Guidance on Good Practices in Corporate Governance Disclosure

This guidance is a technical aid for regulators and companies, particularly in developing countries and transition economies. The purpose of the guidance is to help those responsible for preparing company reports to produce disclosures on corporate governance that address the major concerns of investors and other stakeholders.

The publication is relevant to enterprises eager to attract investment regardless of their legal form or size. It will also serve to promote awareness in countries and companies that do not adhere sufficiently to international good practices and consequently fail to satisfy investor expectations on corporate governance disclosures.

The focus is on widely applicable disclosure issues that are relevant to most enterprises:

  • Financial and non-financial corporate governance disclosures
  • Disclosure issues regarding general meetings, timing and means of disclosure and compliance with best practice.

UNCTAD draws upon recommendations for corporate governance disclosure contained in documents from other international organizations and national governments, as well as the deliberations of the Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting (ISAR).

For reference purposes, the guidance also contains a list of national and international resources on corporate governance disclosure.

The publication is expected to serve as a useful tool for drawing attention to good corporate governance disclosure practices that enterprises in different parts of the world might wish to emulate.

For further information and to obtain a copy, please visit: or write to: [email protected]

12 Jun 2006
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