Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Policy Interfaces between Trade and the SDGs

12 October 2015
11:00 - 21:00 hrs. Palais des Nations, Room XXVII
, Switzerland

The International Trade Division of UNCTAD is organising an Expert Meeting on Policy Interfaces between Trade and the Sustainable Development Goals which aims to discuss how a country's policymakers can best "use" trade and trade policy when designing and implementing policy actions to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the coming 15 years.

In particular, the meeting will discuss: how can an increase in trade – a cross-border exchange of goods and services - play a substantial role in achieving the SDGs?  How can each country best use trade policy as an integral element in a country’s sustainable development strategies?

To answer these questions, the meeting will seek to illuminate a reasonable set of policy interfaces between trade and the SDGs, with particular attention paid to how practitioners outside the trade community view the benefit, or the detriment, of trade to sustainable development in their own areas.

The outcome of the meeting will be reflected in a forthcoming UNCTAD publication on Trade, Market Access and the SDGs, which looks into various policy interfaces between trade - with a specific focus on market access conditions (e.g. tariffs, non-tariff measures, and physical market access or "connectivity" to international markets) - and certain sustainable development goals and targets.

02 Oct 2015

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Trade and environment Trade and environment

Meeting series
