Formal requests for UNCTAD technical cooperation

* All figures are in United States Dollars

Total budget: $
needed: $ secured: $

Total number of requests:
From LDCs: From LLDCs: From SIDS:
* Please note that data before 2018 are not exhaustive.

The UNCTAD request database compiles the formal requests for technical cooperation that were received since 1st January 2013 and were cleared by the UNCTAD secretariat. It serves as an information platform for all stakeholders and aims to enhance the transparency on UNCTAD technical cooperation and facilitate funds mobilization. The request database is updated on a quarterly basis.

Governments, international institutions – including international and regional development finance institutions – and other public and private entities wishing to become a funding partner of UNCTAD technical cooperation activities are welcome to contact UNCTAD’s Technical Cooperation Section ([email protected]) with a reference to the respective request.

* Those requests without a budget are in the process of being costed or, for implemented projects, the assistance was provided at no cost.
Refinement Panel