Dynamic combination reporting

Dynamic combination reports allow you to review the performance of dynamic creatives across up to 20 feeds from a single dynamic profile. For example, if you have a dynamic profile with a “CTA” element and an “Offer” element, combination reports can help you determine which mixture of CTA and offer had the highest conversion rate.

Set reporting dimensions in your dynamic profile in Studio

During your dynamic campaign setup, you can set reporting dimensions in your dynamic profile in Studio. You can select up to six reporting dimensions per creative. After you select them, these dimensions will be available to add to your report in Report Builder. Each reporting dimension will have a label similar to "Feed 1 - Reporting dimension 1".

Create a dynamic combination report in Campaign Manager 360

In Campaign Manager 360, go to Report Builder and click New or select the Dynamic Combination template from the template list at the top of the page. Select your dynamic profile and customize filters, dimensions and metrics as needed.


  • Limit of 20 feeds (or "elements")
  • Custom rich media metrics aren't supported for this report type
  • Maximum date range: 30 days
  • It can take about an hour to generate a report. Add an advertiser filter to generate the report faster.
  • Report files can be large (several gigabytes), report size is determined by:
    • The number of elements you select
    • The number of values each element can take

Review a dynamic combination report

The available dimensions (columns) in a dynamic combination related report are defined by the unique ID, reporting label and reporting dimensions set in the Studio profile. Each row in the report corresponds to metrics (for example, impressions) associated with combinations of the selected dimensions.

You can map the feeds in your dynamic profile to the elements in the report by looking at the dimensions labeled Feed 1, Feed 2, and so on. These dimensions show the feed names as they appear in your dynamic profile.

Feeds list in a sample Studio dynamic profile

Example Studio profile with two feeds

Example ads

The example ads below include two different calls to action used in a dynamic campaign.

Dynamic ads with two different calls to action

Example dynamic combination report

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