey, we established a commitment to value diversity and promote equality and inclusion. We are developing a series of strategic initiatives to achieve the goals we have established.

We believe that these initiatives focused on inclusion and diversity help promote an increasingly collaborative, innovative and attractive environment for new talent.

Marina Quental

Executive Vice President of People 

Vale’s five principles of diversity and respect 

Recognize and value the individuality of all employees and stakeholders, assuring a fair work environment where everyone has equal opportunities to develop their potential 
Create an environment of psychological safety in which people are free to be themselves, share their ideas and expressing their points of view respectfully with others through open and transparent dialogue. 
Treat everyone fairly and equally, without discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, disability, religion, nationality or political beliefs. This must happen also in the internal norms and processes of recruitment, dismissal, promotion, compensation and benefits, training or retirement which must be based on merit. 
Respect the dignity and human rights of all people in the work environment. Any violations of the Diversity and Inclusion Policy are considered violations of Vale's Code of Conduct and are subject to the penalties provided in the document, available on Vale's website. 
Stimulate dialogue and debate to expand the awareness of the employees, third parties suppliers, customers and communities about the importance of showing respect for diversity and combating discrimination by means of internal and external campaigns, training and educational activities. 
Our goal is to create fully satisfactory working conditions and opportunities, in which our professionals, in their diversity, feel equally represented and can achieve their potential, thus contributing to the mission of materializing results for all stakeholders. 

Derick Silva is an Information Technology Analyst at Vale 

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Evolving together 

We understand that it is essential to increase knowledge and awareness on the subject of the LGBTQIA+. This is why we have created educational content that helps clarify issues related to sexual orientation and gender identities. Together, we can spread respect towards all. 

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