YouTube ads reports for TV and Movies

The YouTube ads reports contain revenue and view data related to advertising-supported videos. These reports are available on a weekly and monthly basis from the Reports section of the Creator Studio. 

The Summary report contains an aggregated view of subscription activity while the Raw Data reports show the activity per video or asset, country, or day.

The Summary report has three sections: Total, Day, and Country. In the Total section, the primary key field is Content Owner. In the Day section, the primary key fields are Content Owner, Day, Content Type, and Policy. In the Country section, the primary key fields are Content Owner, Country, Content Type, and Policy.

The primary key fields in the Video Raw Data report are Content Owner, Video ID, Custom ID, Day, Country, Content Type, and Policy. In the Asset Raw Data report, they are Content Owner, Asset ID, and Country.

Report field descriptions
Field Description
Asset ID YouTube-generated ID for the associated asset
Asset Channel ID YouTube-generated channel identifier associated with the partner-provided video claimed by the asset
Asset Labels Any labels associated with the asset
Asset title The title of the associated asset
Category The type of video, as displayed in the video's More info section. 
Channel ID YouTube-generated channel identifier for the channel to which the video was published
Claim Origin The method by which the claim against the video was created
Claim Type Specifies whether you have claimed the audiovisual, audio, or visual aspect of the video
Content Type The source of the claimed video:
  • Partner-provided – Uploaded by YouTube partner
  • Premium UGC – Uploaded by a third party, with copyrighted segments meeting the length and proportionality requirements to be treated the same as partner-provided licensed content for revenue sharing
  • UGC – User-generated content, uploaded by a third party (represents only UGC in the YouTube Red subscription service consumed by subscribers)
Country The two-character ISO country code for the territory in which the activity occurred
Currency The currency used for all revenue-related metrics; the default is USD
Channel Display Name The display name of the channel to which the video was published
Custom ID The optional asset metadata field used to uniquely identify an asset, usually an internal code; other partners cannot see your custom IDs
Day The day on which the activity occurred, in the format YYYYMMDD
Episode Title The title of the episode for a TV show
Episode Number The number of the episode for a TV show
EIDR The Entertainment Identifier Registry (EIDR) ID for a movie
Multiple Claims? Whether or not the video has multiple claims against it
Owned Views

All of your views that count towards Monetization or Track. The policy field determines whether the view is counted towards Monetization or Track.

Owned Views - Ad-Enabled All of your views enabled for ads with a policy of Monetize or Track
Owned Views - Embedded Player The number of owned views started from off-site embedded players
Owned Views - Channel Page The number of owned views started from your channel page
Owned Views - Live The number of owned views occurring during a live streaming broadcast
Owned Views - On Demand The number of owned views from all devices and platforms not occurring during a live streaming broadcast
Owned Views - Watch Page The number of owned views started from the video's YouTube watch page
Partner revenue Your recognized revenue from advertising
Partner Revenue - AdSense Served YouTube Sold Your revenue from AdSense with contractual revenue share applied to YouTube Revenue Split 
Partner Revenue - DoubleClick Served YouTube Sold Your revenue from DoubleClick with contractual revenue share applied to YouTube Revenue Split 
Partner Revenue - DoubleClick Served Partner Sold Your revenue from DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) with contractual revenue share applied to YouTube Revenue Split 
Partner Revenue - Partner Served Partner Sold Your revenue from partner served and sold advertisements
Season The season of a TV show
TMS The TMS ID for a TV episode
Policy The applied policy for the video
Recipient ID YouTube's unique ID for the partner
Recipient Name The name of the YouTube partner
Report ID An internally generated YouTube sequence number to differentiate reports
Report Period End Date The last day of the reporting period
Report Period Start Date The first day of the reporting period
Report version The version of this report
UPC The Universal Product Code (UPC), an optional metadata field used to uniquely identify an asset.
Uploader The name of the user who uploaded the video
USD Local Rate The exchange rate used to convert from USD to local currency; represents an average rate for daily transactions across the reporting period
Username The name of the YouTube content owner
Video ID The ID of the claimed video
Video title The title of the claimed video
Video Duration (sec) The length of the video in seconds
YouTube Revenue Split YouTube Ads revenue, taking into account ownership but prior to applying revshare rate
YouTube Revenue Split - AdSense Served YouTube Sold Revenue from AdSense, taking into account ownership but prior to applying revshare rate
YouTube Revenue Split - DoubleClick Served YouTube Sold Revenue from DoubleClick, taking into account ownership but prior to applying revshare rate
YouTube Revenue Split - DoubleClick Served Partner Sold Revenue from DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP), taking into account ownership but prior to applying revshare rate
YouTube Revenue Split - Partner Served Partner Sold Revenue from partner served and sold ads, taking into account ownership but prior to applying revshare rate
Estimated RPM Partner Revenue per thousand ad-enabled owned views

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