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Articles on Parenting

Displaying 21 - 40 of 944 articles

Gaps in academic achievement emerge as early as first grade. Fly View Productions/E+ via Getty Images

Socioeconomic status explains most of the racial and ethnic achievement gaps in elementary school

Achievement gaps between white, Black and Hispanic students can be substantially explained by one factor: Their family’s socioeconomic status.
Helping your older child or children navigate having a new sibling will help set the stage for positive sibling relationships across childhood and beyond. (Colourbox)

Expecting again? Tips for helping your first-born child thrive with a new sibling

It is normal for an older child to behave in ways parents will find challenging when a sibling arrives, and for parents to feel upset they cannot spend as much time with their older children.
Along with the typical stress of raising kids, modern families face exacerbated pressures and new stressors. (Shutterstock)

Parents are stressed. Here’s what we can do to help them

Parents are dealing with the traditional stresses of raising children, as well as new challenges like technology use. Governments, workplaces, friends and family can all help parents cope with stress.
Ekaterina Goncharova/Getty Images

New study links low incomes, stressed parents and child behaviour – better support would bring lifelong benefits

Tracing the experiences of 6,000 mothers, new research shows how money, stress and excessive use of screens can affect the preschool behavioural development of their children.

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