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Articles on Antivenom

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A Bothrops asper is prepared for its venom to be milked to use in making antivenom. Jon G. Fuller/VWPics/Universal Images Group

Snakebites: we thought we’d created a winning new antivenom but then it flopped. Why that turned out to be a good thing

By reporting this new way that future antivenoms can fail, the research has highlighted a problem with current antivenom testing recommendations.
An eastern brown snake (Pseudonaja textilis) in characteristic defensive posture. Orange spots on the snakes underside are a distinctive feature of brown snakes. Matt Summerville

Like alchemists with killer precision, brown snakes make different venoms across their lifetime

There has been at least one fatal bite from a very small brown snake in Australia. But now we know that venom is different in adult and baby brown snakes.
Stephens’ banded snake is one of Australia’s few arboreal (tree-dwelling) venomous snakes. Timothy Jackson

Why I Love: surrounding myself with venomous critters

Most people avoid venomous creatures, but they can also teach us a lot about chemical reactions that take place outside of the body - or exochemistry.
The inland taipan is world famous for its venom. Stewart Macdonald

Why are some snakes so venomous?

Australia is world famous for its venomous critters, including its many highly venomous snakes. The snake that holds the popular title of “world’s most venomous” is the inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus…
Past studies have indicated the redback spider antivenom is effective. Cathy/Flickr

Some things to know about the redback spider antivenom

Media reports about the redback spider antivenom being ineffective caused a bit of a stir recently. The articles were based on research presented at a major toxinology conference in Dubai. To understand…

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