
At least 200 workers at DeepMind, Google’s AI R&D division, are displeased with Google’s reported defense contracts — and according to Time, they circulated a letter internally back in May…

DeepMind workers sign letter in protest of Google’s defense contracts

During testing, Google DeepMind’s table tennis bot was able to beat all of the beginner-level players it faced.

Google DeepMind develops a ‘solidly amateur’ table tennis robot

In a big move, Character.AI co-founder and CEO Noam Shazeer is returning to Google after leaving the company in October 2021 to found the a16z-backed chatbot startup. In his previous…

Character.AI CEO Noam Shazeer returns to Google

DeepMind has implemented Google Gemini 1.5 Pro to teach a robot to respond to commands and navigate around an office.

Watch a robot navigate the Google DeepMind offices using Gemini

DeepMind says that it sees the tech, V2A (short for “video-to-audio”), as an essential piece of the AI-generated media puzzle.

DeepMind’s new AI generates soundtracks and dialogue for videos

Google has developed a new AI tool to help marine biologists better understand coral reef ecosystems and their health, which can aid in conversation efforts. The tool, SurfPerch, created with…

Google looks to AI to help save the coral reefs

Google DeepMind has taken the wraps off a new version of AlphaFold, their transformative machine learning model that predicts the shape and behavior of proteins. AlphaFold 3 is not only…

Google DeepMind debuts huge AlphaFold update and free proteomics-as-a-service web app

The first bit of news out of the Automate conference this year arrives by way of Alphabet X spinout Intrinsic. The firm announced at the Chicago event on Monday that it…

Alphabet-owned Intrinsic incorporates Nvidia tech into robotics platform

Microsoft has announced a new London hub for its recently unveiled consumer AI division. It will be fronted by Jordan Hoffmann, an AI scientist and engineer Microsoft recently picked up from…

Microsoft AI gets a new London hub fronted by former Inflection and DeepMind scientist Jordan Hoffmann

Demis Hassabis, CEO and one of three founders of Google’s artificial intelligence (AI) subsidiary DeepMind, has been awarded a knighthood in the U.K. for “services to artificial intelligence.” Ian Hogarth,…

Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis gets UK knighthood for ‘services to artificial intelligence’

Featured Article

Want to see an NHS doctor? Prepare to cough up your data first.

To get a doctor’s appointment in the U.K. these days, you have to entrust more of your data to private companies — and there’s not a great deal you can do about it. In part due to growing pressure from the government to meet a two-week limit for patient appointments,…

Want to see an NHS doctor? Prepare to cough up your data first.

If you ask Gemini, Google’s flagship GenAI model, to write deceptive content about the upcoming U.S. presidential election, it will, given the right prompt. Ask about a future Super Bowl…

Google DeepMind forms a new org focused on AI safety

DeepMind, the Google AI R&D lab, believes that the key to more capable AI systems might lie in uncovering new ways to solve challenging geometry problems. To that end, DeepMind…

DeepMind’s latest AI can solve geometry problems

2024 is going to be a huge year for the cross-section of generative AI/large foundational models and robotics. There’s a lot of excitement swirling around the potential for various applications,…

Google outlines new methods for training robots with video and large language models

Google’s long-promised, next-gen generative AI model, Gemini, has arrived. Sort of. The version of Gemini launching this week, Gemini Pro, is essentially a lightweight offshoot of a more powerful, capable…

Google’s Gemini isn’t the generative AI model we expected

Alongside its Gemini generative AI model, Google this morning took the wraps off of AlphaCode 2, an improved version of the code-generating AlphaCode introduced by Google’s DeepMind lab roughly a…

Google unveils AlphaCode 2, powered by Gemini

Back in January, Google made some waves — soundwaves, that is — when it quietly released some research on AI-based music creation software that built tunes based on word prompts.…

DeepMind and YouTube release Lyria, a gen-AI model for music, and Dream Track to build AI tunes

[A version of this piece first appeared in TechCrunch’s robotics newsletter, Actuator. Subscribe here.] Earlier this month, Google’s DeepMind team debuted Open X-Embodiment, a database of robotics functionality created in collaboration…

Google DeepMind’s robotics head on general-purpose robots, generative AI and office Wi-Fi

Nearly five years ago, DeepMind, one of Google’s more prolific AI-centered research labs, debuted AlphaFold, an AI system that can accurately predict the structures of many proteins inside the human…

DeepMind’s latest AlphaFold model is more useful for drug discovery

Of all the holy grails in robotics, learning may well be the holiest. In an era when the term “general purpose” is tossed around with great abandon, however, it can…

Google DeepMind unites researchers in bid to create an ImageNet of robot actions

In partnership with Google Cloud, Google DeepMind (Google’s AI research division) is launching a tool for watermarking and identifying AI-generated images — but only images created by Google’s image-generating model.…

DeepMind partners with Google Cloud to watermark AI-generated images

One of the first things you discover in the world of robotics is the complexity of simple tasks. Things that appear simple to humans have potentially infinite variables that we…

Google’s DeepMind team highlights new system for teaching robots novel tasks

ChatGPT might’ve captured the world’s attention. But DeepMind, the Google-owned research lab, claims that its next large language model will rival — or even best — OpenAI’s. According to a…

DeepMind claims its next chatbot will rival ChatGPT

Featured Article

Life after logistics

You’ll have to forgive me, as this is going to be one of those in-between Actuator weeks. I finally took a couple of days off last week after working through the last few weekends, and today I’ve been rewarded with a throbbing migraine. Isn’t the human body magical? Either way,…

Life after logistics

DeepMind says that it has developed an AI model, called RoboCat, that can perform a range of tasks across different models of robotic arms. That alone isn’t especially novel. But…

DeepMind’s RoboCat learns to perform a range of robotics tasks

DeepMind’s Alpha series of AIs has provided a few world-firsts, like AlphaGo beating the world champion at Go. Now these AIs originally trained around playing games have been put to…

DeepMind repurposes game-playing AIs to optimize code and infrastructure

The bipedal humanoids may, in fact, be coming — but the quadrupeds are already here. They’re in labs, doing inspections in power plants and refineries, playing soccer and even —…

Google DeepMind introduces Barkour, a benchmark for quadrupedal robots

As Google looks to maintain pace in AI with the rest of the tech giants, it’s consolidating its AI research divisions. Today Google announced Google DeepMind, a new unit made…

Google consolidates AI research divisions into Google DeepMind

Research in the field of machine learning and AI, now a key technology in practically every industry and company, is far too voluminous for anyone to read it all. This…

Perceptron: AI that lights up the moon, improvises grammar and teaches robots to walk like humans

Remember Natural Language Processing? NLP arose several years ago but it was only in 2018 that AI researchers proved it was possible to train a neural network once on a…

Here’s why a gold rush of NLP startups is about to arrive