Френклин Д. Рузвелт — разлика између измена

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(Није приказано 48 међуизмена 16 корисника)
Ред 2:
| име = Френклин Делано Рузвелт
| слика = FDR 1944 Color Portrait.tif<!-- SEE TALK PAGE -->
| опис_слике = Френклин Делано Рузвелт у, 1944.
| датум_рођења = {{датум рођења|1882|1|30}}
| место_рођења = [[Њујорк]], [[Њујорк (држава)|Њујорк]]
| држава_рођења = {{застава|Њујорк}},[[Сједињене Америчке {{заставаДржаве|САД}}]]
| датум_смрти = {{Датумдатум смрти|1945|4|12|1882|1|30}}
| место_смрти = [[Ворм Спрингс (Џорџија)|Ворм Спрингс]], [[Џорџија]]
| држава_смрти = {{застава|Џорџија}},[[Сједињене Америчке {{заставаДржаве|САД}}]]
| узрок_смрти = Излив крви на мозак
| држављанство =
| народност =
| вероисповест =
| супружник = {{marriage|[[Еленор Рузвелт|Елеонор Рузвелт]]|1905|1945|end=његова смрт}}
| деца = 6
| родитељи = Џејмс Рузвелт I<br/>Сара Делано
Ред 23:
| почетак_функције_1 = [[4. март]] [[1933]]
| крај_функције_1 = [[12. април]] [[1945]].
| избори_1 = [[ИзбориПредседнички заизбори председникау САД 1932.|Председнички избори 1932.]]
| реизбор_1 = {{ublist |[[ИзбориПредседнички заизбори председникау САД 1936.|Председнички избори 1936.]]
|[[ИзбориПредседнички заизбори председникау САД 1940.|Председнички избори 1940.]]
|[[ИзбориПредседнички заизбори председникау САД 1944.|Председнички избори 1944.]]
| вицепредседник_1потпредседник_1 = {{ublist|[[Џон Гарнер|Џон Ненс Гарнер]]<br/>(1933-19411933−1941)|[[Хенри Е. Волас]]<br/>(1941-19451941−1945)|[[Хари Труман]]<br/>(јануар-априлјануар−април 1945)}}
| претходник_1 = [[Херберт Хувер]]
| наследник_1 = [[Хари Труман]]
Ред 36:
[[Датотека:Franklin Roosevelt Secretary of the Navy 1913.jpg|мини|ФДР као асистент секретара за морнарицу]]
'''Френклин Делано Рузвелт''' (тачније '''Розевелт''', {{јез-енгл|Franklin Delano Roosevelt}}; [[Њујорк]], [[30. јануар]] [[1882]] — [[Ворм Спрингс (Џорџија)|Ворм Спрингс]], [[12. април]] [[1945]]), је био амерички политичар и тридесет други председник [[Сједињене Америчке Државе|САД]] (1933—1945).<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lm3Bntsp2ck | title = President Franklin D. Roosevelt First Inaugural Address| publisher = Google| work = YouTube |date=15. 10. 2009| accessdate=04. 03. 2014}}</ref><ref>Arthur{{cite Mjournal|doi=10. Schlesinger, Jr., "Ranking2307/2657937|jstor=2657937|pmc=|pmid=|title=Rating the Presidents: From Washington to Clinton"|url=https://archive.org/details/sim_political-science-quarterly_summer-1997_112_2/page/179|last1=Schlesinger|first1=Arthur ''M.|journal=Political Science Quarterly'' (|date=1997) |volume=112#|issue=2, pp. 179–90. {{doi|10.2307/2657937pages=179–190}}</ref> У политику је ушао следећи пример свог рођака [[Теодор Рузвелт|Теодора Рузвелта]], и постао активан члан Демократске странке. Године [[1905]]. оженио се [[Еленор Рузвелт|Елеонор Рузвелт]], која ће у наредним годинама постати његов саветник.
Служио је у њујоршком сенату (1910—1913) и као помоћник секретара за морнарицу (1913—1920). Демократска странка кандидовала га је за потпредседника на изборима [[1920]]. године. Наредне године оболео је од парализе: иако није могао да хода, остао је активан у политици. Као [[Списак гувернера Њујорка|44. гувернер државе Њујорк]] (1929—1933), основао је државну агенцију за социјалну помоћ у [[Сједињене Америчке Државе|САД]]. Године [[1932]]. освојио је председничку номинацију демократа уз помоћ Џејмса Фарлија и с лакоћом победио председника [[Херберт Хувер|Херберта Хувера]]. У свом инаугуралном обраћању земљи са више од 13 милиона незапослених, рекао је да је „једина ствар које треба да се плашимо сам страх“. Конгрес је одобрио већину промена којим је он тежио у свом програму [[Њу дил|Нови договор]] у првих сто мандата. Великом већином поново је изабран [[1936]], а противкандидат му је био Алф Ландон.
Ред 47:
[[Датотека:Yalta_summit_1945_with_Churchill,_Roosevelt,_Stalin.jpg|мини|250px|Рузвелт (средина) на Јалтској конференцији заједно са Черчилом (лево) и Стаљином (десно)]]
Франклин Делано Рузвелт рођен је 30. јануара [[1882]]. године.<ref name="Roosevelt Genealogy">{{cite web | url = http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/archives/resources/genealogy.html | title = Roosevelt Genealogy | publisher = Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum | archivedate = 29. 05. 2014 | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20140529045439/http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/archives/resources/genealogy.html |url-status=dead | accessdate = 06. 03. 2014 | df = }}</ref><ref>{{Citation| url = http://thepeerage.com/p13944.htm#i139433| last=Person| title = The Peerage|pages=13944}}</ref> Политком је почео да се бави [[1907]]. године, а већ [[1910]]. изабран је за сенатора савезне државе [[Њујорк (држава)|Њујорк]] на листи [[Демократска странка (САД)|Демократске странке]].{{Sfn | Gunther | 1950 | pp = 202–3}}{{Sfn | Burns | 1956 | p = 34}} Председник [[Вудро Вилсон|Вилсон]] именовао га је [[1913]]. подсекретаром морнарице.{{Sfn|Smith|2007|pp=51–98}} На тој дужности је остао до [[1920]]. године када је Демократска странка изгубила изборе.{{Sfn|Burns|1956 |p=51}}{{Sfn | Gunther|1950|p=209}} Иако оболео од [[парализа|парализе]] [[1921]]. наставио је политичку делатност<ref>{{cite news|date=16. 09. 1921 | title = F. D. Roosevelt Ill of Poliomyelitis | url = https://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9D0CE5DB153EEE3ABC4E52DFBF66838A639EDE | newspaper = [[Њујорк тајмс|The New York Times]] | location = | accessdate=24. 09. 2015.}}</ref><ref name="The Roosevelts 2014">{{harvnb|Ward|Burns|2014|pp=}}</ref>{{Rp|236}}, те је [[1928]]. године изабран за [[Губернатор|гувернера]] савезне државе Њујорк. На конвенцији Демократске странке [[1931]]. изабран је за председничког кандидата. На изборима [[1932]]. године Франклин Делано Рузвелт односи надмоћну победу - само шест држава није гласало за њега. На председничкој инагурацијиинаугурацији [[1933]]. у марту обећао је [[Њу дил]] (социјалне мере у време дубоке економске кризе које су му донеле велику популарност){{sfn|Tobin|2013|pp=4-7}} и изрекао, касније чувену, реченицу:
: ''Допустите да изнесем своје чврсто веровање како се треба бојати једино страха самога.''
Ред 53:
Са Њу дилом Рузвелт је покренуо кампању радикалних мера за оздрављење националне привреде. Кампања је укључивала масовни програм јавних радова (бране, шуме, аутоцесте) који су финансирани из савезног буџета. Ови радови омогућили су запошљавање неколико милиона људи. Уз то реорганизиран је банковни систем, уведено је осигурање за незапослене и старосна пензија. Такође је изменио политику Сједињених Држава према државама [[Средња Америка|Средње]] и [[Јужна Америка|Јужне Америке]] у политику доброг суседства. Три године пре поновног избора за предсједника Сједињених Држава, тачније [[1933]]. године, са [[Совјетски Савез|Совјетским Савезом]] успоставља дипломатске односе.
Године 1940. трећи се пут кандидирао за председника Сједињених Држава, што је то дотада било незабележено у америчкој историји. У августу [[1941]]. Рузвелт и [[Винстон Черчил|Черчил]] састали су се у Плацентија Бају у Њуфаундленду ([[Канада]]) и саставили [[Атлантска повеља|Атлантску повељу]] која је садржавала четири тзв. РузевелтоваРузвелтова правила која је исте године објавио у Повељи о четири слободе: мисли, вере, од беде и од страха. Атлантска повеља значила је зачетак [[ОрганизацијаУједињене уједињених нацијанације|Уједињених народа]]. С ЧерчкиломЧерчилом је потписао и Закон о зајму и најму којим је омогућио америчку помоћ у борби против [[Силе Осовине|Сила Осовине]].
У новембру [[1944]]. године по четврти пут побеђује на председничким изборима. Већ приликом сусрета на [[Кримска конференција|Јалти]] (у фебруару [[1945]]. године) с Черчилом и [[Јосиф Стаљин|Стаљином]] видно је био болестан. Тада га је прегледао Черчилов лекар и дао му мање од шест месеци живота. Преминуо је 17. априла [[1945]]. од излива крви у мозак у [[Ворм Спрингс (Џорџија)|Ворм Спрингсу]] у савезној држави [[Џорџија|Џорџији]]. Покопан је у [[Вашингтон]]у. Постхумно по њему је назван један носач авиона америчке морнарице. Такође постхумно [[1948]]. године у [[Лондон]]у му је откривен споменик на једном од лондонских тргова. Споменик је на свечаном отварању открила Рузвелтова супруга [[Еленор Рузвелт|Ана Еленора Рузвелт]].
Ред 67:
== Литература ==
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|last=Tobin|first=James| title = The Man He Became: How FDR Defied Polio to Win the Presidency |year=2013| publisher=Simon and Schuster|pages=4-7}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|last=Ward Tobin| first = Geoffrey C. James|authorlink= Geoffreytitle Ward | last2=Burns |The first2Man =He KenBecame: |authorlink2How =FDR KenDefied BurnsPolio |year=2014|to titleWin =the The Roosevelts: An Intimate HistoryPresidency | url=https://archive.org/details/rooseveltsintima0000wardmanhebecamehowfd0000tobi|year=2013| location publisher=Simon New Yorkand Schuster| publisher pages= [[Alfred Ahttps://archive.org/details/manhebecamehowfd0000tobi/page/4 Knopf4]] |isbn=9780307700230|pages=-7}}
* {{Cite book|last1=Ward | first1 = Geoffrey C. |authorlink= Geoffrey Ward | last2=Burns | first2 = Ken |authorlink2 = Ken Burns |year=2014| title = The Roosevelts: An Intimate History | url=https://archive.org/details/rooseveltsintima0000ward| location = New York | publisher = [[Alfred A. Knopf]] |isbn=9780307700230|pages=}}
=== Биографије ===
{{Литература крај}}
=== Биографије ===
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Black | first = Conrad |author-link = Conrad Black|year=2005 | origyear=2003 | title = Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Champion of Freedom | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=lYVCi70HaigC |isbn=978-1-58648-282-4 | type = interpretive detailed biography}}.
* {{Cite book| reflast=harvBlack | first = Conrad |author-link = H.Conrad WBlack|year=2005 | origyear=2003 | title = Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Champion of Freedom | publisher = PublicAffairs | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=lYVCi70HaigC Brands|isbn=978-1-58648-282-4 | type = interpretive detailed biography}}.
* {{Cite book|last=Brands | first = HW |author-link = H. W. Brands| title = Traitor to His Class: The Privileged Life and Radical Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt | url=https://archive.org/details/traitortohisclas0000bran |year=2009 |isbn=978-0-385-51958-8|pages=|publisher= Doubleday }}: despite the title, a highly favorable biography by scholar. Plus [https://web.archive.org/web/20130702062038/http://www.pritzkermilitarylibrary.org/Home/HW-Brands.aspx Author Webcast Interview] at the [[Pritzker Military Library]] on January&nbsp;22, 2009
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Burns | first = James MacGregor |year=1956 | title= Roosevelt | volume = 1 | publisher =Easton Press |isbn=978-0-15-678870-0|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Burns | first = James MacGregor |year=1970 | title= Roosevelt: the soldier of freedom | volume = 2 | publisher=Harcourt Brace Jovanovich | hdl=2027/heb.00626 |isbn=978-0-15-678870-0 | url = http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.00626 |author-mask = 3}}.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Cook | first = Blanche Wiesen |year=1992 | title= Eleanor Roosevelt | volume = 1 |authorlink=Blanche Wiesen Cook | publisher=Penguin |isbn=978-0-14-009460-2|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Daniels | first=Roger |year=2015 | title= Franklin D. Roosevelt: Road to the New Deal, 1882-1939 | publisher=University of Illinois Press |isbn=978-0-252-03951-5|pages=}}.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Davis | first = Kenneth S |author-link = Kenneth S. Davis|year=1972 | title = FDR: The Beckoning of Destiny, 1882–1928 | publisher = Putnam | url=https://archive.org/details/fdrbeckoningofde0000unse|isbn=978-0-399-10998-0 | type = popular biography}}.
* {{Citation | last=Freidel | first = Frank |author-link = Frank Freidel|year=1952 | title = Franklin D. Roosevelt | volume = 4 volumes | OCLCoclc = 459748221}}: the most detailed scholarly biography; ends in 1934.
** Frank Freidel, ''Franlkin D. Roosevelt The Apprenticeship'' (vol 1 1952) to 1918; [{{cite book|author= |title= Franlkin D. Roosevelt The Apprenticeship|url=https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.177661 online]|location= |publisher= |year=|isbn=|pages=}}
** {{cite book|author=Frank Freidel, ''|title=Franklin D. Roosevelt The Ordeal'' (1954),|location= covers 1919|publisher= to 1928 [|year=1954|url=https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.151791 online]|isbn=|pages=}}, covers 1919 to 1928
** {{cite book|author=Frank Freidel, ''|title=Franklin D. Roosevelt The Triumph'' (|location= |publisher= |year=1956)}} covers 1929-32 [https://ia801506.us.archive.org/22/items/in.ernet.dli.2015.156788/2015.156788.Franklim-D-Roosevelt-The-Triumph.pdf online]
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Freidel | first = Frank |year=1990 | title = Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Rendezvous with Destiny |isbn=978-0-316-29260-3 | volume = one volume | publisher = Little, Brown | type = scholarly biography |author-mask = 3}}; covers entire life.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Goodwin| first = Doris Kearns|authorlink=Doris Kearns Goodwin|year=1995| title= No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II| url=https://archive.org/details/noordinarytimefr00good|isbn=978-0-684-80448-4|pages=| publisher = Simon & Schuster}}; popular joint biography
* {{Citation | last=Gunther | first = John |year=1950 | url = https://archive.org/details/rooseveltinretro00gunt | title=Roosevelt in Retrospect | publisher=Harper & Brothers}}
* {{Cite book|last=Jenkins ref|first=harv Roy |author-link = Roy Jenkins| last=Jenkins | first = Roy |year=2003 | title = Franklin Delano Roosevelt |publisher= Macmillan | url=https://archive.org/details/franklindelanoro00jenk |isbn=978-0-8050-6959-4 | type = short bio from British perspective}}.
* {{Cite book| reflast=harvLash |author-link first= Joseph P. Lash| last=Lash | firstauthor-link = Joseph P. Lash|year=1971 | title = Eleanor and Franklin: The Story of Their Relationship Based on Eleanor Roosevelt's Private Papers |url=https://archive.org/details/eleanorfranklint00lash |publisher= Norton |isbn=978-0-393-07459-8 | type = history of a marriage}}.
* {{Cite book|last=Morgan ref|first=harv Ted |author-link = Ted Morgan (writer)| last=Morgan | first = Ted |year=1985 | title = FDR: A biography |url=https://archive.org/details/fdrbiography0000morg |publisher= Simon and Schuster |isbn=978-0-671-45495-1 | type = popular biography}}.
* {{Citation | last=Pederson | first = William D |year=2011 | title = A Companion to Franklin D. Roosevelt | publisher = Blackwell | series = Companions to American History}}; 35 essays by scholars. [https://www.questia.com/read/123510939/a-companion-to-franklin-d-roosevelt online]
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Rowley | first = Hazel |authorlink= Hazel Rowley |year=2010| title = Franklin and Eleanor: An Extraordinary Marriage | url=https://archive.org/details/franklineleanore0000rowl| publisher = Farrar, Straus & Giroux |isbn=978-0-374-15857-6|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| lastlast1=Siracusa | firstfirst1 = Joseph M. |last2=Coleman|first2=David G.|year=2002 | title = Depression to Cold War: a history of America from Herbert Hoover to Ronald Reagan | url=https://archive.org/details/depressiontocold0000sira| publisher = Greenwood Publishing |isbn=978-0-275-97555-5|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Smith | first = Jean Edward|authorlink= Jean Edward Smith| publisher = Random House | location =New York| title = FDR | url=https://archive.org/details/fdr00smit|year=2007 |isbn=978-1-4000-6121-1|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Tully | first = Grace |authorlink= Grace Tully |year=2005 | title= Franklin Delano Roosevelt, My Boss | publisher = Kessinger Publishing |isbn=978-1-4179-8926-3|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| reflast=harvWard |author-link first= Geoffrey Ward| last=WardC | firstauthor-link = Geoffrey C Ward|year=1985 | title = Before The Trumpet: Young Franklin Roosevelt, 1882–1905 | url=https://archive.org/details/beforetrumpetyou0000ward |isbn=978-0-06-015451-6|pages=|publisher= Harper & Row }}
* {{Cite book| reflast=harvWard |author-link first= Geoffrey Ward| last=WardC | firstauthor-link = Geoffrey C Ward|year=1992 | title = A First-Class Temperament: The Emergence of Franklin Roosevelt |publisher= Harper & Row |isbn=978-0-06-016066-1 | type = popular biography |author-mask = 3}}: covers 1905–32.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Winkler | first = Allan M. |year=2006 | title= Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Making of Modern America | publisher = Longman |isbn=978-0-321-41285-0|pages=}}
{{Литература крај}}
=== Академске студије ===
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Alter | first = Jonathan |author-link = Jonathan Alter|year=2006 | title = The Defining Moment: FDR's Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope | url=https://archive.org/details/definingmomentfd00alte | publisher = Simon & Schuster |isbn=978-0-7432-4600-2 | type = popular history}}.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Badger | first = Anthony |year=2008 | title = FDR: The First Hundred Days | url=https://archive.org/details/fdrfirsthundredd0000badg |isbn=978-0-8090-4441-2|pages=| publisher = Farrar, Straus and Giroux }} 200 pp; overview by leading British scholar.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | editor-last = Beasley | editor-first = Maurine | others = et al | year = 2001 | url = http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=101379496 | title = The Eleanor Roosevelt Encyclopedia | isbn = 978-0-313-30181-0 | pages = | publisher = Bloomsbury Academic | access-date = 02. 04. 2017 | archive-date = 11. 02. 2009 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20090211070000/http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=101379496 | url-status = }}.
* {{Cite book| reflast =harv| last=Bellush| first = Bernard| authorlink = Bernard Bellush| year = 1955| url = http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=99016750 | title = Franklin D. Roosevelt as Governor of New York| lccn = 55006181| access-date = 02. 04. 2017| archive-date = 11. 02. 2009| archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20090211054654/http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=99016750| url-status = }}
* -{{cite book|author=Brinkley, Douglas G. ''|title=Rightful Heritage: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Land of America''|date=15 March (2016) [http|url=https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0062089234/ excerpt];|location=|publisher=HarperCollins|isbn=978-0062089236 On hisenvironmental and conservation beliefs & policies.|pages=}}-
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Collins | first = Robert M. |year=2002 | title=More: The Politics of Economic Growth in Postwar America | publisher = Oxford University Press |isbn=978-0-19-515263-0|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | editor1-last=Graham | editor1-first = Otis L | editor2-first = Meghan Robinson | editor2-last=Wander |year=1985 | title = Franklin D. Roosevelt: His Life and Times | url=https://archive.org/details/franklindrooseve0000unse_r4k9 |isbn=978-0-8161-8667-9 | type = encyclopedia}}.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Hawley | first = Ellis |year=1995 | title= The New Deal and the Problem of Monopoly | publisher = Fordham University Press |isbn=978-0-8232-1609-3|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Jordan | first = David M |year=2011 | title = FDR, Dewey, and the Election of 1944| url=https://archive.org/details/fdrdeweyelection0000jord | location = Bloomington| publisher = Indiana University Press|isbn=9780253356833|pages=}}.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Kennedy | first = David M |authorlink= David M. Kennedy (historian) |year=1999 | title = [[Freedom From Fear: The American People in Depression and War, 1929–1945]] |isbn=978-0-19-503834-7 | type = wide-ranging survey of national affairs by leading scholar; Pulitzer Prize}}.
* {{Citation | last=Kennedy | first = David M |author-link = David M. Kennedy (historian) |year=2009| title = What the New Deal Did | journal = Political Science Quarterly | volume = 124 | number = 2 |author-mask = 3 | doi=10.1002/j.1538-165x.2009.tb00648.x|pages=251-68251–68 }}.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Leuchtenburg | first = William E.|authorlink=William E. Leuchtenburg |year=1963 | title = Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932–1940 | publisher=Harpers| url = https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.213904|isbn=978-0-06-133025-4|pages=}}
* {{Citation | last=Leuchtenburg | first = William E |year=2005 | title = Showdown on the Court | journal = Smithsonian | volume = 36 | number = 2 | ISSNissn = 0037-7333 | type = fulltext | publisher = Ebsco |author-mask = 3|pages=106-13106–13 }}.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Leuchtenburg | first = William E |year=2009 | title = In the Shadow of FDR: From Harry Truman to Barack Obama| url=https://archive.org/details/inshadowoffdrfro00leuc_2 | location = Ithaca, NY| publisher = Cornell University Press |isbn=9780801448553 |author-mask = 3}}, his long-term influence
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=McMahon | first = Kevin J |year=2004 | title = Reconsidering Roosevelt on Race: How the Presidency Paved the Road to Brown | url=https://archive.org/details/reconsideringroo0000mcma |isbn=978-0-226-50088-1|pages=| publisher = University of Chicago Press }}.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Miscamble| first = Wilson D.|year=2007| title=From Roosevelt to Truman: Potsdam, Hiroshima, and the Cold War | url=https://archive.org/details/fromroosevelttot0000misc| publisher = Cambridge University Press |isbn=978-0-521-86244-8|pages=}}
* {{Citation | lastlast1=Parmet | firstfirst1 = Herbert S | first2 = Marie B | last2=Hecht |year=1968 | title = Never Again: A President Runs for a Third Term | url = http://www.questia.com/library/book/never-again-a-president-runs-for-a-third-term-by-marie-b-hecht-herbert-s-parmet.jsp | publisher = Questia}}, on 1940 election.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Pederson | first = William D |year=2011 | title = A Companion to Franklin D. Roosevelt| location = Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.| publisher = Wiley-Blackwell |isbn=9781444330168|pages=}}, 768 pages; essays by scholars covering major historiographical themes. [https://www.questia.com/read/123510939/a-companion-to-franklin-d-roosevelt online]
* {{Cite book|last=Rauchway ref|first=harv Eric |author-link = Eric Rauchway| last=Rauchway | first = Eric |year=2008 | title = The Great Depression and The New Deal; A Very Short Introduction |url=https://archive.org/details/greatdepressionn0000rauc |isbn=978-0-19-532634-5|pages=|publisher= Oxford University Press, USA }}, balanced summary
* {{Cite book| reflast=harvRitchie |author-link first= Donald A. Ritchie| last=Ritchie | firstauthor-link = Donald A. Ritchie|year=2007 | title = Electing FDR: The New Deal Campaign of 1932 |isbn=978-0-7006-1687-9|pages=|publisher= University Press of Kansas }}.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Rosen | first = Elliot A |year=2005 | title = Roosevelt, the Great Depression, and the Economics of Recovery | url=https://archive.org/details/rooseveltgreatde0000rose|isbn=978-0-8139-2368-0|pages=| publisher = University of Virginia Press }}.
* {{Citation |author-link = Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.| last=Schlesinger | first = Arthur M. Jr |year=1957 | title = The Age of Roosevelt | volume = 3 volumes | OCLCoclc = 466716}}, the classic narrative history. Strongly supports FDR.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | editor1-last=Shaw | editor1-first = Stephen K | editor2-last=Pederson | editor2-first = William D | editor3-last=Williams | editor3-first = Frank J |year=2004 | title = Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Transformation of the Supreme Court |isbn=978-0-7656-1033-1|pages=| publisher = M.E. Sharpe }}.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Sitkoff | first = Harvard |year=1978 | title=A New Deal for Blacks | url=https://archive.org/details/newdealforblacks0000sitk|isbn=978-0-19-502418-0|pages=| publisher = Oxford University Press }}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | editor-last=Sitkoff | editor-first = Harvard |year=1985 | title = Fifty Years Later: The New Deal Evaluated | publisher = Knopf | url=https://archive.org/details/fiftyyearslatern0000unse_r1t2 |isbn=978-0-394-33548-3 | type = essays by scholars |author-mask = 3}}.
{{Литература крај}}
=== Спољња политика и Други светски рат ===
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| lastlast1=Berthon| firstfirst1 = Simon| last2=Potts| first2 = Joanna| title = Warlords: An Extraordinary Re-creation of World War II Through the Eyes and Minds of Hitler, Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin| publisher = Da Capo Press|year=2007|isbn=978-0-306-81538-6| postscript = <!--None-->}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Beschloss | first = Michael |authorlink= Michael Beschloss| title = The Conquerors: Roosevelt, Truman, and the destruction of Hitler's Germany, 1941–1945 | url=https://archive.org/details/conquerorsroosev0000besc| publisher = Simon & Schuster | location = New York |year=2002 |isbn=978-0-684-81027-0|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Burns | first = James MacGregor | title = Roosevelt: The Soldier of Freedom | url=https://archive.org/details/rooseveltsoldier0000burn_a1b4| publisher = Harcourt Brace Jovanovich | location = San Diego |year=1970 |isbn=978-0-15-178871-2|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Churchill | first = Winston |authorlink= Winston Churchill | title = [[The Second World War (book series)|The Grand Alliance]] |year=1977 | publisher = Houghton Mifflin Harcourt |isbn=978-0-395-41057-8|pages=}}
* {{Citation | last=Cole | first = Wayne S | title = American Entry into World War II: A Historiographical Appraisal | journal = The Mississippi Valley Historical Review | volume = 43 | issue = 4 |year=1957| jstor = 1902275 | publisher = JStor | doi=10.2307/1902275|pages=595-617595–617 }}.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Dallek | first = Robert |authorlink= Robert Dallek | title = Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932–1945 | url=https://archive.org/details/franklindrooseve0000dall_d4a7 | publisher = Oxford University |year=1995 |isbn=978-0-19-509732-0|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Glantz | first = Mary E | title = FDR and the Soviet Union: The President's Battles over Foreign Policy | url=https://archive.org/details/fdrsovietunionpr0000glan | publisher = University Press of Kansas |year=2005 |isbn=978-0-7006-1365-6|pages=}}, 253 pp.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Hamilton | first = Nigel | title = The Mantle of Command: FDR at War, 1941–1942 | url=https://archive.org/details/mantleofcommandf0000hami | publisher = Houghton Mifflin Harcourt|year=2014| id = }} 514 pp.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Heinrichs | first = Waldo | title = Threshold of War. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and American Entry into World War II | url=https://archive.org/details/thresholdofwarfr0000hein |year=1988 |isbn=978-0-19-504424-9|pages=| publisher = Oxford University Press }}.
* Kaiser, David.{{cite ''book|title=No End Save Victory: How FDR Led the Nation into War'' (2014) [http|url=https://wwwarchive.amazon.comorg/No-End-Save-Victory-Nation/dp/046501982Xdetails/noendsavevictory0000kais|location=|publisher=Basic excerptBooks|isbn=978-0465019823|pages=|last1=Kaiser|first1=David|date=8 andApril text search]2014}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Kimball | first = Warren | title = The Juggler: Franklin Roosevelt as World Statesman | url=https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780691047874 |year=1991 |isbn=978-0-691-04787-4|pages=| publisher = Princeton University Press }}.
* {{Citation |author-link = William L. Langer| lastlast1=Langer | firstfirst1 = William |author2-link = S. Everett Gleason | first2 = S Everett | last2=Gleason | title = The Challenge to Isolation, 1937–1940 |year=1952 | oclc = 1448535}}. ''The Undeclared War, 1940–1941'' (1953) {{OCLC|404227}}. highly detailed and influential two-volume semi-official history
* Mayers, David. ''FDR's Ambassadors and the Diplomacy of Crisis: From the Rise of Hitler to the End of World War II'' (2013)
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Larrabee | first = Eric | title = Commander in Chief: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, His Lieutenants, and Their War | year=1987 | url=https://archive.org/details/commanderinchief0000larr |isbn=978-0-06-039050-1|pages=| publisher = Harper & Row }}. Detailed history of how FDR handled the war.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Reynolds | first = David |authorlink=David Reynolds (English historian) | title = From World War to Cold War: Churchill, Roosevelt, and the International History of the 1940s |year=2006 | url = http://www.questia.com/read/118026998/from-world-war-to-cold-war-churchill-roosevelt |isbn=978-0-19-928411-5|pages=| publisher = OUP Oxford }}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Sainsbury | first = Keith | title = Churchill and Roosevelt at War: The War They Fought and the Peace They Hoped to Make | url=https://archive.org/details/churchillrooseve0000sain| publisher = New York University Press |year=1994 |isbn=978-0-8147-7991-0|pages=}}
* {{Citation |author-link = Robert E. Sherwood| last=Sherwood | first = Robert E |year=1949 | title = Roosevelt and Hopkins: an Intimate History | publisher=Harper | hdl=2027/heb.00749 | isbn=9780060138455 | url = http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.00749 | origyear=1950}}, Pulitzer Prize.
* {{Cite book| reflast=harvWeinberg |author-link first= Gerhard Weinberg| last=WeinbergL | firstauthor-link = Gerhard L Weinberg| title = A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II |year=1994 |hdl=2027/heb.00331 |isbn=978-0-521-44317-3 | url = http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.00331}}. Overall history of the war; strong on diplomacy of FDR and other main leaders.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Woods | first = Randall Bennett |year=1990 | title = A Changing of the Guard: Anglo-American Relations, 1941–1946 | url=https://archive.org/details/changingofguarda0000wood |isbn=978-0-8078-1877-0|pages=| publisher = UNC Press Books }}.
{{Литература крај}}
=== Критика ===
* {{Citation |author-link = Harry Elmer Barnes| last=Barnes | first = Harry Elmer |year=1953 | title = Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: A Critical Examination of the Foreign Policy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Its Aftermath| oclc = 457149}}. A revisionist blames FDR for inciting Japan to attack.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Best | first = Gary Dean |year=1991 | title = Pride, Prejudice, and Politics: Roosevelt Versus Recovery, 1933–1938 | url=https://archive.org/details/prideprejudicepo0000best | publisher = Praeger|isbn=978-0-275-93524-5|pages=}}; summarizes newspaper editorials.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Best | first = Gary Dean |year=2002 | title = The Retreat from Liberalism: Collectivists versus Progressives in the New Deal Years|id url= 0275946568https://archive.org/details/retreatfromliber0000best | publisher = Praeger| isbn = 9780275946562 }} criticizes intellectuals who supported FDR.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | lastlast1=Breitman | firstfirst1 = Richard | first2 = Allan J | last2=Lichtman |author2-link = Allan J. Lichtman |year=2013 | title = FDR and the Jews | url=https://archive.org/details/fdrjews0000brei | publisher = Harvard University Press|isbn=9780674050266| oclc = 812248674}}, 433 pp.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Conkin | first = Paul K |year=1975 | title = New Deal| location = New York | publisher = Crowell |isbn=978-0-690-00810-4|pages=}}, critique from the left.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | lastlast1=Doenecke | firstfirst1 = Justus D | last2=Stoler | first2 = Mark A |year=2005 | title = Debating Franklin D. Roosevelt's Foreign Policies, 1933–1945 | location = Lanham | publisher = Rowman & Littlefield|isbn=978-0-8476-9415-0|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| reflast=harvFeingold | first = Henry L | last=Feingold | title = The Politics of Rescue: The Roosevelt Administration and the Holocaust, 1938–1945 | url=https://archive.org/details/politicsofrescue00henr | publisher = Rutgers University Press |year=1970|isbn=978-0-8135-0664-7| oclc = 98997}}.
* {{Citation |author-link = John T. Flynn| last=Flynn | first = John T |year=1948 | title = The Roosevelt Myth}}, former FDR supporter condemns all aspects of FDR.
* {{Citation |author-link = Raymond Moley| last=Moley | first = Raymond |year=1939 | title = After Seven Years | type = insider memoir by Brain Truster who became conservative}}.
* {{Citation |author-link = Bruce Russett| last=Russett | first = Bruce M |year=1997 | title = No Clear and Present Danger: A Skeptical View of the United States Entry into World War II | edition = 2nd}}, says US should have let USSR and Germany destroy each other.
* {{Citation | last = Plaud | first = Joseph J | year = 2005 | url = http://www.fdrheritage.org/fdr&holocaust.htm | title = Historical Perspectives on Franklin D. Roosevelt, American Foreign Policy, and the Holocaust | publisher = The FDR American Heritage Center Museum | accessdate = 01. 09. 2021 | archive-date = 12. 01. 2014 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20140112085050/http://www.fdrheritage.org/fdr%26holocaust.htm | url-status = dead }}.
* {{Cite book|last=Powell ref|first=harv Jim |author-link = Jim Powell (historian)| last=Powell | first = Jim |year=2003 | title = FDR's Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression |url=https://archive.org/details/fdrsfollyhowroos00powe |isbn=978-0-7615-0165-7|pages=|publisher= Crown Forum }}.
* {{Citation | last=Robinson | first = Greg |year=2001 | title = By Order of the President: FDR and the Internment of Japanese Americans}} says FDR's racism was primarily to blame.
* {{Citation |author-link = Wolfgang Schivelbusch| last=Schivelbusch | first = Wolfgang |year=2006 | title = Three New Deals: Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany, 1933–1939}}, compares populist and paternalist features.
* {{Citation | last=Smiley | first = Gene |year=1993 | title = Rethinking the Great Depression | type = short essay}} by [[либертаријанизам|libertarian]] economist who blames both Hoover and FDR.
* {{Citation |author-link = David Wyman| last=Wyman | first = David S |year=1984 | title = [[The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust 1941–1945]] | publisher = Pantheon Books}}. Attacks Roosevelt for passive complicity in allowing Holocaust to happen.
{{Литература крај}}
=== Реторика ===
* {{Citation | editor1-last=Braden | editor-first = Waldo W | editor2-first = Earnest | editor2-last=Brandenburg |year=1955 | title = Roosevelt's Fireside Chats | journal = Communication Monographs | volume = 22 | issue = 5 | doi=10.1080/03637755509375155|pages=290-302290–302 }}.
* {{Citation | editor1-last=Buhite | editor1-first = Russell D | editor2-first = David W | editor2-last=Levy |year=1993 | title = FDR's Fireside Chats}}.
* {{Citation | last=Craig | first = Douglas B |year=2005 | title = Fireside Politics: Radio and Political Culture in the United States, 1920–1940}}.
* {{Citation | last=Crowell | first = Laura |year=1952 | title = Building the 'Four Freedoms' Speech | journal = Communication Monographs | volume = 22 | issue = 5 | doi=10.1080/03637755509375153|pages=266-83266–83 }}.
* {{Citation | last=Crowell | first = Laura |year=1950 | title = Franklin D. Roosevelt's Audience Persuasion in the 1936 Campaign | journal = Communication Monographs | volume = 17 |author-mask = 3 | doi=10.1080/03637755009374997|pages=48-6448–64 }}.
* {{Citation | last=Houck | first = Davis W |year=2002 | title = FDR and Fear Itself: The First Inaugural Address | publisher = Texas A&M UP}}.
* {{Citation | last=Houck | first = Davis W |year=2001 | title = Rhetoric as Currency: Hoover, Roosevelt, and the Great Depression | publisher = Texas A&M University Press |author-mask = 3}}.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Roosevelt | first = Franklin D. |author-link = Franklin D. Roosevelt |year=2005 | title= My Friends | publisher = Kessinger Publishing |isbn=978-1-4179-9610-0|pages=}}
* {{Citation | last=Ryan | first = Halford Ross |year=1979 | title = Roosevelt's First Inaugural: A Study of Technique | journal = Quarterly Journal of Speech | volume = 65 | issue = 2 | doi=10.1080/00335637909383466|pages=137-49137–49 }}.
* {{Citation | last=Ryan | first = Halford Ross |year=1988 | title = Franklin D. Roosevelt's Rhetorical Presidency | publisher = Greenwood Press |author-mask = 3}}.
* {{Citation | last=Stelzner | first = Hermann G |year=1966 | title = 'War Message,' December 8, 1941: An Approach to Language | journal = Communication Monographs | volume = 33 | issue = 4 | doi=10.1080/03637756609375508|pages=419-37419–37 | s2cid = 144612750 }}.
=== Историографија ===
* Hendrickson, Jr., Kenneth E. "FDR Biographies," in William D. Pederson, ed. ''A Companion to Franklin D. Roosevelt'' (2011) pp. &nbsp;1–14 [https://www.questia.com/read/123510939/a-companion-to-franklin-d-roosevelt online]
* Provizer, Norman W. "Eleanor Roosevelt Biographies," in William D. Pederson, ed. ''A Companion to Franklin D. Roosevelt'' (2011) pp. &nbsp;15–33 [https://www.questia.com/read/123510939/a-companion-to-franklin-d-roosevelt online]
{{Литература крај}}
==== Примарни извори ====
* {{Citation | publisher = Bureau of the Census |year=1951 | url = http://www2.census.gov/prod2/statcomp/documents/1946-01.pdf | title = Statistical Abstract of the United States | format = PDF}}; full of useful data
* {{Citation | publisher = Bureau of the Census |year=1976 | title = Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970}}.
* {{Citation | editor1-last=Cantril | editor-first = Hadley | editor2-first = Mildred | editor2-last=Strunk |year=1951 | title = Public Opinion, 1935–1946}}, massive compilation of many public opinion polls from the USA.
Линија 202 ⟶ 203:
* {{Citation | last=Roosevelt | first = Franklin Delano |author-link = Franklin D. Roosevelt | editor-last=Rosenman | editor-first = Samuel Irving | title = The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt | volume = 13 volumes | origyear=1938 |year=1945 | type = public material only (no letters); covers 1928–1945}}.
* {{Citation | last=Roosevelt | first = Franklin Delano | editor-last=Zevin | editor-first = BD | title = Nothing to Fear: The Selected Addresses of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1932–1945 |year=1946 | type = selected speeches |author-mask = 3}}.
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Roosevelt | first = Franklin Delano | editor-first = Myron C | editor-last=Taylor | others = Prefaces by [[Папа Пије XII|Pius XII]] and [[Хари Труман|Harry Truman]] | title = Wartime Correspondence Between President Roosevelt and Pope Pius XII | publisher = Kessinger Publishing | origyear=1947 | type = reprint |year=2005 |isbn=978-1-4191-6654-9 |author-mask = 3}}.
* -{''The Documentary History of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidency'' (47 vol. 1995, University Press of America) [http://cisupa.proquest.com/ws_display.asp?filter=upa_intermediate&item_id={312485BA-4146-4BD2-91D2-4314C14607CA} table of contents] {{Wayback|url=http://cisupa.proquest.com/ws_display.asp?filter=upa_intermediate&item_id=%7B312485BA-4146-4BD2-91D2-4314C14607CA%7D |date=20170510090921 }}}-
{{Литература крај}}
== Спољашње везе ==
{{Commonscat|Franklin Delano Roosevelt}}
* -{[http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/ Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum]}-
* -{[http://www.nps.gov/frde/ Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial], Washington, DC}-
Линија 215 ⟶ 214:
* -{[http://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/presidents/fdroosevelt/index.html Franklin Delano Roosevelt: A Resource Guide] from the [[Конгресна библиотека|Library of Congress]]}-
* -{[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151628-1/life-portrait-franklin-d-roosevelt "Life Portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', October 11, 1999}-
* -{[http://video.pbs.org/video/1049332797 ''The Presidents: FDR''] {{Wayback|url=http://video.pbs.org/video/1049332797 |date=20151127155559 }} – an ''[[American Experience]]'' documentary}-
* {{Dmoz|Society/History/By_Region/North_America/United_States/Presidents/Roosevelt,_Franklin_Delano}}
* {{Gutenberg author | id=Roosevelt,+Franklin+D.+(Franklin+Delano) | name=Franklin Delano Roosevelt}}
Линија 225 ⟶ 224:
{{Председници САД}}
{{Личност године магазина Тајм}}
{{нормативна контрола}}
{{DEFAULTSORTСОРТИРАЊЕ:Рузвелт, Френклин Делано}}
[[Категорија:Рођени 1882.]]
[[Категорија:Умрли 1945.]]
[[Категорија:Председници САД]]
[[Категорија:Гувернери Њујорка]]
[[Категорија:АмеричкиЧланови сенаториДемократске странке (САД)]]
[[Категорија:Демократска странка (САД)]]