New Day is an upcoming life simulation game where almost anything can happen! Create your own islanders, design their apartments, and get involved with their day-to-day life as they divulge into unexpected friendships, problems, and more!
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Meget positive (103) - 92% af de 103 brugeranmeldelser for dette spil er positive.
25. dec. 2024

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Hvorfor tidlig adgang?

“With New Day still being in early-development, it's hard to get feedback from the community without releasing something that the community can experience and play. Releasing New Day in Early Access will guarantee that the game is always up to the standards of the community whilst being constantly worked on in the background!”

Hvor lang tid vil dette spil være i tidlig adgang?

“The development of New Day will continue in Early Access until it reaches a state of completion, allowing for a polished experience for all players.”

Hvorledes kommer den fulde version til at være anderledes end produktet i tidlig adgang?

“The plan is to greatly expand New Day beyond the initial premise and include varying small details that'll make the game fun to play, even on multiple occasions. As we develop the game, shops will be added, new islander events will come into play, and we'll continue to strive to be the best game we can for our community.”

Hvad er den nuværende tilstand for versionen med tidlig adgang?

New Day has a lot of features currently that you can play around with. At the time of writing this, it has -- Fishing, Social Media, Ordinances, Befriending Islanders, Unfriending Islanders, Islanders Fighting, Tent Islanders, and more! There's so much to do in the game as of late, and it's up to you to figure out what you can do!”

Ændrer spillets pris sig under og efter tidlig adgang?

New Day will always be a free experience for all. No micro-transactions, no hidden fees, nothing will prevent you from playing the game on it's final release.”

Hvordan har I tænkt jer at involvere fællesskabet i jeres udviklingsproces?

“We'll continue to post previews and screenshots of the development of New Day in the Discord server and on the Patreon page. If you're interested, you should check out both!”
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Om dette spil

Welcome... to New Day!

New Day is an upcoming life simulation game where almost anything can happen! Create your own islanders, design their apartments, and get involved with their day-to-day life as they divulge into unexpected friendships, problems, and more!

Within New Day, you'll be able to use the Islander Creator to create your very own original islanders! The Islander Creator features different eyes, mouths, eyebrows, hairstyles, species, and even a makeup creator -- where you can create custom faces of your own!

The Islander Creator is filled with endless possibilities and creative freedom so that you can make the islander you want.

The Room Editor is a tool in New Day that you'll use to create custom apartments for your islanders. You'll be able to add up to 4 rooms per apartment, and will be able to decorate to your hearts content.

Some pieces of furniture might host some... interesting lore...

You'll be able to interact with each, individual islander, which will allow them to form their own opinion of you!

Interacting with an islander allows you to access a variety of unique interactions, such as playing mini-games with them, solving a problem they might have, and more!

Interactions don't stop at islanders, though, as you'll have access to multiple buildings on your island, such as a movie theater, an arcade, and a clothing shop! Each building will host an NPC that you'll be able to befriend, if you choose to. Befriending the keepers of each building might grant you additional rewards that you won't find anywhere else in the game!

Islanders in New Day will be able to form friendships with other islanders, and even relationships, if it gets that far!

Friendships/Relationships will form based on how much time islanders spend together, if they have common interests, and their personality trait. If all goes well, maybe two of your favorite islanders will end up together, get married, and... well... the rest explains itself.

In New Day, it's entirely possible that a friendship is one-sided, and only one of the islanders enjoy the others company. This can lead to some interesting situations...

Jobs are an essential part of New Day. It allows the player to earn money in order to buy furniture in the Room Editor, clothing for your islanders, and more!

Each job has their own difficulty setting. With each difficulty increase, you'll earn more money, making the "harder" difficulty choices more rewarding!

In conclusion, New Day aims to be an amazing experience that's suitable for every players gaming preference. We strive to make this an amazing game, made purely out of love and motivation.

To end this off, I'm giving a special thanks to everyone on the New Day staff team.

(Staff Team):

Furbies ( Programmer )

Potato Plays ( Artist )

Timtodile ( 3D Modeler )

LilanDeSilva ( Composer )

AjMamoru ( 3D Modeler )

Wind ( 3D Modeler )

Behon ( Voice Actor )

Rosie_Maybe ( Artist )

Raj ( 3D Modeler )

Anemo ( Artist )

Chamilionio ( Artist / UI Designer )

Valdemar ( 3D Modeler )

absonewtly ( Artist )

SuddenlyAlone ( Food Artist )

Leilanix ( Food Artist )

Slliy ( 3D Modeler )

Kandy Kat ( Artist )

Zii ( Modeler )

SilverBuudha ( Emotional Support )

Beskrivelse af voksenindhold

Udviklerne beskriver indholdet således:

New Day contains slight violence against your islanders by allowing them to be dropped into the ocean to be drowned. However, it's only an Easter Egg, not a true method of getting rid of an islander.
New Day also contains slight references and innuendos to alcoholic beverages.


    • Styresystem: 64 Bit Required. Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel® Celeron® processor
    • Hukommelse: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafik: Intel® UHD Graphics 600
    • Diskplads: 4 GB tilgængelig plads

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