When people think about the Windrush generation, they are unlikely to imagine someone like my father, who was not black but a person of Indian-Caribbean heritage.
Buyers are avoiding Russian oil in response to the war in Ukraine. Can smaller producers leverage this moment to strike favorable deals with big oil companies?
The slave revolt in Berbice, modern-day Guyana, was unusual for its length and near success. So why are so few of the revolt’s documents in the Caribbean nation’s archives?
Tiny Guyana hoped to see unprecedented wealth this year as ExxonMobil’s offshore wells began pumping out crude. Instead, it got a pandemic and political strife. Other oil states are struggling, too.
With ExxonMobil set to begin oil production in Guyana next year, this tiny South American country will soon become unthinkably rich. But neighboring Venezuela shows how an oil boom can go bust.
Throughout the movement’s history, African Americans and whites lived, worked and protested side-by-side. It was one of the few long-term experiments in American interracial communalism.
Anthony T. Bryan, The University of the West Indies: St. Augustine Campus
Guyana is on the verge of an oil bonanza that could bring in US$1 million a day. But if it’s not careful, this poor nation – population 750,000 – could fall prey to the dreaded ‘resource curse.’