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Kişvarhoi musulmonnişin

Az Википедиа

Baxşe az silsilai
Kişvarhoi musulmonnişin

Kişvarhoe, ki zijoda az 10 % aholiaşonro musulmonon taşkil medihand. Rangi sabz işora ba sunniho, kabud — şi'ajon. Bo rangi sijoh kişvarhoe nişon doda şudaand, ki dar borai onho ma'lumot mavçud nest.

Islom dujumin dini çahon pas az masehijat meboşad. Tibqi omor musulmonon dar çahon az 1,5 to 1,77 mlrd hastand[1].


[viroiş | edit source]

Most of the percentages of Muslim populations of each country, if not stated otherwise, were taken from the study by the Pew Research Center report of The Future of the Global Muslim Population, as of 27 January 2011.[2][3] Other studies show variance with Pew figures. The percentage of Muslims in Egypt is given as 93,7 %. However, the figure for Christians in Egypt is usually estimated at 12-15 %, but in truth nobody knows since there has been no religious census. Likewise the percentage of Christians in Jordan is usually estimated to be 6-7 %.


[viroiş | edit source]
Kişvar/Mintaqa Musulmonho Foizi musulmonon (%) az şumorai umumiji aholī Foizi (%) aholiji musulmoni çahon
Afƣoniston Afƣoniston 29,047,100 99.8 1.8
Albanija Albanija 1,587,608 56.7[4] 0.1
Alçazoir Alçazoir 40,400,000 98.2[2]-99[5] 2.7
American Samoa Samoa < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Andorra Andorra < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Angola Angola 90,000 1.0 < 0.1
Angilja Anguilla < 1,000 0.3 < 0.1
Antigua va Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda < 1,000 0.6 < 0.1
Argentina Argentina 784,000 2.5 < 0.1
Armaniston Armaniston < 1,00 < 0.1 < 0.1
Aruba Aruba < 1,000 0.4 < 0.1
Avstralija Avstralija 604,000[6] 2.6 < 0.1
Avstrija Austria 700,000[7] 8[7] < 0.1
Ozarbojçon Azerbaijan 9,872,765 96.9 0.5
Çazirahoi Bagam Bahamas < 1,000 0.1 < 0.1
Bahrajn Bahrain 866,888[8] 70.2[8] < 0.1
Banglodeş Bangladesh 148,607,000[9] 90.4 9.2
Barbados Barbados 2,000 0.9 < 0.1
Belarus Belarus 19,000 0.2 < 0.1
Belgija Belgium 658,463 5.9[10] < 0.1
Beliz Belize < 1,000 0.1 < 0.1
Benin Benin 2,710,000 24.5 0.1
Çazirahoi Bermud Bermuda < 1,000 0.8 < 0.1
Buton Bhutan ≤ 2,000[11] 0.2[11] < 0.1
Bolivija Bolivia 2,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Bosnija va Hersegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina 1,790,454 50.7[12] 0.1
Botsvana Botswana 8,000 0.4 < 0.1
Brazilija Brazil 204,000 0.1 < 0.1
British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands < 1,000 1.2 < 0.1
Brunej Brunei 295,000 67[13] < 0.1
Bulƣoriston Bulgaria 577,000[14] 7.8 < 0.1
Burkina-Faso Burkina Faso 11,270,000 60.5[15] 0.6
Burma Burma (Myanmar) 2,237,495 2.3[16] 0.1
Burundi Burundi 277,480 2.5[17] < 0.1
Kamboça Cambodia 303,187[18] 1.9[18] < 0.1
Kamerun Cameroon 4,940,000 20.9[19] 0.2
Kanada Canada 1,053,945[20] 3.2[20][21] 0.1
Kejp-Verde Cape Verde 10,000 2[5] < 0.1
Çazirahoi Kajman Cayman Islands < 1,000 0.2 < 0.1
Çumhuriji Afriqoi Markazī Central African Republic 403,000 15[22][23] < 0.1
Cad Chad 7,827,653 58[5] 0.4
Cili Chile 2,894[24] 0.03 (over 15+ pop.)[24] < 0.1
Cin China 22,000,000[25]-50,000,000[26] 1.8 1.4
Cocos (Keeling) Islands Cocos (Keeling) Islands < 1,000[27] 80[27] < 0.1
Kolumbija Colombia 40,000 to 80,000[28] 0.2 < 0.1
Komorho The Comoros 785,000 98.3 < 0.1
Çumhuriji Demokratiji Kongo Congo 3,648,267 5[5] 0.1
Çazirahoi Kuk Cook Islands < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Kosta Rika Costa Rica < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Xorvatija Croatia 60,000 1.4[10] < 0.1
Kuba Cuba 10,000 0.1 < 0.1
Qibris Cyprus 273,000 22.7 < 0.1
Cexija Czech Republic 10,500 0.1 < 0.1
Danija Denmark 230,000 4.1[10] < 0.1
Çibuti Djibouti 853,000 97.0 0.1
Dominika Dominica < 1,000 0.2 < 0.1
Çumhuriji Dominikana Dominican Republic 2,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Ekvador Ecuador 145 < 0.1 < 0.1
Misr Egypt 73,800,000 90[29] 4.9
El Salvador El Salvador 2,000 <0.1 <0.1
Gvinejai Ekvatorī Equatorial Guinea 28,000 4.1 < 0.1
Eritreja Eritrea 1,909,000 36.6[30]-48[31]/50 0.1
Estonija Estonia 1,508 <0.1 < 0.1
Çumhuriji Federativiji Demokratiji Efiopija Ethiopia 25,037,646[32] 34 1.8
Faroe Islands Faroe Islands < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Falkland Islands Falkland Islands < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Ijoloti Federativiji Mikronezija Federated States of Micronesia < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Fiçi Fiji 54,000 6.3 <0.1
Finljandija Finland 42,000[33] 0.8[33] <0.1
Faronsa France 5,020,000 7.5[10] 0.3
Gvianai Faronsa French Guiana 2,000 0.9 <0.1
French Polynesia French Polynesia < 1,000 < 0.1 <0.1
Gabon Gabon 145,000 9.7 <0.1
Gambija Gambia 1,669,000 95.3 0.1
Gurçiston Georgia 442,000 10.5 <0.1
Olmon Germany 3,551,802-4,700,000[34][33] 4.4-5.8 0.2
Gana Ghana 4,914,000 18[5] 0.2
Gibraltar Gibraltar 1,000 4.0 <0.1
Junon Greece 610,000 5.3[10] <0.1
Greenland Greenland < 1,000 <0.1 <0.1
Grenada Grenada < 1,000 0.3 <0.1
Gvadelupa Guadeloupe 2,000 0.4 <0.1
Guam Guam < 1,000 <0.1 <0.1
Gvatemala Guatemala 1,000 <0.1 <0.1
Gvineja Guinea 8,693,000 84.2 0.5
Şablon:Country data Guinea Bissau Guinea Bissau 705,000 45[35] <0.1
Gajana Guyana 55,000 7.2 <0.1
Haiti Haiti 2,000 <0.1 <0.1
Honduras Honduras 11,000 0.1 <0.1
Hongkong Hong Kong 220,000[36] 3.1 <0.1
Maçoriston Hungary 5,579[37] 0.3 <0.1
Islandija Iceland 770[38] 0.2[38] <0.1
Hinduston India 180,000,000[39] 14.2[40] 9.6
Indonezija Indonesia 225,000,000[41] 87.2[42] 12.7
Eron Iran 74,819,000 99.7 4.6
Iroq Iraq 31,108,000 99 1.9
Çumhuriji Irlandija Ireland 70,158 1.3[43] <0.1
Isle of Man Isle of Man < 1,000 0.2 <0.1
Isroil Israel 1,287,000 17.7 0.1
Itolijo Italy 2,220,000 3.7[10] 0.1
Kot-d'Ivuar Ivory Coast 7,960,000 40[44][45][46] 0.5
Jamajka Jamaica 1,000 <0.1 <0.1
Çopon Japan 185,000 0.1 <0.1
Urdun Jordan 6,397,000 93.8 0.4
Qazoqiston Kazakhstan 11,200,000 70.2 (official census)[47] 0.5
Kenija Kenya 2,868,000 10[48] 0.2
Kiribati Kiribati < 1,000 <0.1 <0.1
Kosovo Kosovo 1,584,000[49] 95.6 0.1
Kuvajt Kuwait 2,636,000 74.1[50] 0.2
Qirƣiziston Kyrgyzstan 4,927,000 88.8 0.3
Laos Laos 1,000 <0.1 <0.1
Latvija Latvia 2,000 0.1 <0.1
Lubnon Lebanon 2,542,000 59.7 0.2
Lesoto Lesotho 1,000 <0.1 <0.1
Liberija Liberia 523,000 12.8 <0.1
Libija Libya 6,325,000 96.6 0.4
Lixtenştejn Liechtenstein 2,000 4.8 <0.1
Litva Lithuania 3,000 0.1 <0.1
Ljuksemburg Luxembourg 11,000 2.3 <0.1
Makao Macau < 1,000 <0.1 <0.1
Çumhuriji Maqdunija Macedonia 500,000 33.3[51] <0.1
Madagaskar Madagascar 220,000 7[52] <0.1
Malavi Malawi 2,011,000 12.8 0.1
Malajzija Malaysia 19,500,000 61.4 1.1
Çazirahoi Maldiv Maldives 309,000 100 <0.1
Mali Mali 15,667,704 95[5] 0.8
Malta Malta 1,000 0.2 <0.1
Çazirahoi Marşall Marshall Islands < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Martinique Martinique < 1,000 0.2 < 0.1
Mavritanija Mauritania 4,171,633 100[53] 0.2
Mavriki Mauritius 230,118 17.3[54] < 0.1
Mayotte Mayotte 197,000 98.8 < 0.1
Meksika Mexico 3,700[55] — 111,000[2] 0.1 < 0.1
Moldova Moldova 15,000 0.4 < 0.1
Monako Monaco < 1,000 0.5 < 0.1
Muƣuliston Mongolia 200,000 6 < 0.1
Cernogorija Montenegro 118,477[56] 19.11[56] < 0.1
Montserrat Montserrat < 1,000 0.1 < 0.1
Marokaş Morocco 32,381,000 99[57] 2.0
Mozambik Mozambique 5,340,000 22.8 0.3
Namibija Namibia 9,000 0.4 < 0.1
Nauru Nauru < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Nepal Nepal 1,253,000 4.2 0.1
Niderland Netherlands 825,000/1,000,000 5[58] — 6[10] 0.1
Netherlands Antilles Netherlands Antilles < 1,000 0.2 < 0.1
Kaledonijai Nav New Caledonia 7,000 2.8 < 0.1
Zelandijai Nav New Zealand 41,000 0.9 < 0.1
Nikaragua Nicaragua 1,000 <0.1 < 0.1
Niger Niger 19,502,214 98.3[59] 1.0
Nigerija Nigeria 93,839,000 41[59]-50[60] 4.7
Niue Niue < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Korejai Şimolī North Korea 3,000 0.1 < 0.1
Northern Mariana Islands Northern Mariana Islands < 1,000 0.7 < 0.1
Norvegija Norway 121,098[61] 2.3[61] (official census via CIA, of July 2016). < 0.1
Umon Oman 2,427,000 85.9[62] 0.2
Pokiston Pakistan 195,000,000[63] 96.4 11.0
Palau Palau < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Davlati Falastin Palestinian Territories 4,298,000 97.5 0.3
Panama Panama 25,000 0.7 < 0.1
Papua Gvinejai Nav Papua New Guinea 2,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Paragvaj Paraguay 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Peru Peru < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Filippin Philippines 5,000,000-10,700,000[64] 5-11 0.3-0.6
Lahiston Poland 20,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Portugalija Portugal 65,000 0.6 < 0.1
Puerto Riko Puerto Rico 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Qatar Qatar 1,168,000 77.5 0.1
Şablon:Country data Republic of Congo Republic of Congo 77,736 1.6 < 0.1
Şablon:Country data Reunion Reunion 35,000 4.2 < 0.1
Ruminija Romania 73,000 0.3 < 0.1
Rusija Russia 9,400,000[65] — 20,000,000[66] 6.5[65] — 15[66][67] 1.0
Ruanda Rwanda 589,429 4.8[68] < 0.1
Şablon:Country data Saint Helena St. Helena < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Sent Kits va Nevis St. Kitts and Nevis < 1,000 0.3 < 0.1
Sent-Ljusija St. Lucia < 1,000 0.1 < 0.1
Saint Pierre and Miquelon St. Pierre and Miquelon < 1,000 0.2 < 0.1
Sent Vinsent va Grenadinho St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2,000 1.7 < 0.1
Samoa Samoa < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
San Marino San Marino < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
San Tome va Prinsipi São Tomé and Príncipe < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Arabistoni Saudī Saudi Arabia 25,493,000 97.1 1.6
Senegal Senegal 14,584,931 95.9 0.8
Serbija Serbia 221,460 3.1[69] < 0.1
Çazirahoi Sejşel Seychelles < 1,000 1.1 < 0.1
Sierra Leone Sierra Leone 4,171,000 71.5 0.3
Singapur Singapore 721,000 14.7[70] < 0.1
Slovakija Slovakia 10,866 0.2[10] < 0.1
Slovenija Slovenia 73,568 3.6[10] < 0.1
Çazirahoi Sulajmon Solomon Islands < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Somali Somalia 9,231,000 98.9[71][72][73][74] 0.6
Çumhuriji Afriqoi Çanubī South Africa 654,064[75] 1.5 < 0.1
Korejai Çanubī South Korea 35,000 0.1 < 0.1
Sudoni Çanubī South Sudan 610,000 6.2 <0.1
Ispanija Spain 1,887,906 4.1[76] 0.1
Şri Lanka Sri Lanka 1,967,227[77] 9.71[77] 0.1
Sudon Sudan 39,027,950 97.0[78] 1.9
Surinam Suriname 84,000 19.6[79] < 0.1
Svazilend Swaziland 129,230 10[80] < 0.1
Sued Sweden 450,000-500,000[81] 5[81] < 0.1
Şvejtsarija Switzerland 400,000[82] 5[82] < 0.1
Surija Syria 17,376,000 82.9[83] 1.0
Cin Taiwan 60,000[84] 0.3[85] < 0.1
Toçikiston Toçikiston 6,506,000 96.7[86][87] 0.4
Tanzanija Tanzania 19,426,814 35[88] 0.8
Tailand Thailand 3,952,000 5.8 0.2
Timori Şarqī Timor-Leste 1,000 0.1 < 0.1
Togo Togo 827,000 20[89] 0.1
Tokelau Tokelau < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Tonga Tonga < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Trinidad va Tobago Trinidad and Tobago 78,000 5.8 < 0.1
Tunis Tunisia 11,190,000 99.8 0.6
Turkija Turkey 74,660,000 98.6 4.6
Turkmaniston Turkmenistan 4,830,000 93.3 0.3
Turks and Caicos Islands Turks and Caicos Islands < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Tuvalu Tuvalu < 1,000 0.1 < 0.1
Uganda Uganda 5,030,000 12.0 0.3
Ukraina Ukraine 393,000[90] 0.9 < 0.1
Imoroti Muttahidai Arabī United Arab Emirates 3,262,000 67[91] 0.2
Podşohiji Muttahida United Kingdom 3,106,368 4.8[10] 0.2
Ijoloti Muttahidai Amriko United States 2,595,000 0.8[92]-0.9[93] 0.2
United States Virgin Islands U.S. Virgin Islands < 1,000 0.1 < 0.1
Urugvaj Uruguay < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Ūzbekiston Uzbekistan 26,833,000 96.5 1.7
Vanuatu Vanuatu < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Vatikan Vatican City 0 0 0
Venesuela Venezuela 95,000 0.3 < 0.1
Vetnam Vietnam 71,200[94] 0.2 < 0.1
Wallis and Futuna Wallis and Futuna < 1,000 < 0.1 < 0.1
Western Sahara Western Sahara 528,000 99.6 < 0.1
Jaman Yemen 24,023,000 99.0 1.5
Zambija Zambia 140,000 1[5] < 0.1
Zimbabve Zimbabwe 488,656 3[5] < 0.1
Osijoi Markazī 54,000,000[95] 81[96] 3.0
Osijoi Çanubī 600,000,000[97][98] 31.4[99][100] 30.6[101][102]
Southeast-East Asia 257,000,000[103][95] 12.0 15.0
Middle East-North Africa (MENA) 315,322,000[104] 91.2 22.9
Sub-Saharan Africa 242,544,000 29.6 15.0
Europe 44,138,000 6.0 2.7
Americas 5,256,000 0.6 0.3
World Total 1,800,000,000[105] 24.1 100.0
  1. The World Factbook. CIA Factbook. 8 Dekabri 2010 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 5 Janvar 2010.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Muslim Population by Country. The Future of the Global Muslim Population. Pew Research Center. 22 Dekabri 2011 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 9 fevrali 2011.
  3. "Preface", The Future of the Global Muslim Population (Pew Research Center), archived from the original on 2013-07-25, retrieved 2017-09-08 
  4. Albanian census 2011. 8 sentjabri 2017 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 14 nojabri 2014.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Numbers and Percentage of Muslims in African Countries (en-US). Research on Islam and Muslims in Africa.
  6. 2071.0 - Reflecting a Nation: Reflecting Australia - Stories from the Census, 2016. Abs.gov.au. 27 ijuni 2017 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 9 ijuli 2017.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Studie: Acht Prozent der Bevölkerung sind Muslime. derStandard.at (4 August 2017). 4 avgusti 2017 sançida şud.
  8. 8.0 8.1 General Tables Census of Bahrain. 8 sentjabri 2017 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 8 sentjabri 2015.
  9. The Future of the Global Muslim Population (en-US), Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project (15 Janvar 2011).
  10. 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 5 facts about the Muslim population in Europe. Pew Research Center.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Pew Research Center — Global Religious Landscape 2010 — religious composition by country Bojgonī şudaast 19 fevrali 2018  sol..
  12. Sarajevo, juni 2016. CENSUS OF POPULATION, HOUSEHOLDS AND DWELLINGS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, 2013 FINAL RESULTS (PDF). BHAS. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-06-30. Retrieved 30 June 2016. 
  13. The World Factbook. 14 fevrali 2015 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 12 ijuni 2007.
  14. Naselenie po mestoƶiveene, v'zrast i veroizpovedanie (Bulgarian). NSI (2011). 11 apreli 2016 sançida şud.
  15. The World Factbook. 14 fevrali 2015 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 6 sentjabri 2019.
  16. Myanmar Census 2014. 22 ijuli 2016 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 24 avgusti 2016.
  17. The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency. www.cia.gov. 8 sentjabri 2017 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 28 Janvar 2018.
  18. 18.0 18.1 The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency. www.cia.gov. 8 sentjabri 2017 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 29 Dekabri 2010.
  19. United Nations High Commissioner for 2015. Refworld - 2010 Report on International Religious Freedom - Cameroon. 8 sentjabri 2017 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 24 Dekabri 2018.
  20. 20.0 20.1 National Household Survey (NHS) Profile, 2011 — Option 2: Select from a list. Statistics Canada.
  21. The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency. www.cia.gov. 8 sentjabri 2017 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 30 apreli 2019.
  22. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Refworld - 2010 Report on International Religious Freedom - Central African Republic. Refworld. 14 fevrali 2015 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 24 Dekabri 2018.
  23. The World Factbook. 14 fevrali 2015 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 7 maj 2019.
  24. 24.0 24.1 Chile 2002 census database Bojgonī şudaast 29 ijuni 2012  sol.
  25. Chinese Family Panel Studies's survey of 2012. Published in The World Religious Cultures issue 2014: 卢云峰:当代中国宗教状况报告——基于CFPS(2012)调查数据 Bojgonī şudaast 9 avgusti 2014  sol.. p. 13, reporting the results of the Renmin University’s Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) for the years 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2011, and their average. Note: according to the researchers of CFPS, only 6,3 % of the Chinese are not religious in the sense of atheism; the others are not religious in the sense that they do not belong to an organised religion, while they pray to or worship gods and ancestors in the manner of the traditional popular religion.
  26. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Refworld - 2010 Report on International Religious Freedom - China (includes Tibet, Hong Kong, Macau). Refworld. 14 fevrali 2015 sançida şud.
  27. 27.0 27.1 Cocos (Keeling) Islands. The World Factbook. CIA. 27 Janvar 2012 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 24 Dekabri 2018.
  28. Colombia’s religious minorities: the growing Muslim community. Colombia News - Colombia Reports. 14 fevrali 2015 sançida şud.
  29. Egypt. The World Factbook. American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).. 8 sentjabri 2017 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 26 Dekabri 2018.
  30. Pew-Templeton Global Religious Futures Project. 8 sentjabri 2017 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 19 fevrali 2023.
  31. Eritrea. U.S. State Department. 8 sentjabri 2017 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 25 maj 2011.
  32. Population and Housing Census Report-Country — 2007, Central Statistical Agency, 2010-07 Bojgonī şudaast 10 fevrali 2016  sol., Table 3.3. (Last accessed 30 October 2014)
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 5 facts about the Muslim population in Europe (19 July 2016).
  34. The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency. www.cia.gov. 8 sentjabri 2017 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 11 fevrali 2016.
  35. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Refworld - 2010 Report on International Religious Freedom - Guinea-Bissau. Refworld. 14 fevrali 2015 sançida şud.
  36. Hong Kong Government. 2010 Yearbook — Religion. Retrieved 23 September 2012.
  37. Hungarian census 2011.
  38. 38.0 38.1 Populations by religious organizations 1998-2013. Reykjavík, Iceland: Statistics Iceland.
  39. The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency(angl.). www.cia.gov. 8 sentjabri 2017 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 11 ijuni 2008.
  40. India has 79.8% Hindus, 14.2% Muslims, says 2011 census data on religion. Firstpost (26 August 2016). 14 avgusti 2016 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 26 apreli 2020.
  41. The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency(angl.). www.cia.gov. 8 sentjabri 2017 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 10 Dekabri 2008.
  42. Penduduk Menurut Wilayah dan Agama yang Dianut. Sensus Penduduk 2010. Jakarta, Indonesia: Badan Pusat Statistik (15 May 2010). — «Religion is belief in Almighty God that must be possessed by every human being. Religion can be divided into Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, Hu Khong Chu, and Other Religion.»  20 nojabri 2011 sançida şud. Muslim 207176162 (87.18 %), Christian 16528513 (6.96), Catholic 6907873 (2.91), Hindu 4012116 (1.69), Buddhist 1703254 (0.72), Confucianism 117091 (0.05), Other 299617 (0.13), Not Stated 139582 (0.06), Not Asked 757118 (0.32), Total 237641326
  43. Irish census religion 2016.
  44. Fun facts and information on Cote d'Ivoire. 14 fevrali 2015 sançida şud.
  45. The religious and ethnic faultlines in Ivory Coast. ReliefWeb. 14 fevrali 2015 sançida şud.
  46. RELIGION-COTE D’IVOIRE: Women Seek More Leadership Roles Bojgonī şudaast 9 nojabri 2004  sol.
  47. The results of the national population census in 2009. Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (12 November 2010). 21 Janvar 2010 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 22 ijuli 2011.
  48. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Refworld - 2008 Report on International Religious Freedom - Kenya. Refworld. 14 fevrali 2015 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 24 Dekabri 2018.
  49. Kosovo. The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. 24 ijuli 2009 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 24 Dekabri 2018.
  50. Religions in Kuwait - PEW-GRF. www.globalreligiousfutures.org. 8 sentjabri 2017 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 15 maj 2017.
  51. Religions. CIA World Factbook (2002 est.). 21 ijuni 2013 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 24 Dekabri 2018.
  52. The World Factbook. 14 fevrali 2015 sançida şud. Bargirifta az sarcaşmai avval 25 avgusti 2011.
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