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Articles on Informal settlements

Displaying 1 - 20 of 54 articles

Informal settlement in Ghana. Merten Snijders/Getty Images

Ghana’s informal settlements are not all the same – social networks make a difference in community development

Development projects must be tailored to the context of the communities they are supposed to help.
A building under demolition in the Mathare informal settlement of Nairobi, Kenya. Photo by LUIS TATO/AFP via Getty Images

Kenya’s flood evictions may violate the law - scholar

In response to flooding that destroyed homes and displaced thousands in Nairobi’s informal settlements, the government has been evicting people living in riparian areas.
Rapid urbanisation and population growth in Africa have pushed people to informal settlements. Getty Images

Health risks at home: a study in six African countries shows how healthy housing saves children’s lives

The impact of housing quality extends beyond health to education and subsequent economic outcomes, particularly for children.
Residents clean up the streets and local businesses after looting incidents in Alexandra, Johannesburg. EFE-EPA/Kim Ludbrook

What lies behind social unrest in South Africa, and what might be done about it

Much of the commentary on the July riots, which cost over 300 lives and billions of rands in damage to the economy, has neglected the long history of violent protests in the country.

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