Universities play an indispensable role in supporting the free inquiry needed to do the essential work of analysis, evidence gathering and recording of war crimes.
The prosecutor at the International Criminal Court publicized his request for warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders. Publicly, Canada’s position aligns with Israel and the United States.
Though the move by the ICC chief prosecutor is a significant one, it’s very unlikely the Israeli or Palestinian leaders will be arrested or face a trial.
John Strawson, a UK-based researcher on Israeli politics, answers questions about the US decision to abstain from voting on a UN security council resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Despite Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent backtracking to ease civil unrest, Israel’s ability to deter external foes has already been weakened by wounds that are self-inflicted.
Israel’s leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, has fired the country’s defense minister. That deepened the country’s crisis over proposed judicial reforms that even military reservists have protested.