
Juntou-se a 8 de Jullu de 2011
Revisaun loron 8 de Jullu de 2011, tempu 11h12min, husi PixelBot (diskusaun | kontribuisaun) (Pájina foun: '<div dir=ltr style="margin:1.5em; border:3px solid red; padding: 1em; background-color:#FFFFFF; align:left;"><H1><B>STOP!<B></H1>Don't use the Bots User talk! Please contact the oper...')
(diferensa) ←Versaun tuan liu | Versaun atuál (diferensa) | Versaun foun liu→ (diferensa)


Don't use the Bots User talk! Please contact the operator here in English or German!