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Articles on Breastfeeding

Displaying 1 - 20 of 171 articles

Better support for mothers to keep breastfeeding after they return to paid work benefits everyone. Pexels/ Mart Production

Difficult work arrangements force many women to stop breastfeeding early. Here’s how to prevent this

How can we better support breastfeeding mothers, particularly after they return to work? These are some of the policies and practical changes that evidence shows would make a difference.
Breastfeeding lowers the risk of diabetes as well as breast and ovarian cancers for mothers. Goodboy Picture Company/E+ via Getty Images

Breastfeeding benefits mothers as much as babies, but public health messaging often only tells half of the story

Some states, especially in the Southeastern US, have large disparities in breastfeeding among racial groups, making clear the need to lower barriers for breastfeeding in the workplace and elsewhere.
Scientific evidence allows parents to choose the sleeping arrangement that’s right for them and their family. (Shutterstock)

Is sleeping with your baby a good idea? Here’s what the science says

Questions about co-sleeping are often drowned out in a whirlwind of information and opinions. But science can provide some answers.
Food insecurity can impact both a mother’s ability or decision to breastfeed, and also the ability to purchase baby formula. (Shutterstock)

Canada’s welfare system is failing mothers with infants

Low-income mothers with infants are struggling with food insecurity, which can lead to long-term health impacts for both mothers and children.

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