Use YouTube podcast badges

To help your audience find your podcasts on YouTube, add a podcast badge to your website, socials, or print media. Choose from the options below to promote your show and help your audience find new episodes.

Select and download your podcast badge

To get a YouTube podcast badge, select the option that works best for your marketing needs. Download your badge using the links below.

Download now Download now Download now

Badge requirements

When you use a YouTube podcast badge, only use the design provided by YouTube. If you want to change the artwork in any way, fill out this brand request form.

To minimize errors, check out these best practices:

  • Only use the files above. Avoid using other graphics from YouTube, like the standalone YouTube logo.
  • Include the gray border when you publish your badge.
  • Make sure that call-to-action messages are present in the badge artwork. Call-to-action messages include “Available on,” “Watch on,” or “Listen on.”
  • Don’t modify, angle, animate, rotate, tilt, or apply special effects to the badge.

Size guidelines

The size of your badge differs depending on where you plan to use it.
  • For digital media, the image height should be at least 20 dp (20 pixels).
  • For print, the image height should be at least 0.125 in (3.1 mm).
Make sure the badge does not exceed the maximum size of the downloaded image.

Clear space

The clear space around your badge should be at least one-tenth the height of the badge. You should allow more space if possible.

Don’t place photos, typography, or other graphic elements within the clear space.


When you add a badge to your media, be mindful of the background so that your audience can easily find the badge. Choose from following backgrounds when you add a badge to your media:
  • Black, white, or another solid color
  • An image that doesn’t impact readability
Note: The gray border around your badge is part of the badge artwork and should be included with the badge once published.

Add a badge to your media

Badges should only be used on your website, socials, or in print media. Place the badge below or to the right of your promotional content. Your badge should be smaller than other images on the page.

To add a badge, format the image so that:

  • Digital assets use the Scalable Vector format or SVG.
  • Printed assets use the artwork in EPS format, matching the color profile to your printer's needs.

Link a badge to your RSS feed

If your podcast isn’t available on YouTube, your listeners can add your RSS feed to their YouTube Music app library using your show’s badge.

To link your RSS feed to a badge:

  1. Copy your RSS feed URL.
  2. Encode the RSS feed URL via either URL encoding or base64 encoding. If you use base64 encoding, your RSS feed URL will not be readable.
  3. Link the badge to encoded RSS feed URL.

Linking a badge to your RSS feed won’t make your podcast available on YouTube. Your podcast will not be eligible for podcast features, like podcast-specific search and discovery, user sharing, or for placement on Learn more about podcasts on YouTube.

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