Anastasia Ryzhkova
Head of scientific department, Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve
Cornelius Holtorf
Professor of Archaeology, Linnaeus University
Valery Ivkovich
Candidate of science (agriculture), deputy director for science, Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve
Mila Koeva
Associate professor, faculty of geo-information science and earth observation, University of Twente
Sarah Rodriguez-Louette
Docteur de l’Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, laboratoire de recherche CREW, membre de la Chaire Unesco « Savoir Devenir à l'ère du développement numérique durable»., Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3
Roseanne Denise Diab
Director: GenderInSITE, Unesco
Marc Redepenning
Professor, University of Bamberg
Monika Kuffer
Associated professor, faculty of geo-information science and earth observation, University of Twente
Andrew Dansie
Senior lecturer and academic lead, humanitarian engineering, UNSW Sydney
Matthew Stewart
Postdoctoral Researcher, Harvard University
Heike Oevermann
Professor in Conservation of Historical Monuments, University of Bamberg
Suraj Upadhaya
Assistant Professor in Sustainable Systems, Kentucky State University
Clemens Schleupner
UNESCO Chair in International Relations , Technische Universität Dresden
Asma Mehan
Assistant Professor in Architecture and Urban History, Texas Tech University
Vasilij Grichik
Head of the department of general ecology and methods of biology teaching, faculty of biology, Belarusian State University