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Articles on Marco Rubio

Displaying 1 - 20 of 45 articles

If Cuban exiles can sue businesses operating in Cuba, it could affect flights to the country, like this JetBlue landing in Havana. AP/Desmond Boylan

Trump may seek more punishment of Cuba

Cuban exiles in the US may soon be able to sue companies that use property seized from them in the Cuban revolution. If Trump moves to allow that, it could slow economic development in Cuba.
For the first time in decades, there is now a real possibility that some gun controls might be implemented. Colin Abbey/AAP

Articulate US teenagers could finally force action on gun control

Student activists are presenting important, emotionally powerful counter-narratives to those of the gun lobby. Their success will depend on whether they can sustain these efforts.
Hillary Clinton with Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Scott Morgan/Reuters

Where do the 2016 candidates stand on contraception?

Democratic candidates support access to contraception, while candidates from the Republican Party favor policies that could severely restrict access to contraception.
Trump versus Clinton – who would win? Reuters/Scott Audette (L), Javier Galeano (R)

Hard data: is Trump or Cruz more electable?

Using a new model that considers state-by-state polling, statisticians from Oklahoma State look at who would win the presidential election if it were held today.

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