Papers by Dominik Ziarkowski
The 19th century was a period which was characterized by a strong interest in the cultural herita... more The 19th century was a period which was characterized by a strong interest in the cultural heritage, art collection, documentation of historical monuments and their protection. At the same time, tourism had developed an a so far unprecedented scale and one of the most important magnets which attracted tourists were historical cities, monuments and museums. This fusion between cultural heritage and tourism is perfectly well visible in the 19th century tourist guidebooks. The authors and publishers of these publications, including such well-known personages as Karl Baedeker and John Murray, attached great importance to the descriptions of the cultural attractions of the individual countries, cities and areas. On Polish territories, the fascination with the monuments of the past revealed itself, primarily within the framework of historical research, and also in the organization of exhibitions, compiling lists and inventories of monuments and the popularization of knowledge about the latter, among others through publications appearing in the contemporary press as well as in travel guides. The interest in the cultural heritage was strongly rooted in national history and patriotic sentiment, as in the period under discussion, Poland was deprived of its own statehood which it had lost in the aftermath of the partitions carried out in the course of the latter half of the 18th century. In the year 1801, the oldest Polish museum which was open to the public had been founded in Puławy. Its foundress, Princess Izabela Czartoryska, catalogued her own collections herself and in the year 1828, she published a book entitled Poczet pamiątek zachowanych w Domu Gotyckim w Puławach (Collection of Memorabilia Preserved in the Gothic House in Puławy). In the article, an analysis of this publication was carried out which revealed its links both with catalogues of museum collections that had arisen at a similar time, as well as with tourist guidebooks. It seems that Princess Izabela's publication, which without a doubt occupies an important place in the history of Polish museology, could have successfully fulfilled both these functions.
The aim of the paper is to characterize Polish tourist guidebooks of the 19th century in terms of... more The aim of the paper is to characterize Polish tourist guidebooks of the 19th century in terms of their accessibility for the readers of the time. Major barriers to accessing this type of literature were identified, including the poor state of education, lack of financial resources to travel, and the high prices of guidebooks (especially those published in the first half of the century). Design/Methodology/Approach: The research methodology is based on the analysis of sources from the period discussed, especially the guidebooks and journals containing information about them. The research findings were confronted with the scientific literature on tourism development and guidebook publications from this period. Findings: The research has shown that a great number of Polish tourist guidebooks were written in the 19th century despite the fact that the country was then divided into partitions. Most of the analyzed publications concerned cities, but there were also guidebooks to specific monuments, health resorts, and mountains. The readers of the guidebooks were primarily educated people with at least an average standard of living, who had a regular income that allowed them to travel and purchase books. The prices of the oldest guidebooks were high, but over time, these publications became relatively much cheaper. Practical implications: The study may have an impact on the development of academic research on the economic aspects of tourism in the 19th century. The findings may also serve the creators of contemporary guidebooks, indicating the desired features of these publications from the tourists' point of view. Originality/Value: The paper broadens the knowledge on socioeconomic aspects of the functioning of Polish guidebooks in the 19th century and presents these issues in the broader context of European guidebook literature of the period.
Polish tourist guidebooks of the 19th century in the European contex, in: Proceedings of the 5th Arts & Humanities Conference, Copenhagen, ed. by K. Cermakova, J. Rotschedl, Prague, s. 148–159, 2019
In the 19th century there was an unprecedented development of tourism and guidebooks useful for t... more In the 19th century there was an unprecedented development of tourism and guidebooks useful for tourists. A modern type of guidebook with sightseeing route suggestions and numerous practical information has been developed. Publishing houses that specialized in creating this type of travel books, such as Karl Baedeker's in Germany and John Murray in England appeared. The guidebooks issued by them served for templates adapted by other authors and publishers. In the analyzed period more than 150 Polish guidebooks were written, mostly connected with big cities, but also spa resorts and mountain areas. Difficult political situation consisting in breaking the country into three partitions, made it hard to create guidebooks about the entirety of Polish lands. The aim of the article is to characterize Polish nineteenth-century guidebooks compared to similar European publications. On the one hand, it should demonstrate the impact of European solutions on the form and content of Polish guidebooks, and on the other-the specificity of Polish guidebooks, determined by particular historical factors.
Turyzm, 2019
Dawne przewodniki stanowią ważną kategorię źródeł historycznych, pozwalających zrekonstruować wie... more Dawne przewodniki stanowią ważną kategorię źródeł historycznych, pozwalających zrekonstruować wiele aspektów z zakresu historii turystyki. Szczególny rozwój literatury przewodnikowej nastąpił w XIX w., kiedy wykształcił się nowoczesny typ przewodnika z opisami według tras zwiedzania i licznymi informacjami praktycznymi. Jednocześnie zawierał wiele wiadomości o zróżnicowanym charakterze, z zakresu geografii, etnologii, przyrodoznawstwa, a także opisy zabytków i dzieł sztuki. Znaczenie polskich przewodników dla pisarstwa o sztuce jest bardzo duże, lecz niedoceniane. Celem autora artykułu jest określenie roli, jaką te publikacje odegrały w sferze historiografii artystycznej, a także wskazanie związku pomiędzy przewodnikami a rozwojem badań naukowych nad sztuką. Tematyka ta stanowi bez wątpienia interesujący obszar interdyscyplinarnych powiązań pomiędzy historycznym rozwojem turystyki oraz nauki, w tym wypadku historii sztuki.
Streszczenie Przewodniki turystyczne są jedną z najstarszych form literatury periegetycznej, zna-... more Streszczenie Przewodniki turystyczne są jedną z najstarszych form literatury periegetycznej, zna-ną już w starożytności. W Polsce tradycja ich tworzenia jest wprawdzie znacznie krótsza, niemniej jednak liczy już kilka stuleci, gdyż sięga przełomu XVI i XVII wieku. W XIX stuleciu zaczęły powstawać przewodniki spełniające współczesne kryteria, tzn. zawierające oprócz opisu danego obszaru także informacje praktyczne i propozycje tras zwiedzania. Artykuł ma na celu omówienie genezy polskiej literatury przewodnikowej oraz wskazanie na ogromną rolę przewodników jako źródeł do dziejów turystyki.
Papers by Dominik Ziarkowski