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Video comments for supervised pre-teens

Comments are an important part of the YouTube experience, even for pre-teens (kids under 13 or the relevant age in their country or region). Pre-teens with a supervised account set to the “Most of YouTube” or “Explore more” content setting can read but not write comments.

This read-only experience gives pre-teens the chance to add context to what they’re watching and feel like part of the YouTube community.

How video comments work with your child’s supervised account

For added safety, the comment experience for pre-teen supervised accounts also includes:

  • Stricter comment filters for younger audiences.
  • The removal of comments with links that would direct kids to third-party websites.
  • Messages that appear while your child is watching YouTube, reminding them that comments are opinions and giving them best practices for communication on digital platforms.
  • Hidden comments on Made for Kids content.
If you don’t want your pre-teen to have access to comments, you can switch to the “Explore” content setting. However, that will limit the videos they can see on YouTube.

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