Climate change is making some parts of Australia unliveable or uninsurable. We need a national conversation about the planned relocation. A proposed National Relocation Authority can lead the way.
Forecasters warned of ‘potentially historic rainfall’ and ‘dangerous to locally catastrophic flooding.’ A hurricane scientist explains what El Niño, a heat dome and mountains have to do with the risk.
By 2050, 13.3 million people in Bangladesh could be displaced by the climate crisis. For them to be safe, the government needs to do more than build buildings.
Parts of New York’s Hudson Valley were hit with 10 inches of rain, and the mountains of Vermont – where runoff can quickly turn deadly – saw some its worst flooding since Hurricane Irene.
Millions of people around the world suffered through deadly flooding and long-lasting heat waves in 2022. A climate scientist explains the rising risks.
Millions of people around the world suffered through long-lasting heat waves and deadly flash flooding in the summer of 2022. A climate scientist explains the rising risks.
Catchments are full. Dams are at capacity, soils are saturated and rivers are high. In some cases, there’s nowhere for the rains to go except over land.
By following moisture from the oceans to the land, researchers worked out exactly how three oceans conspire to deliver deluges of rain to eastern Australia.
A new attribution study finds human-caused climate change made Europe’s July floods more likely. What about Tennessee’s flooding? An atmospheric scientist explains how scientists make the connection.
The growing frequency of climate extremes affected human health and caused wide-scale damages to the ecosystems that people depend upon, including agriculture, fisheries and freshwater.
Professor and York University Research Chair in Global Change Biology; Director of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research Global Water Academy, York University, Canada